Crazy Lips
Crazy Lips
| 26 February 2000 (USA)
Crazy Lips Trailers

After her brother is accused of murdering four people, his sister, desperate to prove his innocence, goes to a psychic for help. The price they ask, however, is far more than she expected, and the answers they give her are nothing she could ever have imagined. And what is the FBI doing investgating a murder in Japan?

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
ElijahCSkuggs It seems that every bozo who's written a comment for this movie has eventually come to a point and admitted that they gave up with trying to follow the plot. But not me! I stuck it out, and I'll now tell you exactly what transpired in Crazy Lips.Nah, I'm messing with you. I gave up as well. I did. Here's a quick glimpse into what Crazy Lips has to offer. The flick starts off with a family being bombarded by news reporters who want answers about their possible murdering brother. They hire some crazy psychic broad who can remote-sense through telephone lines, then there's her boob squeezin' obsessed side-kick. Then you find out one of the sisters has some type of super mind control power that she uses to kill people with, then the psychic chick orders 'ceremonies' on the entire family that basically just rapes them.....I can go on and on with the whackiness on display here. And it only gets weirder. You want incest and necrophilia? Okay! By the end it turned into a action flick with fights all over the place, and there was even some type of monster 'thing' supposedly on the loose. And there was even a song in the middle of the movie.Okay, Crazy Lips is nuts. It's that simple. But it's also entertaining. And if you dig any type of weirdness with elements of exploitation, then this should be right up your weird ass alley.
Melanie Skipp-Combs This movie can only and has only been described in my circle of friends as the Stain. Because all who witness it's perverse power find themselves Stained. It's not that the movies bad, it's just that so many horrible things in-explicitly interwoven with so much randomness, that you laugh when things are horrifying and you clutch yourself in terror when something random and almost funny happens. And as you sit through more and more of it, you find that a funny black smudge is starting to infect your soul. Not a lot of it, but enough to be noticeable. After much scrubbing and scalding oil, we found the Stain to be fastly stuck with no possible solution. Unless you see Gore From Outer Space. Gore can in some ways, reverse some small effects of Crazy Lips....not all of the Stainness will be removed, but enough of it to breathe freely (and not find yourself feeling sick).Hope this was helpful
jonathan baker This movie is awful. The Plot is impossible to follow. Even if you got rid of the sickening and confusing visuals, there is no natural progression of events in this movie. None of the character's motivations are clear. So things happen and there is absolutely no explanation for these events, now or later.There are things that happen in this movie that are bad and no one would want to see these things. This movie is like a traffic accident except that unlike a horrifying traffic accident, it is very easy to look away from this movie.I am by no standard a prude or a radical Christian Conservative, but this movie sickened my sensibilities. I must warn you if you like gore, then you will not like this movie. If you like mysteries, then you will not like this movie.I'm pretty sure that the people involved in making this movie were all working with a different idea of what the finished product would look like. I don't think that any one person could work to make something this bad.This movie does not even have the redeeming value of being so bad that it could be considered funny.I came to own this movie. I will not say that I actually purchased it, but I can't deny that I did. I had to give it away and make the poor sap who took it promise not to tell anyone where he got it. He then gave it away under a similar contract. The movie ended up back on his doorstep like a sick and unwanted cat.
kasserine Where do you start with a movie like this?I guess from the beginning? Crazy Lips is a Japanese comedy film with some horror-thriller elements thrown in. The basic storyline centers on a family being besieged by reporters and the local police. The brother in the family is suspected of being a serial killer who has disposed of his victims by chopping of their heads. The police want the remaining family members, mother and two daughters, to tell them where the brother is. Daughter Satomi, essentially the protagonist, believes her brother is innocent and enlists the aide of two bizarre, and ultimately unscrupulous, psychics to help her find the real murderer.The film starts of in a fairly straightforward manner. There are some interesting cuts between what's happening in the "real world" of the film and what we then see through the television camera eye. Nothing unconventional, at first. When the psychics enter, Crazy Lips shifts from mystery/thriller to horror and proceeds from there to the unconventional, disturbing and comically surreal. To give an illustration of this consider this progression, Satomi is harassed by the police, her mother is raped by one of the psychics, Satomi realizes she has destructive psychic abilities and kills a detective, federal agents talk to her through the television and she is forced to have sex with a recently hung corpse.And, believe it or not, it gets even more bizarre from there, which is why it's difficult to describe the film to anyone who hasn't seen it. This reason is also why the film doesn't really work. It doesn't follow any inherent logic within itself. Too many things are happening. Even the disturbing aspects of Crazy Lips get tiresome after awhile once the shock value has worn off and only succeeds in alienating the viewer. It is scary at times, funny, and many other things. The film is relentless.It is my understanding the director and writer were hired to create a film with certain guidelines in mind. It wouldn't be hard to imagine them getting together and deciding to create the most unusual film possible within the boundaries set by the studio. Crazy Lips certainly seems that way and the result is interesting at times, though ultimately tedious and silly.