Christmas Twister
Christmas Twister
| 16 December 2012 (USA)
Christmas Twister Trailers

During the holiday season, Ethan, a meteorologist, and his wife Addison, a TV news reporter, must put aside their differences and band together to help save others and rescue their missing children from a massive F6 twister that has unexpectedly descended upon their small Texas town.

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Leofwine_draca F6: TWISTER is another lame-o disaster flick, chock full of cheesy CGI tornado effects and wooden actors reacting to said effects. Casper Van Dien stars as the typical square-jawed hero type and the direction is bad enough to offer repetitive scenes of characters running in slow-moving to embrace, like that wasn't dated in the 1960s. This film has a Christmas angle, hence the original title Christmas TWISTER, which is rather silly as it reduces interest in the movie for the rest of the year.
msblackeyes68 People need to remember these made for TV movies are NOT going to be full of top actors, explosive special effects, and twist and turn story lines. That being said there are a few scenes where you will shake your head at. It's always good to wait until the tornado hits before having someone trapped. The scene is at the TV station. Everyone is heading to the basement. Pregnant lady is in other part of basement. Female lead goes looking. The woman is calling for help. As the lead makes her way to her the tornado rumbles the building. She doesn't even stumble yet she finds the missing pregnant lady buried under a pile of debris. Except the woman was hollering prior to the tornado showing up. That was sort of hard to swallow. There were a few other scenes that you raise a few eyebrows but the movie wasn't the worst I've ever seen. Some reviewers were upset that they had the nerve to discuss global warming. Not only is it a real issue but it's also needed in the movie to explain why so many tornadoes were appearing just before Xmas. Months away from tornado season. Anyway. If you like made for TV disaster movies you'll prob enjoy this one.
cindy-153 I rarely write reviews, but this time I just couldn't resist. This is the absolute WORST holiday movie I've had the misfortune to watch. There is just so much that is wrong with this movie--the acting, the scenery, the large chunks of dialogue that seemed like the characters were quoting passages from a text book or encyclopedia. Oh, and I really hate supposed Christmas stories that end up preaching about global warming. (Don't get me started!) Apparently the director/writer/producer/etc has a twisted and warped idea about what constitutes an uplifting Christmas story.Why on earth was there no rain or hail when these huge twisters came through? I don't even think I heard one thunder crack or saw any lightning. And how in the heck does a tornado cause so much damage to a basement (a SUB basement at that!) and hardly any damage to the rest of the building? Did it come from the ground up??? And did that family really leave a door open? How else did that dog get out of the house?There was one scene that kind of creeped me out. Two teenage girls sit on Santa's lap. EWWW! The tall blonde tells Santa the other wants a date with some guy named Ryan. Five minutes later, when the twister hits, a boy is locked out of the mall. Everyone just stands there, not even bothering to help him get in. The poor sap gets sucked into the tornado. Guess what! it was Ryan! That's one gift Santa won't be able to deliver.I could go on and on about the idiocy that is this movie and the plot holes that are so big a semi could drive through them, but it's Christmas and I want to keep what remains of my sanity.By the end, I was wishing one of those so-called twisters in the movie would bust through my TV and put me out of my misery.
Tina Cornwell I love disaster films and I thought since this one was on ION, it would be good for the whole family. And everyone loved it! Casper Van Dien and Victoria Pratt play the parents of two kids who find their lives turned upside down when tornadoes hit their town right before Christmas. They have to find their kids, and unfortunately, one of them disobeyed and now can't be found. It's a great lesson as the kids learn to grow up and even help their parents, and we see how far a parent will go to save their kids. I thought it was exciting, not too violent, and very well made. The daughter, I don't know the actress's name, is going to be a big star!! The only reason I didn't give a 10 was because there was some talk about climate change and how it's our fault, and I didn't think that was necessary in a family film.