Dangerous Touch
Dangerous Touch
| 01 January 1994 (USA)
Dangerous Touch Trailers

A promiscuous radio sex therapist is dragged into blackmail by a young hustler.

Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
lilmsscareall ...is so weird for me to think of! Although it seems almost pornographic at times, given the context of the lead's profession(sex therapist)and the fiery relationship with LDP, I grew up on this movie. I kept finding it on HBO when I was like 8...on vacation in motel rooms, at our house when HBO mysteriously started appearing for free and we didn't complain. And I taped it one night, and then watched it a few other times. It's an odd childhood favorite, LOL, but it's up there on my list with The Little Mermaid, Jurassic Park, and E.T. =) It's a good movie for a lazy Sunday in bed with your lover/spouse bc the plot is somewhat interesting and entertaining, both leads are fairly attractive, and it will almost certainly encourage sex to occur before the credits role. Don't expect miracles from this movie, but it's worth a look. Not what I would classify as 'family viewing'!!
tfrizzell A radio sex therapist (Kate Vernon) falls for a mysterious man (Lou Diamond Phillips) who is actually an ex-con and soon she gets caught in a crazed web of lies, deceit and sexual blackmail. Underworld figures and hired thugs aplenty in this silly would-be thriller that shows a little more skin and a little more stupidity than most others of the sorry genre. Phillips' attempt at directing a theatrical feature falls flat due to late-night cable ideas and a cast that seems dazed by the entire venture. Vernon is made out to be smart and sophisticated, but she falls under Phillips' spell almost immediately. Thankfully, most viewers with any taste will not fall under any incantation this movie throws at them. Turkey (0 stars out of 5).
flimbuff Kate Vernon comes off very well as a radio talk show host who wants to fulfill her own fantasies as well as give advice to her listeners.Problem predictably develops when she involves herself in a situation with one of her callers that leads to a video tape and blackmail for the caller's not predictable reasons.Lou Diamond Phillips does a pretty good job of directing but he miscast himself as the male lead. Otherwise this is far better than most of the genre and Ms. Vernon is awfully sexy.
yojimbo999 ...and could actually be better than most of the vile garbage that comes out of Hollywood lately. Has an interesting premise, and at first you expect it to be another mindless "erotic thriller" (it did go straight to video), but the second half hour springs the "thriller" part that most of these erotic thrillers lack (or never had). Pretty interesting movie.Direction isn't exactly innovative, but pretty fair. Richie Valens actually came off as threatening, hard to do since he's about a foot shorter than the female lead (nothing personal, but I think he could have done better if he didn't star in it, too). There were parts of this movie that had me bamboozled -- I thought it was going one way and it went the other way out of nowhere.Excellent first try from Mister La Bamba. I wonder if he's done anything since...?
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