Chicago Police Parade
Chicago Police Parade
| 20 September 1896 (USA)
Chicago Police Parade Trailers

Walking four abreast, in groups of six rows, 144 of Chicago's finest parade past a stationary camera. Each of the six groups that pass is escorted by an officer. All are men, all are white, all look tall, all wear identical high-buttoned uniforms and badges and carry a nightstick. Almost all sport mustaches. Behind the police comes a horse-drawn carriage.

Interesteg What makes it different from others?
Ehirerapp Waste of time
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
He_who_lurks "Chicago Police Parade" is a 1897 actuality by (who else?) August and Louis Lumiere. Once the Brothers got their cameramen to film elsewhere in the world some nice material was turned out. This one was filmed in Chicago and features, say a hundred, uniformed policemen parading through the streets. This is pretty interesting footage but at the same time there's no getting around the fact that once the parade gets started the film gets tiresome after a bit. I mean, nothing really changes, just marching policemen. At the end there is a horse and buggy. Definitely worth a look because of being a look into the era, but it does get a little bland after a bit.
Michael_Elliott Chicago défilé de policemen (1896) According to a few different sources this here was the first movie ever filmed in Chicago. That alone makes it worth wtching. This was one of several films that the Lumiere Brothers films in America during a 1896 trip. The film captures a police parade but it's probably more like some training. There were a lot of parades filmed from this era and they all usually have a large crowd watching. Since there wasn't any crowd to be seen I'm going to guess this here was something else. Either way, this is a pretty entertaining film from a historical nature but it's also fascinating getting to see what cops looked like back in 1896. The type of outfits they were wearing is the main focus here. Obviously there's nothing ground-breaking here but it's still great to see the film.
Horst in Translation ( Maybe it would be more interesting if sound had been invented already and we could actually hear the trumpets or whatever was playing as the officers keep walking the street. Their uniforms sure look good and their hats are pretty spectacular, but that's not really enough to save this short movie. In their right hand every participant to the parade carries their bat to show they're always ready to turn to action. Possibly the most interesting thing is how absolutely everybody wears a mustache, which was not only extremely common for every John Doe, but it seems to be almost obligatory to have in the police force. Unfortunately, the angle of the camera is chosen in a way where we don't see the crowds at the side of the street who were most likely much more excited to watch this than myself. This way it's a pretty repetitive short-film inferior to many other works from its time.
Brandt Sponseller This is an approximately 45-second long Lumière Brothers short (Lumière No. 336) showing a policeman's parade in front of a historic Chicago building (I'm not familiar enough with Chicago to know what building, unfortunately). Officers parade by, standing four side-by-side, in groups of six rows, wearing formal dress, and carrying "batons". A group of spectators stands against the building, watching the parade. Just before the cinématographe runs out of film, a horse-drawn carriage approaches behind the final group of officers.Once again we have obliques and processionals--perhaps the most formal processional of the Lumière Brothers shorts. The oblique is formed by the angle of the camera with respect to the parade, again exaggerating perspective to give the processional a greater feeling of depth.What is likely to stand out first for most viewers, aside from the historical novelty of the policemen's dress, is the relative conformity of the force. All of the officers are Caucasian, most are close in height and weight, and most have moustaches. The overall impression is not that far removed from the robot "armies" of a film like I, Robot (2004). This could be a police force of clones.Given this conformity of look and motion, what catches the viewer's eye for most of the short, then, are the small variations--a slight tilt of the head, a difference of gait, an unusual size or weight, the absence of a moustache, and so on. Although unintentional, because the "school" was not to exist until far in the future, the effect of watching Policeman's Parade, Chicago at this point in time is similar to that of minimalism, especially minimalist music.Aesthetically, it does not work as well for me, and the historical interest is not as great as in many other Lumière shorts. Although if you're interested in the history of police uniforms and/or Chicago, you'll want to seek this out.