PG | 11 May 2011 (USA)
Cutback Trailers

High School senior Luke Harris dreams of just one thing... pro surfing. But Luke's parents have other ideas: pick a college and grow up! When Luke learns that a spot is opening up on the local surf team, he see's his big chance to prove to his parents that he can make it as a surfer and avoid being shipped off to school. When a devastating tragedy strikes, Luke is forced to take a hard look at his life with the help of the beautiful "church-girl" Emily and his youth pastor.

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
bkoganbing For those who believe that all the events of our lives is part of an infinite design Cutback will certainly provide reasons for that belief. With a cast of unknowns this is a decent Christian film.Our protagonist is Justin Schwann who has surfing and girls on his mind as a lot of California kids do. He seems somewhat aimless and that concerns his parents Greg Carlson and Raquel Gardner. It's Gardner who has the religion thing and she pushes Schwann into the church's local youth ministry.With one bad tragedy in his future, Schwann's whole life of course is changed and even said tragedy has a place in the universal scheme of things. In any event church youth group seems a proper fit for him and it works out for all concerned.Given that this is a Christian film it will have certain parameters it has to follow. Follow them Cutback does. It's a nice production, but I think in the secular world it will meet with a lot of scoffing.
Rick Warda I watched this with my family. We like to watch family wholesome films. Although we accept the fact that good family orientated and especially Christian films may be a bit "lower budget" this one had enough good ingredients where it could have and should have been much better. The main actors carried the film and the supportive actors caused some scenes to be less than believable. While it seemed to take too long to get going it reached an emotional peak around the 70% mark. Which made us all feel like this has finally gotten good I wonder how it will end. Then... Big Letdown the Climax was so poorly executed that one had to stop and wonder "did I miss something" and to kill it, the last scene with the voice over/distant couple was so improperly done I wished I could have been there to help them on this. But all in all, the story and main actors did a great job and I must say I was entertained and touched.
mairtino The previous reviewers couldn't have been watching the same unadulterated rubbish that infected my DVD player with it's religious recruitment nonsense....admittedly a lot different than a lot of mainstream movies...but that doesn't make it watchable. 4.2 out of 10 is way too kind. Save your money and if you want to do something religious go to Church. I am a practising Catholic and I have to say that I found this film offensive really in much the same manner that I find Jehovas Witnesses knocking on my door a tad offensive or intrusive. Religion is about choice and had this film been honest in it's description instead of pretending to be about surfing then I would've made the choice not to watch it. I watch films for entertainment and go to Church for my religion.The only thing this film made me question about myself was why was I watching such drivel.
tkellogg Great family movie, very touching story of teens finding their way in a difficult world. So good to see movies being made for the preteen age group that don't have to involve graphic love scenes or gory violence! I truly enjoyed watching this movie with my kids, and afterward, we had some great discussions about life choices and the consequences that can follow. We could use more movies like these, that can demonstrate the joy we feel in finding Christ in our lives and following Him. Teens face so many pressures and confusing messages in our world today, and I truly appreciate the message that "Cutback" sends--you do not have to face these pressures and choices alone, God will walk with you every step of the way!