Daylight Robbery
Daylight Robbery
| 29 August 2008 (USA)
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Alex masterminds an ambitious plan to steal millions of untraceable cash that is stacked in the underground vaults of The London Exchange Bank, waiting for its last journey, Incineration. Lucky, Matty, Terry, Chubby, Norman and Jay make up his unlikely gang of robbers. Setting up their alibi, the gang check in for a flight and join in with thousands of England supporters that are part of a mass exodus to The World Cup Tournament in Germany.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
MBunge An English bank heist flick, Daylight Robbery is a decent hour-and-a-half of entertainment. Its unadorned, bare bones storytelling is a bit bracing and it's script manages to hit you with just enough surprises in genuinely surprising places. The ending is a bit odd, with writer/director Paris Leonti apparently thinking he made his characters much more endearing and three dimensional than he really did, and Leonti hews much closer to reality than the colorful eccentricity common to British crime drama. This is like a streamlined and less complex version of the American bank robbery film Inside Man, something which it seems to acknowledge itself.At the start of the World Cup in Germany, a band of criminals back their van through the front doors of a London bank and proceed to rob it. One of them is seriously injured at the start, but they manage to recover quickly from that and terrorize the bank manager into opening the vault. As the authorities surround the bank, however, it's not clear how they plan to get away with their ill gotten gains. The answer to that is almost shockingly old fashioned and the few additional twists the story throws at you make it clear that Daylight Robbery isn't trying to blow you away by showing you something you've never seen before. This is more like a friendly visit to a place you've been before that reminds you of what you enjoyed about it the first time you were there.As long as you don't come into it with expectations that are too high, I think you'll like this motion picture. The plot is smart, yet still straight forward. The characters have just slightly more personality than they need to service the plot. The direction isn't flashy but it effectively balances danger and comedy while portraying the bank robbers as both hardened criminals and men with some sort of moral code. The bank heist flick is a well worn genre and new entries usually try to do something overly clever or energetic to get noticed. That's not Daylight Robbery. This production isn't trying to break any boundaries, smash any clichés or overwhelm the audience with how hip and snazzy it is.Its modest intentions don't allow this movie to be a "must see", but I certainly recommend it for anyone who wants to have a good time.
miles-185 I think the fact that this movie is already on television for free says it all really. All or nearly all of the positive reviews are written by shills.This movie is dire, you find yourself waiting a long time for things to happen which never arrive, the acting was weak, awful in some parts. The heist itself was not clever or well executed, and basically took an hour to show what could have been done in five or ten minutes. I can't comment on the ending because i turned it off and went to sleep. Really.Avoid at all costs, I like rubbish low budget British movies but this really really isn't worth it.
ian1000 Firstly, as others have said, the premise is unconvincing, and this is most certainly NOT an Italian Job.That having been said, the film is an enjoyable British crime film, though not a Guy Ritchie bungling criminals caper at all - these characters are unpleasant, menacing and ruthless. The bungled start of the raid soon takes a dark twist.The actors are a collection of low budget cockneys - Del Synott and Shaun Parkes from Lock Stock (TV show), Vas (Rory Breaker) from Lock Stock (movie) and even Shaun Williamson from Eastenders (and an Extras victim).The scale and shape of the police operation is totally unrealistic, and Williamson does not have the presence to be the cop in charge. It all compares badly to Dog Day Afternoon, Inside Man, and The Bank Job.But never mind, I enjoyed it anyway, and the conclusion of the story, together with the manner in which it arrived, was unexpected (perhaps I was not concentrating).The opening of the final scene seems to be a nod to The Italian Job!
intelearts OK - firstly, why are all the 10* reviews from people with only one review? Secondly, to equate this to the Italian Job (Even the new version!) is a bloody insult.It is just a basic stick-up job with lots of shouting and screams at the beginning, some ludicrous device about how to get money out of a City of London bank (Sure banks have with some 70 million have no motion detectors...) in the middle, and an OK third part where it all goes wrong.It is just a mess, too chaotic; no or very little humour or charm, and after the first half-hour I had completely lost interest.It is seems from the ground up a Let's Make A Lads Film - even down to the obligatory brunette as hostage - and I just ended up feeling that the writers sat around a table and said "Well lads, what would guys like in this?" "Right, football (There isn't any), hardnuts, big haul of cash, mockney accents, and hard attitudes, stupid cops etc;" and originality be damned.If this is the best crime movie (It's not a heist movie - it's way too blatant to even get near that category) since the Italian Job - then we're all in the deepest poo...NOT recommended Watch it when it comes on Sky, which it will forever...
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