| 15 September 1995 (USA)
Coldblooded Trailers

Cosmo, an affectless mob bookie who lives in the basement of a retirement home, is promoted to hitman. He learns his new trade from Steve, a seasoned killer. He falls in love with a yoga teacher, Jasmine, and must figure out a way to leave the mob so they can be together.

Wordiezett So much average
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
ema-50 I started watching this movie about 10 minutes into it, and I had to see it to the end. Lovely story, great acting, with some truly original scenes. Jason may seem a bit helpless, but that's just clever acting/directing.I'm happy to see that I'm not alone in appreciating this movie. The only thing i can fault this movie for, is casting a teen idol in a grownup movie. But that doesn't diminish the movie in itself. (In that respect it's similar to "17 again", which I also enjoyed a lot.)The fact that I saw it on TV just now (2010) goes to show that this movie has staying power. Brilliant stuff.
Bob-45 "Coldblooded" is a genuine surprise. It's one of the funniest black comedy's I've seen, and the credit almost entirely belongs to the right-on , deadpan performance of Jason Priestly. Priestly plays Cosmo, an almost catatonic bookie, perfectly happy with is lowlife position, until a "management change" forces his to be "promoted" to hit-man. I say, "almost entirely," because the other great performance in this movie belongs to Peter Riegert, who plays the burned-out hit-man who trains Priestly. Their scenes together are the best in the movie, though there are several brilliant others, such as:WARNING: SPOILERPriestley's conversation with Michael J. Fox and his wife. Priestley's conversation with his girlfriend's ex boyfriend. Priestley's confession to his girlfriend about his occupation. Priestely's final conversation with his girlfriend.None of these scenes could have worked without clever writing and none of them could have worked without Priestley, in an Oscar-worthy performance. This one's playing SUNDANCE in letter-box. Grab it while you can, because who knows when it will make it to DVD.\Priestley's character most certainly was the inspiration for Bruce Willis' "Jimmie the Tulip" in "The Whole Nine Yards". If you liked that movie, you'll most certainly like "Coldblooded".I give "Coldblooded" an "8".I
Rothiman Well, to call this one a master piece would probably go a bit to far. But I will call it an unknown gem.I have never before heard about that movie, I'm not even sure if it has been shown in Germany sometime. If it had been on TV I probably wouldn't have watched it because of Priestly (you know that kind of TV-movies made by TV-stars). But I found this one by pure coincidence, kind of wrong CD in the wrong booklet, if ya know what I mean. And when the movie started I was just short of stopping it. But then I decided to give it a chance ... and it struck me with surprise.Cosmo - a guy like a mix of Forrest Gump and Gilbert Grape. That's at least my impression. No emotions at all, as it seems. I think I don't have to tell much about the story, the other ones writing reviews have done this a lot. So there is pretty much to say about the character of Cosmo. When he is - against his will - promoted to his new job. A job he doesn't want to do but - as he pretty fast finds out - he is really good in. First of all there seems no development. He is keen to learn. But still nearly motionless. And speaking of motionless, I pretty much loved the scenes with him sitting next to Jasmin. I don't think, as others, that Pristly was uncomfortable with his role. It was just the way he had to play Cosmo.Final words ... just watch the movie. And just let it happen.
Heavenly Creature I watched this film at an obscenely late hour the other night, and it was like a breath of fresh-air. As soon as I saw Jason Priestly, I assumed it would be one of those terrible straight to TV movies that involved a cast of C-list celebrities wondering what on earth they were doing making such rubbish.Not so. As the film progressed I realised, to my utter surprise, that I was actually really enjoying it. The dialogue was funny, the characters interesting and the ending inspired. Priestly was excellent, only ever achieveing such dizzy acting heights in another quirky classic, 'Love and Death on Long Island', and the supporting cast were genuinely talented.It wasn't perfect; it could have been longer, but it definietly had all the assets of a cult movie.