Cowboy Junction
Cowboy Junction
| 18 May 2006 (USA)
Cowboy Junction Trailers

In Texas, a closeted lawyer/husband returns home with a surprise for his lonely, sex-starved wife - a cowboy hunk to serve as their handyman (and other things). She at first doesn't realize that there's more to their man-to-man relationship than employer-employee, but neither do the two men realize they share a past incident which links them tightly together

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
kimbistrups This movie is a rather quaint combination of a very thin plot idea stretched way too far and the seldomly successful occurrence of the writer, the producer, the director and one of the main characters being the same person, in this case Gregory Christian. Now sometimes people get away with doing that, but through watching "Cowboy Junction" I think it is obvious that Gregory Christian would have more than just a hard time getting the opportunity to do any of those four jobs in anything but a very low budgeted indie for the simple reason that he does not show mentionable talent in any of the four fields of work! To be fair Gregory Christian was not the only bad thing that happened to this movie (all though he happened a lot) the other two principal actors are not much better although James Michael Bobby compensates greatly for lack of acting skills by his very good looks and sexy/charming smile! The plot in it self is so thin that it didn't take too long to figure out the "big secret" that "turns out" to be pivotal to the plot towards the end! Another disappointment to me was that the sex scenes weren't even that good for a movie that tries to play the sexual notes. I would actually go as far as to say that the best thing about this movie was the music, and the music wasn't even that good!!!
lawyerbrat Did I miss something....because the review by NormaDesmond69 must be about a different picture....The main problem is so often the case with 'indie' movies, is that the key creative responsibilities such as producing, writing, directing and playing the lead get filled by one person, the one who had the 'vision' for the movie.... in this scenario the ability for real objectivity becomes lost as that individual is far too close to the project.... the reality with this film is that the story was not strong to begin with and judging from the credits, there appears to be no one adding perspective or any objective input... I would suggest the picture was in trouble before principal photography even begun.Clearly though, James Michael Bobby was the absolute saving grace in what would have been an otherwise dire and unwatchable movie. Contrary to other views, I would argue that he totally pulled his weight and did exactly what his character was supposed to do, be menacing, vulnerable and the catalyst for action at a turning/breaking point in a deeply dull and empty marriage (frankly I would have turned gay had I been married to that dreary, needy woman)...I don't agree with anyone who thought that Gregory Christian delivered anything more than a lack lustre energy-less performance in a highly confusing, self-indulgent, yet ultimately predictable storyline for the genre.In Sunset Boulevard, the 'real' Norma Desmond said, "We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!" Sadly in this case NormaDesmond69 seems to have missed the irony that in 'Cowboy Junction' they had neither !
mmenke-1 This film is set in a surreal landscape where hustlers sell themselves in a desert wasteland and an estranged straight couple keep a houseboy in a cramped and garish L.A. tract house. Perhaps these sparse locales were originally chosen due to budget constraints, but nonetheless, they serve to deliver the viewer from mundane normalcy into a Lynchian dreamworld of subconscious emotion and symbolism.Though the plot is vague and the characterizations sketchy (probably intentionally so) the strength of the film is the passionate and confused erotic and emotional intensity that is maintained throughout.The two final scenes (climax and denouement) are surprising but also come off as forced and gimmicky. In my opinion a preferable ending is the one shown in the 'deleted scene' section of the DVD.
charlie-x I also saw this movie at a film festival in Philadelphia. I knew it was going to be bad when the presenter of the film described it as a "guilty pleasure." To me, a guilty pleasure is some awful movie you sit through just because one of the performers is hot. And I guess that's what happened here, except I didn't even really find the cowboy to be that hot with his fake southern accent. I think both he and the actress who played the wife are decent actors, but any actor, good or bad, would choke on the lines these poor actors were given... I wanted to walk out but had made the mistake of sitting in the middle of the row, and so to be polite to my neighbors, I sat through it all. As if the directing, writing, acting, music, sets, lighting, and cinematography all were not bad enough, this film actually adds insult to injury by introducing an unnecessary plot detail in the final moments that makes the already flimsy plot absolutely incomprehensible. Best I can say about this is that if you're in the mood for a stunningly amateur movie, this could be fun to mock, if you're not trapped in a darkened theater where you're expected to be respectful.