| 28 February 2007 (USA)
DarkPlace Trailers

A hillbilly giant and the local preacher exorcise their ritual of dark cleansing by locking you up inside an ancient box forcing you to face your inner demons. But when a 10 year old boy is locked up inside, his darkest fears sets loose an inferno of relentless evil.

SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
dcmsn First ten minutes is all that is needed to see whole movie since then it is repeated over and over.First the title of the movie should of been Want to see a DarkPlace a few thousand times? The actors are just showing up and reading off of big cue cards held by the other actors. The horror scenes are lame and have been done on TV since the 60s.There is no main character that anyone would care about so whats the point of showing the same bad scenes over with the cast of 5.I would be embarrassed to have my name attached to this mess of clips thrown together by picking numbers out of a hat.
Heislegend I couldn't agree more with the previous review here that this film is, at the very least, incoherent. About half way through the movie you'll have no clue what's going on and the movie isn't trying hard to make you even care. Disjointed and pointless, this movie just doesn't seem to try or care. There are plenty of movies out there that are bad but at least look like the makers really tried. I can at least respect that. This is not one of those films. If this was a student film it would probably deserve a decent grade (unless story counts)...but that doesn't mean it warrants a release.I can't in good conscience recommend this trash to anyone. Period.
matches81 Now that movie was incoherent. The first 45 minutes none of the main "characters" meet and all you see is a lot of scenes standing for their own with simply no line connecting them. At last two of the main characters meet and I got the hope that it would get better from here on, but sadly: It didn't. Adding to the confusion was that you don't get any clue whether a complete scene or only one object in the scene is real or imaginative. So, overall the movie completely fails to deliver something like a plot, simply due to sheer confusion and incoherence. Good thing there was a summary on the DVD case (basically the same that you can read here): Without that it would have been hard to figure out even that tiny bit of a plot from the movie itself. That aside, the acting isn't that bad, with a few scenes nearing good. Sadly the supposed father either wears a dead rat as a wig or the hair stylist did a tremendous job making his hair look fake and I couldn't shake the impression that the father and Ian were played by the same actor. Especially bad when there are lots of cuts going from Ian in the present to his father in the past and back and so on.If you want a lesson in incoherency, watch this movie. Otherwise don't.