The New Kids
The New Kids
R | 18 January 1985 (USA)
The New Kids Trailers

A brother and his young sister come to a small town to find out a local gang terrorizes the population.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Stephan Hammond It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Phillipa Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
utgard14 Teenage orphans Abby (Lori Loughlin) and Loren (Shannon Presby) go to live with their aunt and uncle in Florida, who run a combination gas station and amusement park. Abby attracts the attention of scumbag Eddie Dutra (James Spader) and his redneck buddies. When Abby rejects them, the punks harass her and her family. Loren tries to get even which leads to Abby being kidnapped. Now it's a life or death showdown vs the rednecks.Not a horror movie like the poster implies but an action-thriller that sadly has nothing to do with New Kids on the Block. The '80s was a decade full of revenge movies. Most were more brutal than this. But I suppose that might make this more accessible than, say, the Death Wish series. The cast here is decent. Shannon Presby had a short-lived career but that appears to be by choice as he does fine here. Lori Loughlin is very pretty and personable. Every time I see one of her pre-Full House movie roles I have to wonder what the world was smoking in the '80s that prevented her from becoming a bigger star. We're also teased with a nude shower scene from her in this but, alas, it's just a tease. Carrot-topped Eric Stoltz plays Lori's boyfriend. I doubt I'll ever fully get his appeal. Eddie Jones plays the likable but irresponsible uncle ("Soon enough, we're gonna be fartin' through silk"). Tom Atkins appears all-too-briefly. The guys playing the rednecks are over-the-top goofy and not the least bit scary. The standout of the movie is, obviously, a scenery-chewing platinum blonde James Spader as the creepy villain. It's his movie, really. This was written by Stephen Gyllenhaal, father of Maggie. She would later have her first big role in Secretary, which starred Spader. Two degrees of separation. The gang of school toughs that back up Spader do not seem like the kind of dudes a guy like him would be hanging with. Something tells me the part Spader was cast for and the part he played weren't exactly the same. It's an OK time-passer. Nothing terribly special but worth a peek for fans of '80s cheese. Dig the montage with generic rock music when Loren prepares for the big fight. Love the '80s!
SnoopyStyle Military brats Abby McWilliams (Lori Loughlin) and her brother Loren (Shannon Presby) have to move in with their aunt and uncle after their hero dad is killed with their mom in a car crash. Their relatives are reopening a rundown amusement park in Glenby, Florida. Abby gets hounded by the crude Gideon Walters. There is nice guy Mark (Eric Stoltz). Then local thug leader platinum blonde Eddie Dutra (James Spader) comes sniffing around. Soon it escalates with Dutra, Walters and the rest of the gang vandalizing the park and terrorizing the siblings. The group is a bunch of dogfighting rednecks dealing with drugs.Shannon Presby doesn't have the star power to lead as he's overpowered by Lori Loughlin. James Spader is pretty good as the bad guy although his blonde hair is so crazy. He's playing a different thug than the rest of the group. Eric Stoltz doesn't have much screen time. The story is really basic. I think if it's just Abby, the movie would be more powerful. She would be a girl alone against the thugs. In general, this is a bland movie with the exception of the final battle that includes a fight over a flaming gas nozzle.
tdrish Sean S. Cunningham, in my opinion, hasn't had a very good record when it comes to released films. Friday The 13th isn't exactly a masterpiece, and we can certainly find it in our hearts to forgive him for an attempt at another franchise ( yes, I'm talking to you, House 3...aka The Horror Show). However, in spite of it all, the goods of his career are all packed into a single flick, and it happens to be The New Kids. This action packed classic features early performances by James Spader and Lori Loughlin, before Full House was put on the map. The New Kids is a story about two young teens, a brother and a sister, who get up early every morning to stay fit with their father, a military family man who has earned his respect. After the tragic death of both of their parents in a car accident, the young children are invited to go with their relative down south. They'll find themselves staying in an amusement park, troubled with financial problems. It doesn't take long at all before the kids become the target of a ruthless punk named Dutra ( James Spader.) Dutra makes unwanted advances on Abby, played by Lori Loughlin. Sorry, buddy, but...Abby isn't that kind of girl. When you're the daughter of a great dad like that, girls like that are just taught to stay away from the bad boys! Her rejection isn't going to be taken lightly, it's going to get ugly...REAL ugly! The tension and violence escalates to the point where they are left no choice but to defend themselves the only way they know how, and neither one is any place to back down, no matter how much they are outnumbered, and trust me, they are outnumbered. Dutra is in a click with many boys that want nothing more then to deflower the young Abby ( yeah, keep dreaming, she wouldn't give you the time of day!). It's going to take everything they got, everything they were taught, to survive the nightmare. This cool little movie features some unforgettable scenes...I still love the "House Of Mirrors" scene to this day, along with a mishap on the roller-coaster ride. ( Actually, it's a couple of mishaps on the roller-coaster ride, I can only hope the other reviews haven't spoiled it. Hilarious fun! ) The New Kids is a treat for horror fans, it has in depth character performances, some great violent scenes, and a great story line plot. If you missed it, catch it, I assure you you won't be sorry.
rowman2222 This movie makes you want vengeance. I cannot think of another film that makes you want to suddenly appear on the corner of this "every town" with a sawed-off shotgun, a dagger and a pack of Pall Malls. James Spader was great. I am not convinced of his relationship with the other "red necks" in his gang because he is the only one who obviously bathed regularly, but he was very convincing. This movie was also the first time I ever learned of a breed called a Staffordshire Terrier (He doesn't deal cards or retrieve the newspaper but he does make you want to agree with breed specific bans). So Without giving away the story, I will make comments such as, Lori Laughlin is fabulous as ever, beware of anyone who keeps pig's blood in their fridge, and "you don't key another guy's car, you just don't do it." (Pulp Fiction) That is unless you are trying to bait them into retrieving a rather large arsenal. Of course, all of this testosterone is tempered with the fact that there are several cliché's employed, terrible acting by everyone but the principles, obvious setups that have only one conclusion, and the inevitable, yet tragic, ending for the Staffordshire Terrier. Rest in pieces.