Clawed: The Legend of Sasquatch
Clawed: The Legend of Sasquatch
| 14 April 2005 (USA)
Clawed: The Legend of Sasquatch Trailers

When a group of poachers is found mauled to death in the woods of the Pacific Northwest -- mirroring a grisly slaying that happened years ago, known as the "Echo Mountain Massacre" -- angry locals are convinced that the infamous Sasquatch is to blame. But that doesn't stop four passionate high school students from making a plea to spare the creature's life.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Michael_Elliott Clawed: The Legend of Sasquatch (2005) ** (out of 4) Four poachers are hunting bear when they're attacked by some creature. One survives and eventually goes back out into the woods searching for the beast. Four high school students are also in the woods doing research on bears but they're all soon going to face the legendary Sasquatch. Those, like me, who must see every movie that deals with the famous creature will probably check this one out no matter how much they're warned. If you must see all these types of movies then I'm sure you'll make it to the end but all others should stay clear as there's not too much going on here. The film was obviously shot with a very small budget but they have a fairly good looking Sasquatch outfit so why they don't show it and use it more is beyond me. For the most part the film is all dialogue, which really drags things down because quite often we get the same stuff over and over. Even though it's all dialogue there are still sequences that don't make any sense and that includes the surviving poacher wanting to kill an Indian ranger. This here drags out the running time, is boring and takes away from the subject line that fans are going to really want to see. There's some brief nudity and a little gore but not enough to carry the film. I thought director Kozak did a pretty good job with the visual look of the film. I also thought the performances were rather good for this type of film. The young cast do a pretty good job and deliver the type of performances you'd expect. While they're not Oscar worthy they at least keep you entertained. The biggest negative is that there's never any real threat here. We've told stories about the creature yet he's never frightening or threatening. That's not a good thing when you're watching a horror movie so the majority of people out there will want to skip this one. Originally released as THE UNKNOWN.
slayrrr666 "Clawed: Legend of the Sasquatch" is a decent enough Bigfoot entry with a few flaws.**SPOILERS**Due to a savage animal attack, Sheriff Drake Kassel, (Jack Conley) warns that a dangerous bear is on the loose on nearby Echo Mountain, which gets Richard Winslow, (Dylan Purcell) and his school partner Jay Kelter, (Brandon Henschel) excited about finishing a school project there. Inviting friends Jenny Ackers, (Chelsea Hobbs) and Shea Landers, (Casey LaBow) along, they head into the woods looking to get a one-on-one encounter with the bear. Hoping to find what they're looking for, they instead stumble across a dangerous animal that is on the loose and killing anything it can get a hold of, putting them all in danger. Realizing that it's the deadly Sasquatch that is to blame instead of the bear, they try to get out of the woods alive and get away from the creature.The Good News: This was a pleasantly fun Bigfoot entry. The main thing about this one is that there's a lot of great suspense to this one, which is really great. The woods here are genuinely creepy here, with the completely foreign and unknown area of the forest makes for some really good chills with the best parts to this coming from the film's use of marking the creature's use there. Using only twigs snapping in the distance or the different loudness of the creature's roars coming in from everywhere at different areas and using volumes and pitches that are really unnerving and make it seem like the creature is right there, and along with the complete and utter darkness makes for some really great atmosphere in here. That makes for some really nice segments in the middle parts, as they're chased around the woods mainly through a camera's POV and along with the wood's scenery and sounds, which make for some great things to it. The kills in here aren't that bad, as there's one in here ripped in half, a pair of intestines pulled out, the skin around the eye ripped away, a throat ripped away and the side of a face scratched up, along with a lot of gruesome shots of aftermath and blood-splatter which makes for some really messy moments at times. The last good part is the way this one ends, which has a really fun air and is a really unique and fun way to do this and comes off as pretty clever. These here are what work for the film.The Bad News: This one had a couple of flaws that really keep it down. One of the main ones is that the creature in here is the cause of two big problems. The first is that it's rarely seen on-screen for most of the time, leaving it feeling very much like a guest star in it's own movie. The beginning offers up very few moments of actual visual sightings, which is due to the back-story and such but there's almost nothing that shows the creature. Even the ending, which is when it should've been at the centerpiece of the film, it makes a fleeting appearance only to thwart something else entirely for a brief glimpse and nothing more, which is quite surprising and a little damaging. Beyond the bookends, the middle of the film offers very little. There's either brief shots of body parts or the face, which has the potential to carry it through the fear of the unknown if only it would've looked better when it was shown. The creature here looks really laughable, not at all like a creature that would've been living in the woods. The hair doesn't look wild or dangerous and the creature's face has almost nothing fearsome about it. This is one of the most nonthreatening Bigfoot costumes ever, and they make this one that much less intimidating when it does show up. The last one is the really lame and cliché back-story scenes in here, which are presented as the film's flashback moments. They're cheesy and really corny-looking, despite the fact that the rest of the film is played as being serious. It takes the viewer straight out of the scene and really ruin it. These here are what hurt the film.The Final Verdict: Not entirely worthless, but the fact that the flaws are so damaging is a cause for concern but not a huge one. Give this one a shot if you're into the Bigfoot genre or have a compulsive need to watch a creature feature, otherwise heed caution if you're not that much into these kinds of films.Rated R: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence and Brief Nudity
Shakma OK, the only enjoyment we got from this film was reading the review from mariemoren. I don't know why, but after watching the movie, and then reading that review, I couldn't stop laughing for 5 minutes.Now that that's out of the way, this movie was a complete waste of time. You never even get to see Bigfoot attack anyone. Did they rent the suit, and were afraid of damaging it? In one scene in which Bigfoot is in the background, he does what we can only assume to be is a disappearing act as he disappears into thin air, which leads us to think he is some kind of spirit or ghost, but it is never explained in the movie. Can Bigfoot teleport? Is he a ghost? An alien? A Dragonball Z character? Who knows, we certainly don't after spending over an hour watching this garbage.Most of the kills that happen in the movie are the characters killing each other with guns. Ugh, how boring.I am a fan of bad movies that are at least entertaining, and this one isn't. Stay away, Bigfoot is a mythological monstrosity of giganthropic proportions, and he deserves a more legendary movie than this.
lorenellroy "The Unknown " is not a particularly appropriate title for the movie as any experienced creature feature viewer will pretty much know what to expect virtually as soon as it starts .The set up involves a legend surrounding Echo Mountain where a mysterious Big Foot type creature is said to walk .The creature ambushes and slays most members of a small hunting party .This prompts the surviving member of the group to set up a revenge mission with some of his buddies ,to the displeasure of the local law .Also stumbling around on the mountain are a quartet of high school students seeking material for the term project on Endangered species ,and a Native American ranger The budget is obviously shoestring in nature but the director is able to disguise this by judicious camera angles and cutting .The creature is pretty convincing however and this does help .Variable acting and a rushed conclusion are downsides but if you approach this in the right frame of mind it is moderately satisfying and unpretentious movie making