R | 04 December 1968 (USA)
Corruption Trailers

A surgeon discovers that he can restore the beauty to his girlfriend's scarred face by murdering other women and extracting fluids from their pituitary gland. However, the effects only last for a short time, so he has to kill more and more women. It is ultimately a killing spree which ends with considerable death and disaster.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Leofwine_draca Once again a predictable horror film is lifted by the presence of Peter Cushing in the starring role who makes this film something of a minor classic. CORRUPTION tells the old story of a surgeon whose wife/girlfriend is facially scarred, and who must take tissue/organs from other living women in order to replenish the features of his wife. Of course the plot is borrowed from EYES WITHOUT A FACE yet refreshingly updated to the modern (well, '60s) day in swinging London, a place populated by mini-skirted dancers, sleazy photographers and jazzy music. Cushing is the upper-crust surgeon who is seriously out of place in the film's opening snazzy party, yet you know from the start that his character will change and sure enough, it's not long before he's rolling up the shirt sleeves to adopt his more familiar Baron Frankenstein role of grisly surgeon.However, CORRUPTION is a little bit more complicated than that. You see the script focuses on a little something called characterisation which a lot of movies miss. Cushing isn't a cold-blooded killer in this film, in fact he HATES killing. It makes him feel sick! The driving force behind the murders is his girlfriend Lynn, who is just like Lady Macbeth in Macbeth. Due to her vanity and her obsession with modelling, she demands Cushing to repeatedly restore her face when it decays and has no moral scruples about him killing in order to do so. Sue Lloyd plays Lynn, and is pretty good in the role although she does go somewhat over the top at the end.The film's first murder is a real shocking scene. In fact it was filmed in two versions, the soft and the hard. In the "soft" version - released in Western countries - we see Cushing enter the home of the prostitute and stab her in the stomach whilst embracing. This is bad enough as it is, but in the film's "hard" version - released in Europe - the previous version seems tame by comparison. Here, the prostitute takes her top off before wrestling Cushing to the ground. He ends up stabbing her and smearing blood over her naked torso. The next moment we see him sawing the head off her corpse like in a scene from BLOOD FEAST! If you never imagined old-fashioned Cushing in a splatter movie then this is the scene to see. It's certainly the sleaziest and most explicit scene he's ever shot.Well, Cushing is great in this film. He walks a fine line between being scary and being sympathetic. Watching him go into a despairing frenzy (with his hair all out of place and his clothes ruffled) as he kills the girls is pretty heartbreaking stuff. Then again watch the scene in the train carriage where he stares at the blonde girl. You can't get any creepier than that! This just goes to prove what a great actor Cushing was. Despite being a brutal murderer he also elicits the audience's sympathy and you end up rooting for him at the finale. A fine performance which goes above the call of duty, and which would be more at place in an A-film instead of a B-movie.The supporting cast is a pretty interesting one too, with lots of offbeat characters. For instance check out 'Groper' one of the members of the gang at the end of the film: you can't get much sleazier or more disturbing than this violent and dirty old man! Diana Ashley, Valerie Van Ost and Vanessa Howard lend glamour as potential victims. Kate O'Mara also pops up in a bizarrely non-glamorous role as Lynn's sister, Val. The highlight is seeing Tony Booth appear as a glamour photographer demanding his model to strip her clothes off.In all, this is an above average film bolstered by strong characters and a tour-de-force turn from the ever-haunted Cushing. The murders are truly disturbing without being graphic (apart from in that continental version, heh) and the ending is fantastic. A modern horror film which rises above the trappings of the genre thanks to an intelligent script and a good cast, this is definitely director Robert Hartford-Davis' best movie, and a near-classic at that. Probably the nearest that Cushing ever got to a strong contemporary horror, although this came probably about twenty years too early for our country's weak-stomached watchers.
