NR | 03 September 1942 (USA)
Counter-Espionage Trailers

The Lone Wolf tracks down Nazi spies in London during the German bombing.

Steineded How sad is this?
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Edwin The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Michael_Elliott Counter-Espionage (1942) ** 1/2 (out of 4) Nice entry in Columbia's The Lone Wolf series has Warren William back as Michael Lanyard and this time in Britain working undercover to stop some spies from getting their hands on some valuable information that could help them win the war. It doesn't take long for the police to think that Lanyard is working with the spies so he must clear his own name while stopping the evil ones. COUNTER-ESPIONAGE is a pretty good entry in the series that at least offers us a new look at the character as we're treated to some new material but sadly there's a tad bit too much of the familiar stuff that creeps itself into the film but more on that in a bit. For the most part fans of the series should enjoy the fact that Lanyard is battling someone other than jewel thieves or counterfeiters. Just about every Hollywood series was transforming their mystery characters into Nazi-fighters so it was only a matter of time before Lanyard entered the match. Overall this is a good entry because it was fun seeing the character out of his normal surroundings and we're treated to some very good direction by Edward Dmytryk. As you'd expect, William has no problem in his role as he's certainly grown quite comfortable in the part. Eric Blore returns as the butler Jamison and we've got Thurston Hall and Fred Kelsey back as the thorns in Lanyard's side. Hillary Brooke does a nice job as the lead female and Morton Lowry is fun as the lead villain, constantly chewing up the scenes. We even get brief parts from Forrest Tucker and Lloyd Bridges. The one problem I had with the film was the all-too-familiar "comic relief" with the American cops once again thinking that Lanyard is guilty of a crime. This hampered the Boston Blackie series as well but it seems after suspecting something a dozen times and be proved wrong each time that the police would believe Lanyard when he told them he didn't have anything to do with it.
robert-temple-1 This is a typically suspenseful and well-made Ed Dmytryk film, starring the urbane Warren William as 'the Lone Wolf'. It is the ninth in that series. As usual, William is accompanied by his butler Jameson, played by the truly wonderful Eric Blore, who is such a delight to watch as he camps up his subservience. The script is well done, the tension is there. Scenes where William has to retrace his steps through the London streets blindfolded, counting how many steps after each turning, and listening for key sounds, are very ingenious. The villains are villainous, as they should be. (One is an early appearance by Forrest Tucker.) Those dastardly Nazis, they are always trying to destroy London, but William will stop them, if the police would only leave him alone and stop trying to arrest him for something he hasn't done. Being a double-agent is no fun, especially when your 'control' has been killed in the Blitz and there is not even anybody left to 'deny' you. Good stuff, really good stuff. Oh yes, and there's Hilary Brooke as the looker, not bad!
sol (There are Spoilers) Using both his skills as a second story man, burglar,and canine-like hearing the Lone Wolf Michael Lanyard, Warren Williams, breaks up a Nazi spy ring right in the middle of bombed out London and does it in less then a fortnight. The movie seems to take place in under 12 hours where we don't get to see as much as a sunrise or sunset.Being called to help England in it's life and death struggle against Nazi Germany by top British Government official Sir. Stafford Hart, Stanly Logan, Lanyard goes undercover as more of an opportunist then Nazi spy stealing out of Sir. Stanly's house safe vital information that the Nazis are just dying to get their hands on;The ultra-top secret British Military beam-detection plan. Getting in touch, by being kidnapped, with the head of the Nazi spy ring Gustave Soessel, Kurt Katch, Lanyard for a nice hunk of cash is willing to turn the beam-detection plan over but needs time to get back to where he hide it, in his hotel-room, for safe keeping.This all of curse is a trick on Lanyard's part to get Soessel and his gang that includes Nazi spy Kent or Kurt Wells (Morton Lowery), who's working in Sir Stanly's office, out in the open and have them arrested by Scotland Yard. When Sir. Stanly is suddenly killed in a German bombing raid Lanyard is on his own, with the late Sir Stanley being the only one who's knows that he's really a double-agent for Britin,in proving to the British M15 and Scotland Yard that he's in fact on their side and avoid being executed, if captured by them, as a Nazi Spy.With the help of his faithful velvet or butler Jamison, Eric Blore, Lanyard who was blindfolded when he was taken to the Nazi spies hideout uses his super-hearing to track the place down at the Blue Parrot Café. It's there that Lanyard sets a trap for Soessle & Co. who by then realize that he's a British spy by tricking them into thinking that he gave them the real McCoy, the beam-detection plan, only to hand them over on a silver platter to the British authorities who came to his rescue.Lots of wartime activity, with London being bombed by the Luftwaffe at least three times in a 12 hour period, has "Counter-Espionage" being one of the most action-packed of the "Lone Wolf" series of movies. In the movie "Counter-Espionage" there's a very young looking Forrest Tucker as Anton Schugg a German Nazi with a very pronounced American mid-western accent. There's also in the movie this contraption used by Soessel to communicate with his bosses back in Berlin that's a forerunner to a FAX Machine that didn't come into common use for at least thirty years after the film was made.
Neil Doyle This is my favorite among all the Lone Wolf films TCM has been showing lately, starring WARREN WILLIAM as the master sleuth who's always one step ahead of Scotland Yard. This fast-paced adventure is directed by Edward Dmytryk in taut and suspenseful style. Audiences always enjoyed watching the Nazi menace get its comeuppance in these sort of stories. Here FORREST TUCKER and MORTON LOWRY are cast as baddies who are helping the Nazis get hold of top secret plans for the destruction of England.The man who gets his hands on the plans is, of course, The Lone Wolf, who, along with assistance from the ever humorous ERIC BLORE (his loyal valet), must get to the bottom of the spy ring's plans in order to acquit himself of the suspicious Scotland Yard inspector (THURSTON HALL) and his cronies. For a change, HILLARY BROOKE has a sympathetic role as a woman who at first suspects The Lone Wolf of being on the wrong side of things, but soon discovers the truth.It's a pleasure seeing MORTON LOWRY, a fine supporting actor, given a role with some dimension to it in strong support, and FORREST TUCKER doing well with his Nazi officer role. Easily one of the most enjoyable of all the Lone Wolf films, primarily because the plot is a lot less cluttered than usual and easy to follow.