a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
this movie is the worst of all in Turkish horror movies!I even prefer the Turkish version of the Exorcist!and that film was made at least 3 decades ago.i can't believe how this movie scares people!the acting was as if the people were actually acting at a theater!even the Turkish dubbing is horrible!special make up artistry is definitely beyond words at the negative-adjective list of mine! :) this movie has given me the feeling that it's just a movie for the last project to finish college or something. it was really an amateur movie. i don't recommend watching it to anybody!it's just a waste of time!trust me! or maybe you should watch it so that you can see the difference between a bad and a good movie and appreciate the better ones more! :)
I happened to watch the film. It is a complete disaster. The scenes are not related, they just portray some awful elements. As an example, the three main characters appear in the middle of nowhere and then discuss the suicide of their friends, later they do the same on top of a steam locomotive. There no connecting scenes. The subject is not examined enough, instead lots of recurring scenes are inserted in the film. If it was an American film, it will probably have the half of its running time. The actors of the film just talk about the main subject and this makes the film boring. As I sad before lack of connecting scenes makes the film one of the worst of its kind. I hope the subject/main plot will later filmed more professionally in the near future.
demir efe
the beginning of this film you will read this;''They see us from the place that we can't see them from.''In Islam the mean of that is; ''JINN''.They are living and they can watch us from the other side.If you believe the Jinns and if you know the real things about them you will like this film.''Dabbe - D@bbe'' is first Islamic horror in the world.It has a brilliant and creative script. In the movie,Hande who is the one of the main characters of ''D@bbe'' say the near of seaside;'' Till my soul is formed to stone.My mask is cleaned from dirtsThe biggest loneliness, surround the earth,become prettier with your judgement.Dead one give life to your section.Tell me who you are?''It was very difficult for me to the understanding of these words above... I watched ''dabbe'' again and again.So now,I can feel for that director ''Hasan Karacadag'' why wrote this poem.Please read carefully!!
This movie is sooo bad that it is good at the end. It'll probably become a cult movie, I have friends who have seen it >3 times, just because it is so much fun. From the screenplay to the acting, everything is so mind-blowingly poor, too poor to be explained by lack of money. Well, it looks like all the money was actually spent for the opening credits, but that is another story. What makes the movie beautiful is that it wasn't meant this way, Dabbe takes itself seriously, it wasn't meant to be funny. I think it is a must see, although at more than one scene the stupidity of the main character made me want to turn off the whole thing. Hang in there, it is worth it!