GL84 After being severely scarred in an accident, a model forces her surgeon boyfriend to make her youthful again and tries to use experimental skin-grafts to do so only for the gruesome means of do so to force more attempts to fix them.This was a pretty nicely surprising film. One of the biggest factors is that it stays watchable throughout due to its constant series of action scenes mainly centered on the circumstances relating to the necessary procedures. These are spread throughout the film as a whole pretty nicely which is a great feat on its own but to also put the kind of gore and mutilation in here as it does makes for quite a nice time here, which is a strong plus. Beyond these, though, there is some really great scenes otherwise as the train murder is quite brutal which builds up nicely from the opening moments to the final crescendo of violence during the attack. Even better is the final chase from the laboratory mixing together a series of brawling, some laser randomly destroying everything in the vicinity out of the house through an open field down a cliff and covering most of the beach, concluding a long stalking sequence among rocks in the crashing waves. This is an incredibly long and exhilarating chase which is the highlight of the film. As well, the film's quite brutal surgery and continued usage of showing off the victims' scared, deformed face also gives the film some small gore effects here and there, and it becomes all the better for it. These here really help the film since there isn't a whole lot wrong with this one. One of the main flaws is that there's a little too much non-activity spent on dialog spouting the necessity of surgery or the morality of what's going on in the middle of the film. There's too much time here on these segments, and the repetitiveness of all these arguments really starts to get aggravating after a while, and they really make the middle seem longer than it really is. The other real flaw is that the ending feels a little out-of-place. The majority of the movie deals with completely non-related people coming into contact with their lives, and the fact that it all concentrates a huge chunk of time to something that spends so much time with the same people throws off the rhythm slightly. These, though, are the only things wrong with the film since the good points are much more impressive.Today's Rating/PG-13: Violence.
Spikeopath Corruption is directed by Robert Hartford-Davis and written by Derek and Donald Ford. It stars Peter Cushing, Sue Lloyd, Noel Trevarthen, Kate O'Mara and David Lodge. Music is by Bill McGuffie and cinematography by Peter Newbrook.When an accident badly scars the face of his young fiancée, skilled surgeon Sir John Rowan (Cushing) discovers a way to restore her face to normal by using a serum derived out of the pituitary gland. Unfortunately the treatment is only successful for a short period of time, and so the doctor is sent on a murderous spree of gland harvesting so as to keep his betrothed beautiful.Heads you win...I wasn't sure if I had been dreaming the other night? I found myself in the swanky and swinging 1960s, where mini-skirts and energetic dancing was the norm. Into this garishly flecked world was Peter Cushing as a mad surgeon type, cutting off heads, wrestling with naked women, hanging around with prostitutes. He has got a trophy wife, where Sue Lloyd is 26 years Peter's junior, and Sue is playing a conniving - come - psychotic - bitch. There was even some sort of bonkers laser weapon, and a home invasion sequence where carnage ensues, and all around is the faint whiff of Guignol excess, but the delirium is disgustingly enjoyable. A corruption of the soul most pleasing...But I did have a touch of influenza, dosed up to eyeballs with medicine and grain mash liquor, so I'm sure it was all a dream/nightmare/hallucination. But then again maybe not? 7/10
alistairc_2000 This movie stars Peter Cushing is from the sixties I think. The awful jazz soundtrack dates the movie as does the swinging 60s party.The story is that Cushing is a surgeon. He is winching (dating) this woman. She loves herself and at the swinging party she gets a camera light in napper (face). Being the utter bitch she is she just moans, oh my face my face. So Petey being the good chap he is works out how to get her face back. He gets a gland from other women and sticks it in his bird, but he needs more than one... so the death count keeps climbing.Although the plot is a bit predictable it is a classy movie. You have Cushing in a bit of an action hero mode, or should that be anti hero. The fights are well choreographed. Cushing is the perfect English Gentleman at the start of the movie but as time wheres on he gets more and more deranged.This movie should be watched as considering its age it is a nasty movie. There are no nice characters apart from Cushing in it. His woman is horrible throughout the movie. She is really good looking and that is probably what got he in love with her. A great period piece.