Dark Angel: The Ascent
Dark Angel: The Ascent
| 31 August 1994 (USA)
Dark Angel: The Ascent Trailers

A demoness from Hell, Veronica Iscariot, uninterested in tormenting the souls of damned sinners, ascends to the world above and finds our world full of evil and corruption. Veronica decides her mission in life is to punish the wicked and evil and goes about this with a bloody vengeance. Along the way she meets and falls in love with a doctor, Max Barris, who tends her wounds after an accident.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
logantoxic Dark Angel is a Top Tier straight to video film. It is about a demon escaping hell for our modern world and she runs into a handsome doctor. Will she find love??? It is like the little mermaid FROM HELL. What really sticks out is the Hell sequence. You have to respect how the director shot Hell with such a low budget, it had a very nice Gothic atmosphere which is what you would think of what Hell should look like. You also have to respect their interpretation of hell. The demons below worship God, not Satan, and they believe they are God's servants just doing their job, which is to torture sinners. It is a subtle twist of hell but it was a nice surprise to me because I never thought of hell like that. If a movie makes you questions certain beliefs or imaginings, I feel it has done its job and that is only in the first 5 minutes of the film. The movie also does a good job by being a classic fish out of water story. What is normal in Hell is definitely not normal in the real world. The movie is really cheesy but in a good way and there are faults to the movie but you have to forgive them, mostly based on their low budget. Overall a pretty good showing of classic love story. Highly recommended!!for more reviews visit my Youtube: Logan Toxic and my blog logantoxic.blogspot
capncrusty When I saw Charles Band's name attached to this one, I should have known it would smell worse than the pit from which the title character came. One has to wonder with whom the "starlet" slept, for it obviously wasn't her "acting" that got her the nod. As for the other characters, I can't recall ever seeing such a mish-mash of robotic emoting combined with overacting so ludicrous that it would have been over-the-top even in a spoof.I find it amazing that this gobbler got such a high rating. Apparently the entire crew, plus their families, friends and pets must have been the only ones that voted. Overall, the DVD of "Dark Angel" is not worth the hellfire to melt it. Give it a miss.
curvycom I don't know, but I do!!! I'm almost embarrassed to admit it. The thing is, that this is a b movie, but there are some intriguing things about it.Well educated folks have filled me in on the fact that the theology of this movie is not that far fetched if, for example, you know anything about the theology of the eastern church—but hell, all I have a crappy US public school, whole language, Dick-and-Jane, politically correct education, so I merely found it an intriguing premise. In fact, if it weren't for Open Office, this review would be full of spelling errors as well! Some of the criticism is well founded. The acting is pretty bad—although, to me it seems to improve after the first scene—like they're getting warmed up. The two sisters kind of sound like porn actresses at first. But after Veronica leaves Hell, her acting seems better to me, like she's caught her stride. It seems like she plays the part perfectly from then on.The Romanian sets are stunning and most of the other actors are just fine. There's a lot of humor in this film. The dog is hilarious.My only real complaint about this film is the mayor. How do show that a public official is really really bad? You simply have him articulate some conservative views. That whole big + rich + conservative = bad thing is a tired plot device, which wasn't really necessary in this movie. There are plenty of less tired ways to establish that a character in a position of power is evil.I'd give 10 stars for this b grade masterpiece if it were not for that.
Random-20 Dark Angel The Ascent is undoubtedly the best low-budget film to ever be made. The special effects are superb, the acting is beyond expectable, and the story is surprisingly good for a low-budget film. Though, the one part that seems to pull this movie together is the talented and titillating Angela Featherstone; who showcases her multiple talents in this movie.