Cyborg Cop
Cyborg Cop
| 05 October 1993 (USA)
Cyborg Cop Trailers

Ex-DEA agent Jack receives an emergency message from his brother Phillip, whose team was ambushed on the Caribbean island of St. Keith. Jack goes to St. Keith to find his brother, who has been turned into a cyborg by the drug runner he was after.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Wordiezett So much average
Micitype Pretty Good
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
swedzin I miss the 90s I really do, and I remember this film profoundly when I was a kid especially the sex scene, kidding . Now, let's get serious and cut to the chase. Cyborg cop is one of those low-budget films that were inspired by the popularity of "Terminator 2". Of course, this is not your typical "Terminator" movie, but still it has some entertainment for home video. This is also one of the first rare movies that includes hard core "Commando" like action, cyborgs and martial arts. And I think that makes this movie pretty cool. Our leading hero is Jack Ryan (typical name for all American movie hero from low budget films, you know, the usual names are John, Jack, Bill, Ray, James, Jim, Mason, Matrix you know, the cool, strong sounding names), the DEA agent. He received a message from his brother who disappeared in action somewhere in Caribbean islands and of course, he convinced (through violence) his boss to go there and investigate what happened with his brother Phillip. And over there, he finds out that there's more than some drug traffic, like more action scenes, and meeting a sexy reporter Kate, and of course a secret laboratory for cyborgs. And now, it's on you already know how this kind of movies end. Jack is played by David Bradley (best known for American Ninja sequels and American Samurai), a martial artist and actor who well, as you can see, acting his not his tougher side, but he gave us an interesting fighting scenes. But the character was interestingly written, with his "I don't give a damn" attitude, leather jackets and his waist bag, which he also has in the sequel. As a main villain, we have John Rhys Davies wait a minute He is a good actor, if not the best actor in the entire film, I never realized how some of good actors end up in a low budget, crappy films. But, John did several of them, so I think he was OK with that, he is the main, rich scientist called Kessler who created cyborg. He did pretty well in the film, but on occasions, he looked like some cliché, silly villain, with white suit and walking cane, with ridiculous accent. The leading lady Kate is played by Alonna Shaw. Ohhhh, that sexiness the lovely blonde of the early 90s love that, you remember her perhaps from Double Impact (1991), she was here just to look hot and have a sex scene with Jack, because her acting is also not that good. Jack's brother Philip is played by Todd Jensen, yet another low budget actor, I have seen him so many low budget films. And, there is a supporting villain, a cyborg named well, just cyborg, really menacing prototype who makes an interesting, mad faces, the dude looks funny and his, I mean, the "cyborg outfit", masked leg and arm, that looks like an expensive Halloween costume. Oh and I love those funny explosive, remote control airplanes and Jamaicans cheering for a good fight when Jack is taking over the bar Oh, and a fact that cyborgs were built by a German scientist now that was extremely funny and really unusual cliché.
Anthony Bannon (bannonanthony) Another film which I picked up a low-price DVD release of. This is the first David Bradley film I've seen. I have videos of American NINJA 3 & 4 but I haven't really watched either of them yet. I can see why they cast Bradley in those films as he looks like a taller, dark-haired version of Michael Dudikoff. Hell, original American NINJA director Sam Firstenberg directs here. Bradley, who plays disgraced DEA agent Jack Ryan, is a great martial artist and his acting abilities are pretty good as well, but sometimes he goes over the top for the sake of 'drama', especially in the scene where he confronts the DEA boss about the mission he sent Jack's brother on a mission he was supposedly killed during.In keeping with the title of the film, Jack's brother Philip has in fact been turned into a prototype cyborg killer by drug-dealing kingpin Kessel (John Rhys-Davies). Davies is great as the bad guy in the film (wearing the trademark Firstenberg white suit, as worn by the villains in the first two American NINJA pictures) but what's the deal with his accent. It's constantly shifting. Is he supposed to be South African or what? That said, Davies excels as the main bad guy. He get a lot of funny lines. For example, after one incompetent employee is shot dead by his henchman and falls against a wall, staining it with blood, Kessel moans 'I just had that wall painted!'.Another great performance is given by the late Rufus Swart as Quincy, Kessel's cyborg enforcer. He is an emotionless killing machine who seems virtually unstoppable. I knew Swart had played a rather wussy character in the MST3K film SPACE MUTINY, so it surprised me that they'd cast him as a TERMINATOR character. But he looks really menacing and executes several people in a rather grisly way. He has a great fight with Jack in the middle and at the end of the movie.One annoying performance is given by Alonna Shaw as Kate (or Cathy as the credits call her), a nosey reporter. Well, she's annoying at first but then turns out okay as she starts to fall for Jack. Jack gives her the cold treatment at first because of the press coverage her paper gave of the incident which lead to his disgrace at the start of the film, but he cuts her some slack eventually. Like most action movie romances, this one develops very quickly and causes you to go 'Huh?', but it sure beats them fighting. Most of the big action is saved for the climax of the picture, and Firstenberg handles it brilliantly. In conclusion, CYBORG COP is flawed, but that doesn't stop it from being entertaining. But I'm still glad I got it cheap.
Peter L. Petersen (KnatLouie) This movie wasn't as bad as I'd expected it to be. The plot: a renegade cop, Jack (David Bradley, great B-action-flick guy) goes into the jungle (in Jamaica I think), to find his lost brother, who has been turned into a cyborg by a charismatic bad guy, Kessel (played by John Rhys-Davies in perhaps one of his best roles ever) - while looking for him, Jack encounters many bad guys whose asses he must kick, and he also scores with some bimbo (Played by Alonna Shaw, who probably is a nice person in real life, but p*ssed me off in the movie) The Highlight of the movie is the Evil Cyborg, Quincy (played by Rufus Swart, who I don't think said a single word during the entire movie..and it appears to be his last movie too!) - he has this really cool knife-glove he puts on to slash his enemies, looks great! I won't reveal to much about the movie, go see it! It's brilliant! I laughed my ass of, especially at the end, when Jack fools's brilliantly written and conceived! (or maybe not)I give this movie 6/10, because it's very entertaining, but still a crap-flick though...the tourist-bag Jack wears throughout the movie looked so silly, maybe that's why the bad guys aren't afraid of him, because he looks like a total wussy, with a gold belt... John Rhys-Davies has a lot of good lines, and he steals EVERY scene he's in.. the same goes whenever Rufus Swart is in a scene, his foamy rubber "cyborg-legs/arms" looks hilariously cheap!HEY! LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU!
ELPSYCHO_WHW Well if your like me and you love these cheap martial arts/Sci-fi films made in the mid 90's when the Karate film genre was big then this is no exception. David Bradley (king of TV movies) is the hero in this one and he has to try and rescue his brother from, believe it or not none other than John Rhys-Davies. His accent is very bad i'm not sure if its a poor british accent or an African one. The highlight of the film is that Bradley wears a massive black leather Bum Bag (or fanny Pack) throughout the film and never takes it off even when hes fighting! He co ordinates this fine piece of clothing with a gold belt. The fighting isn't too bad and the action is ok. I would recommend buying it for a bit of fun.