R | 06 November 2004 (USA)
Centipede Trailers

David and his adventurous group of friends embark upon a caving expedition within the deep and treacherous Shankali Caverns of India. As the group descends deep into the caves, they discover they have trapped themselves within the breeding den of giant black centipedes.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Woodyanders A group of friends who embark on a caving expedition in the Shankali Caverns in India run afoul of vicious and voracious giant mutant centipedes. Boy, does this gloriously ghastly celluloid refuse possess all the right wrong stuff to qualify as a real four-star stinkeroonie: Totally all-thumbs (mis)direction by Gregory Gieras (who also wrote the lousy straight-down-the-line predictable'n'preposterous script), pathetically unconvincing Styrofoam cave sets, annoying and unlikable characters who you want to see all die in the most brutal and gruesome manner imaginable, zero tension or creepy atmosphere, ineptly staged monster attack scenes, extremely obvious and ridiculous puppet beasts, laughable tin-eared dialogue ("Freaking rocks bit him, dude -- stalactites or something!"), a ludicrous premise that's treated with endearingly misguided seriousness, and a simply incredible explosive climax. The deliciously dreadful acting from a game, but lame no-name cast further enhances the considerable campy charm of this clunker, with especially abominable work from Larry Casey as virtuous dork David Stone, gorgeous brunette stunner Margaret Cash as sassy'n'sexy babe Sara (Cash more than compensates for her woeful lack of thespic skills by busting some mad hot moves during a sizzling dance set piece and looks mighty fine in her cut-off shirt and skimpy short shorts), Trevor Murphy as the easygoing Jake, George Foster as obnoxious hipster Dirk Doggett, Matthew Pohlson as cool fellow Owen, Danielle Kirlin as brash groovy chick Zoe, Steve Herd as insufferably whiny wimp Matt (who thankfully gets bumped off first), and Satish Sharma as jolly native guide Kafi. The dynamic score by Ajayan Vincent hits the heart-pounding rousing spot. A hilariously horrendous hoot and a half.
Ray Humphries This is one of those flicks that is just inexcusably bad. There have been less than a handful of really good monster movies ("Alien", "Aracnaphobia" and "Tremors") in the last quarter century, so no one should expect SciFi Channel movies to be theater quality, particularly their "Creature Features". But at least their offerings should rank up there with Maynard G. Krebs' "The Monster That Devoured Cleveland." Unfortunately, "Centipede" is just rank.One can usually forgive inept acting and low grade special effects. (I particularly liked the truck load of dynamite that caused a boffo fireball -- but didn't blow up the truck.) These things cost money. But how do you forgive scripts that attempt to create tension by having the protagonists do stupid things rather than by having the antagonist do evil things? Through the last half of the movie, these guys are continually chased by a "monster", so instead of running like hell they just as continually hang around until one by one they get caught. These characters are so inept that one wants to cheer for the monster, even if he does look like a latex hand puppet. Oh, it is a latex hand puppet! Personally, I kept hoping the bug would get them all because they all deserve (need) Darwin Awards. Unfortunately, three get away.
Jack From the other reviews one would think this movie was noticeably worse than the usual Sci-Fi Channel fare. I don't think that's the case. This was pretty average for one of their movies. I'd say it was quite a bit better than Gargoyles or Raptor Island for instance.A group of college kids go exploring a cave in India and are attacked by giant centipedes. Yes, the centipedes are pretty bad. If you're making a movie called Centipede! then you really need to spend at least SOME of the budget on the centipede. Maybe they could have even looked in a book and seen pictures of centipedes, and then made a cool animatronic model of a really wicked looking one. What we get looks more like a grub worm with caterpillar legs. As far as the characters, I didn't think they were too bad. The lead female is very nice to look at, and she falls in the dirt a lot and gets her well-filled-out T-shirt very dirty, and then of course she falls in the water. The rest of the cast was fairly average, or even above average for one of these movies. I didn't find anyone especially unlikable, which is rare for a Sci-Fi Channel movie. They usually like to make the main character really obnoxious for some reason. There was actually an average amount of chemistry between the characters, and some interesting interactions.The plot moved along okay. It progressed logically from point A to point B etc., and I thought it was interesting enough to sit through.Overall, I'd say this was one of the better offerings from the Sci-Fi Channel. I wasn't cheering when the characters got killed like I usually am with their movies.
Sollus Well I can't honestly say this is a great movie, it might even be good if you're into Bug Monsters. This might have been made to honor all the giant bug movies from the 50's, but personally I thought the plot was thin, the premise was formulaic and the whole movie was a little contrived. Typical college kids vs. monster movie. Some bouncing babes, some male to male social conflicts, a legendary cave and a final party for a soon to be married buddy. Add plenty of extra people for fodder and away we go. I have to admit the Indian background characters are a good change. In the final tally, it's still an average SciFi channel small budget movie. Alright for a diversion, but I doubt if I'd rent it. So I give it a 4 out of 10.