Conquest 1453
Conquest 1453
| 16 February 2012 (USA)
Conquest 1453 Trailers

After the death of his father Murat II, Mehmet II ascends to the Ottoman throne. After braving internal and external enemies, he decides to complete what he was destined to do: Conquer Constantinople.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Steineded How sad is this?
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Nokiandr At all times, the victor country rewrites history and nothing can be done about it. 7,000-10,000 Byzantines vs 100,000-200,000 ottomans - can this be a heroic victory for ottomans? The film also does not show that in those days Constantinople was already in decline. In 1453, Constantinople was not already a great city, but was only a symbol of the former might of the empire. Basically, this film is designed for the Turks. An educated and literate person will not watch a false historical film. It would be better for the Turks to make a film about how their ancestors - Seljuks, came from Central Asia and occupied the lands of Byzantium, Armenia, Greece and Persia)
fluffset I totally disappointed with this movie, but I still give this movie 5 because I think its not so bad but just its 70% historical inaccuracy that make me quite angry. Some other reviewer try to make quite a stir by saying that Sultan Mehmet is a wine drinker and everything but its not, Sultan Mehmet is the one of the pious Muslim king in the history, just like Salahuddin Ayyubi. He likes to pray a lot, very kind with his people, like to read koran a lot, but they never show this in the movie. Hadith of the Prophet said,"Verily you shall conquer Constantinople. What a wonderful leader will her leader be, and what a wonderful army will that army be!". And they totally don't describe about how Sultan Mehmet work so hard in his life to produce exactly what prophet have said in order to fit his kingdom with the hadith rather than always yelling at his minister. Actually I've read the biography about the detailed conquest of the Constantinople so I can say that I quite know everything and this movie fail to do so.It looks like they just take some inspiration from "Kingdom of Heaven","Troy","300","King Arthur" and maybe "Alexander" to make this movie. How come the queen of Muslim country wear outfit like Penelope Cruz? By the way, this movie is still good but just have no originality and total of historical inaccuracy.
unixfreaxjp I watched this movie without reading any reference (except the trailer), so I think I can write my honest opinion. If you want to watch it, please bear it in your mind that this movie is the historical basis event that is fictionalize as for entertainment, then you won't get any disappointment. However, if you want to see this movie and expecting the historical summary to be well-presented in there, please consider not to expect too much and be ready for some contradictions to what we learned in the historical lessons in school.I didn't watch any Turkish movie before this. But I think they spend good effort and a relevant budget for its making, and for the result it is a presentable entertainment, meaning: you can enjoy this movie with relax with the pop-corn in your hands and enjoy some heroic actions.For the historical point of view itself, it is a bit too one-sided story although some dialogue of Constantinople and Rome was presented, it missed or maybe made up some important details, and I will not say much of those. It seems the director wanted to build the modern historical image of the Ottoman empire from their point of view, and they made it. As entertainment I score it as 8, and as historical background is 4, the producers, directors & actors did their best in overall which deserve a 7. So the average score I can give is 6.3, rounded up to 6.
thetruthbetold83 This movie was amazing. It had me paying attention throughout it. It was great writing, with amazing historical accuracy, and was a great retelling about a battle that changed the course of history. Very interesting piece about history and how amazing this war was to conquer Constantinople. This was so much better than 300 with all its inaccuracies and the fact that they hid a lot of truth about the Greeks at the time (like having sex with little boys, Disgusting.). Also Troy was a very stupid movie, and holds nothing to this movie. I'm sick of all the fake historically inaccurate movies that are so popular, and was great to see a real movie based on actual fact. Amazing movie and you MUST check out.