Cold Front
Cold Front
R | 09 June 1990 (USA)
Cold Front Trailers

An American cop teams up with a Royal Canadian Mounted Policeman and together they uncover a plot to hide international terrorists in Vancouver.

GazerRise Fantastic!
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
liammurphy1 I Picked this movie up for £1.50 and I'd never heard of it and considering the lack of comments nobody else has either.It's supposed to be an Action Thriller - it fails on both.Martin Sheen stars as a Ameican Cop who goes to Vancouver,Canada to work with the Royal Mounted Canadian Police and ends up partnered with Canadian Cop Michael Ontkean, a couple of murders follow- something to do with the KGB or CIA or something, But very little is actually explained in this film, you end up scratching your head and asking yourself 'who's that?' or 'what did he do that for?'.I just about managed to make it through the 90 minutes of this cheap (it's all filmed in about 1 square mile) pretty rubbish movie. It's slow,Boring and nothing of any interest happens.Sure- I've seen worse, but let's just say it's not a Film i'll be in a rush to see again5/10
frogbert I caught this one on late night tv, and only watched it because it was based here where I live, and filmed here. Semi-fictional story about Vancouver being neutral ground for the CIA and the KGB, it started out pretty well, but went downhill. The main characters being an american cop played by Sheen, and an RCMP detective played by Ontkean.It was a relatively good movie, but I didn't rate it highly because it annoyed me. I recognised pretty near all the locations they filmed in, and when they turn a corner and end up on the other side of town, well, that just annoys me to no end. Another thing that annoyed me was the fact that the RCMP were working out of Vancouver, which has it's own police force. At any rate, it would have been better without the usual cliches and the female love interest that should have been left on the cutting room floor. But what's a spy flick without a chick?