Class Action
Class Action
R | 15 March 1991 (USA)
Class Action Trailers

A liberal activist lawyer alienated his daughter Maggie years ago when she discovered his many affairs. Now a conservative corporate lawyer, Maggie agrees to go up against her father in court. To gain promotion, she must defend an auto manufacturer against charges that their explosion-prone station wagons are unsafe. As her mother begs for peace, Maggie takes on her dad in a trial that turns increasingly personal and nasty.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
filmaven-2 You won't see a better film depiction of greedy corporations that value profits more than people. It is also an honest representation of soulless corporate defense attorneys who prostitute themselves for their corporate client. They will do anything it takes, legal or illegal, in order to win the case and keep their client happy as well as keep their millions in yearly legal fees rolling in.Of course, it is a dramatic movie, not a documentary, and not everything is realistic. It is difficult to believe that a small boutique law firm such as Gene Hackman's has the resources to quixotically battle the defense firm representing the defendant auto manufacturer. Also, Hackman being opposed by his daughter strains credulity. It may have worked in a comedy when Tracy & Hepburn were husband and wife on opposing sides (Adam's Rib) but here it is a bit of a distraction. But it may have been necessary to humanize the film rather than only focus on the banality of evil of large corporations.
perjensen-2 Thanks to the recent legal decision against Toyota and memories of the ill-fated Ford Pinto, it's difficult not to think of "Class Action". Many reviewers like to think that court room dramas can always be better, but if you've ever witnessed real court proceedings then you'll discover they can be immensely boring and why film makers avoid it. What makes "Class Action" so refreshing is the context of the case, which is a bona fide problem considering numerous cars with dangerous design problems, the devious corporate view of profit over loss (including life), which gives the film an underplay of David vs. Goliath, the spicy exchanges in court, the conflict between father and daughter, which is essentially a clash of Right vs. Wrong, and of course first rate performances by the actors. There are a few predictable story lines, but that's to be expected. "Class Action" is altogether a very entertaining and insightful film.
Tim Kidner Though I shan't name specifics, back in the '90s, when Class Action was made, vehicle component malfunction affected and scared more everyday folk than the usual cases for U.S Courtroom dramas i.e Medical and Corporate cases.So, when a lighting circuit component fails in a popular car model and causes vehicle fires, naturally a case is lodged against the manufacturers. Taking the case is a crusty, liberal lawyer, Jed, (Gene Hackman). But, to his shock and fortunately for us, in defence is Jed's estranged daughter Maggie (Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio), who's ambitious and ruthless. This creates a tension, in the courtroom and privately as reasons and causes for their differences are aired.Unlike some more well known courtroom dramas, there's little shouting or violence. No one gets murdered. The case is reasonably involving and both leads are good. The outcome wasn't as full-blooded as I'd have liked and so I give six and bit stars. Quietly recommended, though, especially for lovers of the genre.
AbeStreet Sometimes I'm left with the impression that viewers think all films should be award winning material, as though the goal and worth of a film can be judged by the amount of award nominations it generates and brings home. I disagree, a good film should entertain, and that is what this film does very well. Nice on location sets give the film an authentic and attractive feel. The acting is top notch. The two main overlapping stories, the father & daughter relationship and the legal battle, tie in very nicely. This is a solid film that draws the viewer in and keeps his/her attention until final scene. There are many ways to waste two hours, this film is not one of them.