Citizen Dog
Citizen Dog
| 15 October 2006 (USA)
Citizen Dog Trailers

Follow the life of Pod as he moves to Bangkok from the country. Pod's new life starts with getting a job, losing a finger and dreaming about a girl. A movie were nothing is impossible, and just because you get killed by raining red helmets doesn't mean you have to stop driving a motorcycle taxi.

Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Tyreece Hulme One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
Sabah Hensley This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Blake Rivera If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
dbborroughs Pod moves from the country to Bangkok. there he gets a job at a sardine company, meets Jin a maid with whom he falls in love,and eventually becomes a celebrity because he is the only one in the city with out a tail.(I'm leaving out the white book,the finger, the job shifts, the rain of helmets, the plastic mountain, the royal princess, tails, reincarnation and 9 or 10 other things) Off the wall fantasy romance environmental comedy with music. This is the sort of thing that could never get made in the United States and could only come out of Asia. I don't mean that as a put down, only that outside of the West people are more willing to let movies be what ever they are.At turns charming, surreal, funny and too much this is a very wild movie. It drops you into its own little world and keeps you there. I have no idea how to describe it other than its its own animal and unlike any film that has ever been made outside of Thailand (I've seen some Thai films that are equally loopy). The music is good. the sentiment is sweet. All of the weird things that happen just seem to be taken in stride and its wonderful.It also can be a bit overwhelming. Frankly by the time I put in the second VCD I was getting worn out. Too much whimsy for my taste. Actually its not the whimsy so much as some plot shifts that lengthen the story for no good reason (some of the environmental/Peter plot line seems to just go on) and the film seems to be running not so much in its own time but an allotted time.If you can take the film for what it is and let it sweep over you like a tsunami then you'll probably have a good time. Definitely worth a look for those who hate the run of the mill.
Glenn I loved this movie. It's finally out on DVD with English subtitles which is how I got to see it. The other comments basically explain the plot. I was totally won over by the vivid colors and the simple love story that is central to the film and the absurd story elements. I haven't seen Amelie so I can't compare it as everyone else has done. I thought the acting of the leads was great. It can't be easy to play these characters, especially Pod who is often blank but at the same time you can see the wheels turning in his head. I suppose I am biased since I love Bangkok and the Thais, but even with all of the crazy plot lines and quirks I found the film to be charming. And of course having the song "Before" by ModernDog woven throughout the film made me love it even more. Definitely not a film for everyone, but as some one who sees a lot of indie movies I thoroughly enjoyed it.
asgeir-b This movie tries hard to be quirky and surreal without succeeding and instead falls flat on its face from scene 1. The story is very weak, all the time going into supposedly funny and surreal directions, seemingly due to a lack of plot. The characters are unengaging and uninteresting, and the funny bits aren't funny. It is beautifully shot, but this doesn't help when there is absolutely no meaning to it all. The point that you won't find love until you stop looking so hard for it is hammered in from the very beginning, and gets tiring and annoying. The similarities to Amélie (which I loved) are obvious, but where that movie was genuinely fun and heart-warming this movie just feels contrived.
Ignacio Bernardez In the first scene, we noticed that the director must be a Jean Pierre Jeunet fan. This is not bad. I really appreciate that but there are too much coincidences and resources already seen on Amélie. It's very interesting the way the colors are used. The descriptions of the protagonists is very similar to Jeunet most popular film. It seems to me a bit long in duration but there are some scenes very laughing and gallant. Maybe this young director could find a more consistent script for his next film and not to exaggerate with some resources that are, if so much used, boring. Despite the things I described, I really enjoyed the film. I laugh in several scenes and applaud when the film was finished.