| 15 July 2013 (USA)
Chariot Trailers

Seven strangers find themselves unwitting participants in a U.S. government evacuation program gone horribly wrong.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
quincytheodore It's interesting how small budget movie with good script and actors can be a decent thriller. Chariot sets exclusively in one spot. The ensuing human drama between characters stuck together without their consent can be fascinating. However, it plays out the premise too long and when the jig is up, there are several twists which hamper the logic.Several people wake up in a plane, not knowing how or why they are on board. Using classic mystery thriller, their personalities clash as everyone reacts to this predicament differently. There's not much in term of technical since it's a straightforward ride, so much of the burden rest on the actors, who perform admirably.Characters are quite convincing. Some might react in life-threatening manner, but they cover the bases for thriller well and the scenes play out affably. As problems start to appear, such as how long they can sustain flight or the inherent question about the motive, situation escalates with more bickering. Arguments start to get physical and this is where things become far fetch.It is later revealed that the people are there for a secret government test. However, some of them are actually killed and it's just contradicting the actual purpose of this emergency aerial ark. The men and women involved are risking their lives without insurance. While national security is definitely a serious business, they can at least switch the gun to fire blanks or doesn't use missing plane that might get shot down without proper failsafe. It won't matter to the result if they are dead from random variable that can be solved by proper communication.This is a pleasantly pretty intriguing flight but it runs out of fuel towards the end and doesn't culminate in satisfying conclusion.
Cpt_Morgan_TUIG Even though the premise of the movie (several strangers finding themselves in situation without knowing how they got there) is far from new in films, the movie for the most part still has a very nice ring to it. It is suspenseful, develops interestingly and has a few twists to keep your attention. Wouldn't it have been for the ending, or rather lack thereof, I would rated this movie a 6 or 7 out of 10.However... for some reason (some have suggested lack of funds) this movie suddenly just stops. No build-up to that ending, no indication at all it might end at that point and certainly nothing decently enough in the story that supports to end in this particular way. I like movies with good endings, I like movies with bad endings, I like movies with open endings, I even like movies with twist endings, but I cannot like a movie without -any- ending.Be prepared when you start watching this movie. Suddenly, the screen will go to black and on-screen text will attempt to explain why. It might be sloppy writing, or might be lack or funds. But in end, it just reduces a decent movie to a 2 out of 10.
lewbr2002 All of you reviewers have no clue do you? First of all this is one of the best movies made for such a low budget. Most of the acting is good and it kept our interest to the end.Spoiler Alert : OK so we finished watching the movie and we ALWAYS watch thru the credits to see them to the end and the projector shuts off etc. What apparently NONE of you did was listen to the credits and when they were done rolling guess what? : What came from my theater setup was amazing! From one side to another side of the room was plane noise roaring ! And get this : A quick sound of tires hitting the ground for a normal touch down and safe landing (but was very brief!!) There you go! So next time before ranting and raving about no ending, sit thru the credits before you conclude your movie viewing time! Lesson Learned!!
alek-dvorzhetskii-twatch I'd recommend this movieOverall I actually thought this was a good movie. There were two actors who I felt spoiled the movie, Anthony Montgomery (Cole), and Brina Palencia(Emily). Montgomery seemed to be thrown into that role, he seemed out of character, and his accent did sit right with me.I think the best actress was Michelle Sherrill followed by Leslie Hippensteel. Whoever wrote this script must love calling women the b-word because it's said throughout the movie in such a context that makes the dialog appear to be coming from the screenwriter which also appears sexist in lieu of it actually developing from within character itself.