Dancing Queen
Dancing Queen
| 18 January 2012 (USA)
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The next mayor of Seoul candidate's wife becomes a dance singer in this movie as Hwang Jeong-min takes on the role of poor lawyer turned politician and Uhm Jung-hwa as the wife who makes an attempt at singing without her husband knowing at first.

Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
fluffset I really love this movie, I don't expecting too much when I decided to watching this because I thought its just a decent comedy movie but its not. The first reason why I choose to check out on this movie is Hwang Joon Ming, great korean actors since I first watching him in 'A man who was a superman' which is a great movie too. He's not disappointing at all, very pleasant to watch. Then, I have no other reason after all. But, I'm glad there is no regret because I enjoyed so much watching this movie. About a husband and wife story, what will happen when the husband want to be a politician and the wife want to be a k-pop singer like the girl generation?! Wasn't it awkward? That's what the story is, korean cinema always come up with their great new fresh idea. How they deal with the plot and character development is so great and realistic although this kind of thing will never happen in the real world. That's what the movie is, brought something that never exist in this real plain world. Great movie, great cast, ignore the rating, highly recommended!
cremea Spoilers, Spoilers, Spoilers.Dancing Queen is a South Korean comedy/melodrama/romance that revolves around the relationship of a young couple rapidly approaching middle age.Here's your story: Boy meets girl…they grow up, then grow apart, meet again later in life, fall in love, get married, have kids…boom; flash forward to their mid life doldrums. This all literally happens in a span of 10 minutes of movie run time.Hubby and wife each now go through their daily routines, and though they love each other, they each long to recapture their youth and past glory before "being married with kids" got in the way. They each maintain their secret & separate lives as well; not in an unfaithful marital way, but she still loves to sing and dance it up with her old party friends, and he likes to hang out with his old drinking buds and talk about guy stuff. Life for the married couple is going "OK enough", but, it is somewhat unfulfilling for the both of them. His once promising and ambitious career path has resulted in a low level civil rights law practice that is going nowhere, and, she…well, she is tired of doing the dishes & laundry day after day. Soon enough though, they are each presented an opportunity to realize their past dreams, and they each take full advantage to seize them…he starts off on a budding & whirlwind political career that soon has him running for mayor one of the biggest cities in the world…she secretly tries out for the Korean version of a show similar to American Idol and ends up being the front woman for a chart rising K-Pop girl idol group (think Girls Generation, Kara, et al…, except it's comprised of older girls/women).As for the acting: I like both the primary leads here quite a bit…it's an excellent pairing, and both stars have a very strong on screen chemistry together that benefits this film considerably. The male lead is played by Hwang Jung-min; he's been in a ton of stuff over the years, and he's a very polished and diverse actor…he doesn't have matinée idol looks, but he's good looking enough and I think he's just now entering the prime of career. He really excels at playing the "everyman" regardless of what his role is, and he just gets more and more charismatic with each passing year. The lead actress is played by Eom Jeong-hwa…she used to be a an actual K-Pop star or singer/musician ages ago if memory serves, but gave that up to concentrate on acting (and, although I'm not familiar with her work in her former field, I think she clearly made the right choice because she can really act); I've seen her in a several films over the years and she's always been solid and sexy, and, this a role she is perfectly suited for. Both of the leads, working together, really make this movie better than it has any right to be.The rest of the cast is rounded out with a bunch of secondary characters that get their jobs done well enough…they include girlfriend of lead actress, wife's parents, girl band members, politicians, talent scout, and the young daughter of the two leads (who is as equally adorable as she is sardonic…she perfectly reflects what you would expect from the offspring of the two lead characters, and, she may have been my favorite part of this film…I wish she was featured a little bit more actually).This movie has a lot going for it…though it's approx 2 hours in length, it zips along at a rapid fire pace from one scene to the next. It's often highly amusing and entertaining, and frequently more "foul mouthed" than you might be accustomed to for a Korean production of this genre (not that I give a sh*t about that). Sadly though, it eventually turns its attention from being a quick witted romantic adult comedy into a sappy melodramatic finale…I wish it didn't take that route, as it was a big huge ball of fun for the most part…but, this is a Korean cinematic story after all, so it didn't surprise me…despite this, I still liked the film plenty well enough.So, when all is said and done, we're looking at light hearted & silver tongued middle aged rom-com that's pretty solid overall…then, you must deal with the melodrama that results…Can hubby & wife maintain their marriage and find love once again, despite the pressures of their new found fame and fortune (and everything that goes with it)?...I guess you'll have to watch and see for yourself! Bottom line: I'll give it 7 out of 10 stars…It's certainly not great or ground breaking in any way, but I did enjoy it for the most part, and, I don't regret watching it. My GF (who is Korean and in the target age group) could not stop laughing throughout, until she started crying uncontrollably when the screws were turned…I wrote this whole review and she's still going through the tissues…Uh Oh; she's giving me the "evil eye"…Gotta Go!