Chief Crazy Horse
Chief Crazy Horse
NR | 01 April 1955 (USA)
Chief Crazy Horse Trailers

When young Crazy Horse, of whom great things were predicted, wins his bride, rival Little Big Man goes to villainous traders with evidence of gold in the sacred Lakota burial ground. Of course, a new gold rush starts despite all treaties, and Crazy Horse becomes military leader of his people. Initial Indian victories lead to the inevitable result. Uniquely, all is told from the Indian perspective.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
bkoganbing Victor Mature playing Chief Crazy Horse gives one of his best performances from the Fifties. Although an Italian/Swiss would never be cast as a Lakota Sioux today, American Indians have no reason to criticize or be concerned with what Mature did with the role of one of their greatest heroes. Curiously enough the Battle Of The Little Big Horn is given a short shrift by the film. Which in a way is good because Crazy Horse had been plaguing the white man for well over a decade when he emerged as a warrior chief of the Lakota with as much natural military ability as Cochise of the Apaches to the south. The action of the film is over a ten year period in terms of when Mature takes the role of the adult Crazy Horse. The film is told from the point of view of John Lund who plays a white trader who was ambushed by the Sioux's rivals the Shoshone and is taken in and cared for by the Lakota. When Mature is courting Suzan Ball, Lund does him a solid and he's then got the Lakota welcome mat out for him.Chief Crazy Horse was the farewell performance of Suzan Ball who was Lucille's cousin, also from Jamestown, New York died much too young after this film was completed. She had a bright promise and real beauty to give the big screen and small.There are some fictional subplots working, but in the main the film is a true account. A really good western about a true warrior.
Tweekums This western tells the story of the eponymous Chief Crazy Horse from his childhood, to his leadership of the Lakota Sioux and finally on to his death. When we first see him he is a child watching on as a dying chief prophesies that one day a Lakota will unite the tribes and defeat the invading white men; he also says that ultimately that man will die at the hands of a fellow Lakota. The boy walks off and has a vision that leads him to believe that he may be the one the chief spoke of. The next time we see him he is an adult being attacked but three men from an enemy tribe; he kills all three of them and notices that the feathers on one of their lances are those from his vision. A short while later a woman in the tribe brings an injured white man, by the name of Twist, into their village; he recovers and becomes friends with Crazy Horse. Some time later Crazy Horse marries the woman which leads to his rival Little Big Man being expelled from the village and heading to the Army camp at Ft Laramie. Here traders see that Little Big Man possesses some gold; he says it came from their sacred burial grounds in the Black Hills. A treaty with the Lakota promised that no white men would attempt to enter their territory but the discovery of gold soon proved the value of that treaty. As prospectors entered the territory the army followed. They did not expect the Lakota to fight back effectively but under Crazy Horse's leadership they had several notable victories leading up to the famous rout where Custer's forces were annihilated at the Battle of Little Big Horn. Unfortunately the other chiefs assumed that this victory was the end of the war and headed off to hunt to fill their winter larders; inevitably they were picked off and either died or ended up in the reservations. Crazy Horse continued alone until his wife became ill then he too surrendered, not because he was defeated but because he knew that only the medicine at the fort could save her.This is an interesting film with many pros and cons; the most obvious con is the fact that all the key Lakota characters are played by white actors in make up; something that would almost certainly not happen today; however it is to the maker's credit that they told the story from the side of the Lakota at a time when most westerns depicted the Native population as antagonists holding up the 'progress of civilisation'. Once you get over the fact that the actors weren't Indian their performances are pretty good and the story was well told; when the battles occur they are low scale but fairly exciting... except for the Battle of Little Bighorn... here the camera just points away and shows us some ominous clouds for a while... I guess the producers couldn't afford to film such a big battle! No doubt a few liberties were taken with the facts but at least it was filmed in the Black Hills of South Dakota where the events portrayed took place eighty years before not in California like so many westerns. The photography looked great; it is just a pity that when it was on television it wasn't shown in its original Cinemascope format; I'm sure that would have looked even more impressive. While this isn't the best western I've seen I'd certainly recommend it to fans of the genre; it made such a refreshing change to see these events for the side of the Indians.
Spikeopath This is the story of Crazy Horse, who from a very young age was expected to go onto great things for his people. Taking in his youth and finally onto his accent as military leader, Chief Crazy Horse tells things from the Indian point of view.This is a good and reliable Western picture, though sadly not using Indian actors to ram home the fact it's telling things from the Indian side of the vista, it's none the less unharmed by Victor Mature (Crazy Horse) and the rest of the white man cast. It's difficult for myself to personally gauge just what the makers were aiming for, was it honest portrayals? Or did they hope to make a stirring picture about a man proclaimed as a true great American General? Because they really don't achieve either of those things. But as I have said in my heading, this film doesn't waste one's time, it is a very interesting story, and technically it has its treats (filming in the actual Black Hills location a definite bonus for the story), yet ultimately I came away thinking that we could still do with a rousing epic to fully capture this man's biography. Because ultimately it's a story well worth telling and a story worth telling with grace and elegance. 5/10
Sleepy-17 Typical for its time, this is a well-intentioned biography of (as it states) "one of America's greatest generals". Real Indians appear in the background, and, like they were in Ford films, they are great scene-stealers. Victor Mature, Ray Danton, and Suzan Ball are quite good. Better-than-average script, but the action scenes are only fair (it was not an expensive movie, and it seems that the violence, especially in Custer's last stand, is underplayed to accentuate War as a necessity and not a pleasure). Good Remingtonesque photography, filmed in the Black Hills.