| 05 December 2008 (USA)
Ciao Trailers

A man learns that his late friend had a secret online lover who is on the way from Italy.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Lawbolisted Powerful
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Ken Mays I see others who reviewed this movie didn't care much for it, but I personally really enjoyed it. I thought the script was well written and included a lot of details that are sometimes left out of movies. The story line had me interested the whole way through. Definitely a movie to watch when you feel like relaxing as it isn't fast moving and the characters/actors are kinda quiet and "tread lightly" through the movie. That being said, it made for a more interesting movie to me as it left more to my imagination and had me glued to the TV begging for things to go the way I wanted them to. I would definitely like to see more from these actors but so far it seems that they aren't in a lot of films. I hope they plan to do more!
dexquoter The makers of this film deserve every accolade that is written praising their work! "Ciao" is a truly remarkable film! What a pleasure to see a work of art that is not ashamed to deal with a sensitive theme in a tasteful and - to quote a word used in the script - UNcheesy - way. The script, acting, direction, lighting, editing and casting are all excellent. Overall the work achieves all that it sets out to do: tell a real life drama in a way that we VERY seldom see from Hollywood. "Ciao" does so with sensitivity, realism and genuine empathy for real human fears, joy, sadness and compassion. There is none of your usual quickly flashed, clichéd camera-work, or clever lines that pander to mediocrity and formula. "Ciao" is a film that takes its time to reveal the inextricably entangled knot of emotion, history, motive, intent, reactions, fate and timing that are a part of real life. What is particularly rewarding is that it does not rely on formula to tell the story. It is a film that is highly recommended to anyone who is a serious student of cinema as an art form. It sings as an echo to another great film by Woody Allen - "Interiors." The music, and indeed the lack of music in many of the scenes is beautifully apt and innovative. "Ciao" reminds us that we are too dependent on anticipation to make us feel comfortable. Art does not have the purpose of making us feel comfortable; art has the purpose of showing us reality and making us relate to that in the way we can best understand it. "Ciao" does this.
Ali It's not often I can't be bothered to finish a film after starting to watch it but with this film is happened. As soon as the actors starting speaking I turned to my girlfriend just to check it wan't only me that thought the acting was terrible. Her look said it all.It's a shame. Before watching the film I saw the very high IMDb score (but forgot to look at the number of votes) and was expecting to sit down to a cult classic, indeed the first 2-3 minutes set the scene with a suitably art-house feel but then.... oh dear.Oh no! Now IMDb wants me to write a minimum of 10 tens without padding I'm not sure that I can do that without just repeating that this film is bad. I don't hold any illusions to be some master film critic but I know bad acting and a bad film when I see one.Just don't bother.
lincoln-15 I recently saw 'Ciao' at a film festival in Australia and it turned out to be one of my favorites. I think it beautifully captured the cautious and quiet interactions we have with people who we barely know and who are from another country and culture. It was also a wonderful example of how we relate to another person who was unknown to us yet deeply loved the same person that we ourselves have loved. The common ground that two people have when they have both independently loved a third is thoughtfully explored.This movie is for those who love to think about (and ponder) dialog. It is also for people who enjoy a solid script delivered by actors that quietly deliver the goods. To me it was both believable and possible, which made it even more endearing. I was afraid that the film was going to go in a predictable direction and have a Hollywood style ending but this temptation was (thankfully) resisted. Instead the audience was provided with a very moving, heart warming, and realistic conclusion. I felt the movie was full of meaning, but you had to be listening and patient. The movie was about the journey of two people who shared common ground and the connection between them because of it. I recommend it highly.