NR | 15 February 2008 (USA)
Clandestinos Trailers

Xabi, a troubled boy, meets Iñaki, a member of the terrorist gang ETA who becomes his mentor and ideological inspiration. Some time later, Xabi is arrested for throwing a Molotov cocktail and confined in a juvenile detention center, where he meets Joel, a Mexican, and Driss, a Moroccan, with whom he manages to flee and reach Madrid with the purpose of finding Iñaki and joining the gang.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
jm10701 Thriller? Drama? No way! This is a quirky, totally unbelievable but totally charming little romantic comedy about an extremely dumb, naive but earnest gay kid who wants to impress his middle-aged terrorist ex-lover by blowing up a flagpole in Madrid, but he gets just about everything wrong.If you watch this expecting a thriller, you'll be badly disappointed. If you take it seriously AT ALL, you'll be badly disappointed, especially at the end. But if you let Israel Rodriguez's devastatingly sexy and sweet and clueless Xavi get under your skin and work his magic on your imagination you'll have as good a time watching this delightful little movie as I did.I had seen Rodriguez before only in a short called Doors Cut Down, when he was about 17; it was okay, but not great. Man, has he aged well! The long hair is incendiary, and he's turned from a cute, skinny kid into one of the sexiest men on earth. On top of that, he's smart and he's a great actor. Where are the American actors like him? Answer: There aren't any.
Gaboaldana A story well told, easy to follow and that gives a different perspective on controversial topics: immigrants, young offenders, terrorism, homosexuality, pedophilia, male prostitution, marginalization, police corruption etc. It addresses these issues with delicacy and intelligence. Perhaps most striking of these film is the way it is capable of leading the plot for controversial issues, walking in the slums of Madrid, with some sinister characters that are mixed with other more humanized, all a bit like life itself. The film, even when it is notorious its low budget, is very well done and manages to keep watch following it. It's almost perfect from A to Z, except for one last scene over at the end. Highly recommended.
Falconeer "Clandestinos" is a very different and extremely cool film that combines the theme of terrorism with a very odd love story. Three boys escape from a youth prison in Spain, and head for the city of Madrid. Xabi and Joel, both Spanish, and an Arabic boy named Driss, quickly meet up with some eccentric people on the road. Joel, and the very cute and lovable Driss have no trouble hooking up with a couple girls that don't at all mind if the two handsome guys stay with them. The quietly intense Xabi, however, is dealing with some darker demons, and his personal reason for escaping the prison soon becomes apparent. It seems that an older man involved in an extremist left-wing group has influenced the impressionable Xabi, and now the boy is out to impress his much-older lover. "Clandestinos" deals with a very unique kind of love relationship. Xabi sees in his older lover, a kind of father figure. Many who see this special film might wonder why a young and healthy guy like Xabi would be so in love with a man more than twice his age, but it is easy to see that Xabi seeks a kind of approval that one might seek from his father. The love between the terrorist and Xabi, and later, between Xabi and the cop, are handled in a very believable way. The acting all around is excellent, and the story never loses it's way for a moment. Produced with a small budget, "Clandestinos" is something that no mainstream Hollywood company would go near. This is real, "renegade" film-making. I'm not sure who the intended audience was here, but this is what makes this one so unique. Not to mention, Xabi, Driss, and Joel are three characters that are difficult to forget. Excellent action/thriller/love story from Spain, made with a lot of style and energy. In fact I can honestly say that "Clandestinos" is the coolest and craziest film i have seen in a while. Terrorism and romance, mixed in with some comic overtones... I don't think there is another film like this one... oh, and Driss? Whenever you get tired of that fatty kitty girlfriend, I am available baby!
depeche38 Love and terrorism collide in this sexy Molotov cocktail of raging adolescent hormones and righteous indignation. When three virile teenage boys escape from a detention center, their charismatic leader Xabi has more on his mind than good times and dodging cops. While his clueless friends blissfully hook up with girls, Xabi is making explosives and tracking down his lover Iñaki, the head of a Basque terrorist cell with whom he had a brief affair. Desperate to prove himself to the silver-haired extremist, Xabi plants bombs and robs unsuspecting johns. But when one of his tricks turns out to be a cop, his plans begin to crumble. but all in all the movie is not too bad i kind of enjoy it even that the young actors seems to be kind of amateurish i give it a 7 of of 10