Christmas Comes to Willow Creek
Christmas Comes to Willow Creek
G | 20 December 1987 (USA)
Christmas Comes to Willow Creek Trailers

Two brothers' lives are changed forever when they hit the road to a snowbound Alaskan village. Brother Ray and Pete had been feuding for years. So, when their ailing father asks them to drive a semitruck full of gifts and supplies from California to the isolated Alaskan village of Willow Creek, they agree ---- reluctantly. Along the way, they pick up trouble when they're joined by Jessie, who is Ray's estranged wife and Pete's ex-girlfriend. Then, a blizzard strands the truck deep in the Alaskan wilderness. Miles from help, with time running our fast, they realize only a miracle can save them. But, as they are about to be reminded, the season for miracles.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
SimonJack This is one of those Christmas movies about modern day redemption and reconciliation. The plot of "Christmas Comes to Willow Creek," is good. The script, acting and direction are just fair. Improvements in any of these areas would lift the rating of the film a notch or two. John Schneider and Tom Wopat of "The Dukes of Hazzard" TV fame are two brothers on the outs over a woman. The plot jumps between the brothers in California at the trucking firm they drive for, headed by Hoyt Axton as Al; and Al's hometown, Willow Creek, Alaska.I enjoyed the scenic shots, especially once Ray and Pete hit the road, with Pete's son, Michael, in tow. The incidents they get into on the trip add some zest to the movie. The northern end of the trip was filmed in the Yukon Territory. All in all, this is an OK movie that most will enjoy. Those who remember watching The Dukes of Hazard on TV may think they're watching scenes from that series – in some of the skirmishes Ray gets into. Minus Boss Hogg and Sheriff Rosco Coltrane, of course.
tuttlerj From LA to tiny Willow Creek Alaska with a semi-load of holiday cheer! I just found this movie in my favorite Seattle video store, and loved it. On the first viewing the acting seemed a little rough, but maybe that's OK - after all it is a truckers film. And a 1987 made for TV one at that. The cinematography is especially good with nice scenes of Alaska and cool long shots of the road. The story is appropriately warmhearted, with maybe just a bit too much brawling, but that's the Hollywood and LA television world for you.Some really nice incidental moments in this film..... the lonely harmonica solo on a quiet wintry street, the Reno cop quoting Sir Walter Scott, his swish partner wiggling out of the scene in sexy police "tights", and Homer, the town sage, sitting atop the Willow Creek water tower like a four year old in his Santa suit, 'til the spirit of Christmas returns. And it does! The music is fun too. Lots of Opera and opera bashing! Some nice bluegrass, and the Willow Creek holiday band clunking their way through "Good King something or other"..... throughout the show.Also quite nice, is the way the writer and director portrayed the Christmas miracle/fantasy, just letting it be a part of the ongoing story without making a big deal out of it. The actors handled this very well.I have to say, if the scene with Jessie and her newborn baby coming out of a snowbound semi with three rowdy, desperate characters doesn't remind you of a modern day Alaskan Highway Nativity.... you need to get your butt back into church this Christmas.Well, a belated 2013 thank you to all who contributed to the making of Christmas Comes To Willow Creek, a 1987 gem.
doug5358 I have watched this movie every year that I have had it at Christmas time. I feel that it really shows the true meaning of Christmas.While I really enjoy the performances of Tom Wopat and John Schnieder, I think that the actor who plays Mike, Zachary Ansley, does the best job as he transforms from rebellious Juvenile Deliquent to a dependable, and upright young man.There are several other good scenes, including the poetry-spouting policeman, the delivery scene, and the final scene at Al's house.I would recommend this movie to all families, but there is some bad language and violence.
Delphian Tom Wopat and John Schneider team up again -- post-Dukes of Hazzard -- for this made-for-TV movie. This time they play feuding brothers who both work for the same trucking company.The owner of the company is a native of the small Alaska town of Willow Creek and each year he sends a truck of presents back to the folks at home. This year he plans on making the trip himself, but his health keeps him bedridden in sunny California. Ray (Schneider) is already scheduled to make the run with him, but the owner insists that Pete (Wopat) go along too.Along the way the two face many obstacles that force them to think over their differences. Pete is the older, dependable, sensible one (think Luke Duke), while Ray is the younger, undependable, irresponsible one (think Bo Duke). Finally they work their differences out in time to bring the Christmas spirit to Willow Creek.Wopat and Schneider fall easily into their roles and turn out admirable performances. Schneider is at his best as his character grapples with giving up the carefree, reckless life for doting fatherhood. Notice the dramatic turnaround his character has made by the end of the movie. Sadly, the same cannot be said for the rest of the cast, especially the Willow Creek townspeople. Their characters are underdeveloped and overacted, bringing the movie down with them. The story is a good one, but the miserable performances of the supporting cast destroy the impact the movie could have achieved.Still this movie is a must for any die-hard Dukes of Hazzard fan. It is the only project Wopat and Schneider have done together that isn't related to The Dukes. And it is a good family film. It has the nice happy ending, with the re-affirmation of the importance of family that makes everyone feel warm and fuzzy.