Cyborg Cop II
Cyborg Cop II
R | 01 September 1994 (USA)
Cyborg Cop II Trailers

Jack, a cop, loses his partner to a crazed terrorist during a hostage rescue sending the man to death row. What Jack doesn't know is that the terrorist will be taken and turned into a cyborg for the "Anti-Terrorist Group".

SpecialsTarget Disturbing yet enthralling
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Yash Wade Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Leofwine_draca By all rights, CYBORG COP 2 should be a piece of trash and by all rights, it is. A cheap and cheerful rip-off of better sci-fi films (in particular TERMINATOR 2, with which it shares many stylistic similarities), it's made without an ounce of originality and yet plenty of enthusiasm, to the degree that it actually turns out to be entertaining to watch. Yes, it's a piece of trash through and through, but it's entertaining trash – and I'll take entertaining trash over a boring blockbuster any day of the week.The plot is unconnected to the first film, and one again there are no cybernetic cops, although we do get low-rent action man David Bradley returning as the hero. This time around he's up against a villain clearly influenced by ROBOCOP's Clarence Boddiker, and there's an absolute ton of action thrown in along the way as he battles an army of unstoppable cyborgs. I don't know where Firstenberg got his budget, but the movie is chock full of cheesy fight scenes and endless explosions; barely a minute goes by without extras being gunned down in slow motion by the robotic army.Some aspects of the production are intensely irritating, like the endless and moronic musical score, played on an organ for the most part, which really saps life from many of the scenes. The editing is pretty dodgy too with a couple of shots transposed and most of the action filmed in a repetitive way. Bradley's acting is terrible as is that of the rest of the cast, although I did gain enjoyment from Morgan Hunter's ultra-hammy bad guy. But this is a movie for trash fans all the way.
bronsonskull72 David Bradley stars as Jack Ryan (No relation obviously to Harrison Ford or Alec Baldwin's character from Patriot Games and Hunt For Red October) who takes on the crook he killed, after the scientists automate him (Why?) Naturally this leads to lots of shooting and stilted action which makes no sense and for the most part comes off as a bore. David Bradley has to be the worst action star ever, every movie he makes seems worse than the other and Cyborg Cop II is a lame title since there is no cop that is cybernetic. Also if memory serves me, this has little relation with the first, which was indescribably better. This is as lame as Robocop rip offs get and really unless you suffer from insomnia (Like I do, which explains why I sat through American Ninja 5, American Samurai, this and more on Spike TV) this is hardly worth watching.1/5 Matt Bronson Review brought to you courtesy of Spike TV and their midnight airing.
RawLyrixx I just watched this movie 2 days ago and i was tempted to see the reviews. In a nutshell, this movie sucks. The voice of the cyborgs are beyond ridiculous and the special effects the product of what you'd learn in a semester at Heald College.The whole film was laced with unreal fights and the worst dialogue i have ever seen in a movie... and i've seen a lot. The writer/director obviously made a pathetic attempt to add some intellectual value to the movie by having a scientist explain the anatomy of the cyborg "Spraticus" in one seen, but all it did was make me laugh even more.The "key" scene in this movie was when the good cop, called out Sparticus for a fight. It was a pathetic attempt at a serious dramatic scene. Whats worse is that Sparticus responds with " YOU..LOSE..HUMAN" --- how cheesy is that? The last fight was ridiculous beyond belief when i saw the cyborg jump 30 feet in the air... 30 FEET! Then i knew the movie had just gone too far.Did the cast and crew of this movie actually think it was going to be a success? I hope they all found new jobs after this failure. You want cyborgs? Watch Jean Clause Van Dammes movie "Cyborg".
Sic Coyote This is a really fun action movie! Sure the plot is stupid, the acting is bad, and the special effects arn't special, but it's all done in such a superbly bad way! Jack is back! David Bradley is great at playing the cliche renegade cop out for revenge! In fact he is the best actor in the movie and the best at kicking a**! You just can't stop laughing at the texan who lapses into cockney, the hobbling cyborgs with one leg bigger that the other, the over the top heroics of Jack giving it to the cyborgs with both barrels! Also see the great locations they have for shoot-outs, all those places to fall from! Oh yeah and virtually nobody dies without it being in slow motion and totally over the top! It's tough to judge which is better Cyborg Cop or Cyborg Cop II, they are just both so chock a block with cliches and hilarious.9/10
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