Coming Home
Coming Home
PG-13 | 10 October 2014 (USA)
Coming Home Trailers

Lu and Feng are a devoted couple forced to separate when Lu is arrested and sent to a labor camp as a political prisoner during the Cultural Revolution. He finally returns home only to find that his beloved wife no longer remembers him.

Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
krocheav It's always pleasing when a modern movie comes along and reminds us there are still movie makers who understand the basic, intrinsic feelings that motivate our everyday existence. Writers, directors, and producers who are willing to chance making a little less money for the sake of humanity. If you want Mad Max or Superman you won't find them here - so be ready to look into the depths of real souls, maybe even your own! For a story written by a former officer in the army of the PLR during the Cultural Revolution of Chairman Mao – Shanghai born novelist Geling Yan, certainly seems to suggest she has serious misgivings - about what was done to innocent victims in those dark days of political upheaval. While the screenplay by Zou Jingzhi for "Coming Home" is based on Yan's novel "The Criminal Lu Yanshi" it doesn't give us much insight into what crimes Lu committed – instead, it scores its points detailing the tragic aftermath that all too often follow the grief of separation - this time as direct result of political incarceration. In his role of the persecuted Professor Lu, Daoming Chen is terrific, while Li Gong is his equal as his long suffering wife Feng. The movie begins when their daughter, Dandan, played by the exquisite Huien Zhang is in her teens - she was three when Lu was first taken for punishment by the Communist police - so initially, has little understanding of his motivations or forgiveness for his 'betrayal' of the party.Cinematography by Zhao Xiaoding (The Great Wall '16) perfectly captures the living conditions and constraints placed on the people following the over-throw of the revolution. And director Zhang Yimou proves he still has the soul he displayed so superbly with "The Road Home" in 1999. His opening shot through the undercarriage of a passing train is promise of an intense personal journey. The use of rain adds to the feeling of being out-in-the-cold, hunted. Composer Qigang Chen, himself a victim of the Cultural Revolution, adds a rich music score, with piano solo's by Lang Lang, accompanied by a wonderful song without words. If you want action and monsters look towards Yimou's "The Great Wall" as you may feel disillusioned by "Coming Home" – otherwise, a high recommendation to discerning audiences.In some ways this could be looked upon as being the "Hachi" '09 for humans.In fact, this gem deserves a better presentation platform than via the trashy world movies channel - where it will fight for the odd play sessions with WM's usual ultra-low-life porn offerings. Should be transferred to Fox Masterpiece where it might possibly be better rewarded.
dctrlmbvlp This moving is amazing. I liked watching it, and personally, as a student learning Mandarin Chinese, i enjoyed picking up bits of the language. However, this movie is not something you want to watch after a bad day at school, or when tissues are scarce. The ending is not very happy, and leaves you wanting a "just kidding" sign at the end, followed by a better conclusion. while watching this movie I cried and my soul poured out my eyes. My DVD player is broken now from water damage, and I have no idea what happened to all the kitchen knives. Please be careful.
Zora Chen This movie is just ridiculous. We can know what the end will be 20min after the movie started, and we can even know what brought this movie to the end after half an hour. The movie will not come to an end because time is not up and the unrecognizing affairs are sure to happen over and over because the time is not up. When the time is up, I mean the time that a movie usually takes(for 2 hours APPROX.), she will succeed to recognize him. Isn't it ridiculous? A movie with a childish plot just wasting our time in waiting its end!!!Those so-called touched moments are just like a funny chess play. We know who the winner is so what's the point? Every step seems so redundant!
lauralancee Coming Home is a great example of the way in which a movie can move you, play on your emotions, without being sentimental in a negative sense. Without being a tear-jerker. And without harsh images of struggle and war. But with excellent acting, small gestures and not so much words. This movie is all about empathy, first among the characters in the story depicted, but by consequence also among the audience, that is swept away and taken in by the sentiment.This doesn't mean that the story is only about love and compassion. The Cultural Revolution in China (1966-1976) was far from being peaceful and compassionate. People were separated for years without any information, were forced to report any 'wrong' behavior that could 'harm' or 'threaten' the Communist Party. Coming Home shows how such an environment affects people at the individual, family level. People get damaged and family relations are shattered because of betrayal.Coming Home succeeds in portraying the consequences of such a regime, by showing what humanity and compassion mean. And that is what makes it special, and refreshing in a world where it sometimes feels like these values are hard to find.