Captain Carey, U.S.A.
Captain Carey, U.S.A.
NR | 21 February 1950 (USA)
Captain Carey, U.S.A. Trailers

Near the end of World War II, a secret American raid on an enemy transportation hub goes very wrong when a turncoat warns the enemy. Led by Capt. Webster Carey, the mission causes the deaths of many bystanders -- among them, Carey believes, his Italian girlfriend, Giulia de Graffi. Back home, Carey stumbles across evidence that might uncover the identity of the informant. But, when he returns to Italy to get even, Carey is stunned by what he finds.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Michael O'Keefe Alan Ladd stars as Captain Webster Carey, who returns to a small village in Italy after WWII. Carey wants to find out who betrayed his O.S.S. team trying to knock out a German-held railroad system. Many villagers of Orta, near Milan, lost their lives during the mission. Upon his return, he is surprised to find out his old love Giulia(Wanda Hendrix)did not die at the hands of the Nazis. To be exact, she is married to a powerful Italian nobleman(Francis Lederer). Carey finds the villagers he thought he was saving from the Germans now hold him responsible for their poverty. Nonetheless, the search for a traitor persists with the aid of Giulia.Kudos to director Mitchell Leisen and Hugo Friedhofer for the music. The theme song "Mona Lisa" won an Academy Award.Also featured in the cast: Joseph Calleia, Richard Avonde, Celia Lovsky, Roland Winters, Frank Puglia and Russ Tamblyn
MartinHafer This is not one of Alan Ladd's best films, though it is enjoyable and worth seeing. What makes it more so is the nice Italian locale as well as the music (which, incidentally, won the Oscar)."Captain Carey, USA" begins with a flashback to WWII. Ladd is an OSS agent sent behind enemy lines to gather information in fascist Italy. He and his friends are captured by the Nazis and apparently he's the only survivor--though he was injured and spent years in the rehabilitation. Someone must have betrayed them and when he sees a painting in a gallery that came from the home from which he was hiding during the war, he decides to return. His arrival is a surprise--partly because the people in this small town were so nasty and unwelcoming and mostly because his old girlfriend (who he thought dead) was alive and married! Ladd wants to return home as a result of all this, but a series of murders that seem linked to the betrayal convince him to stay and find out who is responsible.The film has a few nice twists here and there and Ladd is his usual macho self. And, like most of Ladd's other films, it is filled with the shortest actors Paramount could muster--due to Ladd's diminutive size they needed to make this less apparent by pairing him with small actors! Enjoyable but far from his best.
secondtake Captain Carey, U.S.A. (1950)A vastly underrated movie. Not that this is "Casablanca" although there are traces of the same idea, if deliberately backward. A romance is derailed by war, a solitary American exudes indifference, foreign intrigues brew, and the Nazis roam at night causing trouble. The setting is Italy, at first during the war, and then three years later. The man, Alan Ladd (at his best, I think), is an OSS officer and when he returns, as a civilian, you know he has an agenda and a dangerous background. And a girl he once loved who is dead.Or so it goes. The plot is reasonable and actually fascinating. It doesn't unfold with elegance, exactly (you can see a lot of the gist coming), but it is all told beautifully and quickly. The photography is really first rate, notable on its own terms once you look, all by John F. Seitz, one of the era's greats. Between him and Ladd, and some really wonderful sets and convincing back projections, the whole experience is a thrill to inhabit, to feel. And things do happen, with caricatures that make enough sense to work--the blind musician, the rich and mysterious husband, the doctor with suspicious knowledge of everything (he calls Ladd "baby" in a nice American colloquialism). What the movie lacks most of all is a title. I can't believe it hasn't at least been released again with something better, something that hints at the Italian post-war angst that is the meat of the movie. Because this is what makes the murderous intrigues more than just cinematic fillips. In fact, this is another parallel to "Casablanca" (that was no joke above): the movie has a hidden purpose, to help the American public reconcile with the most conspicuous of German Allies, the Italians. It is layered, interesting, and dramatic. It lurches every now and then, and I suppose Ladd, as good as he is, is no Bogart, and certainly his love interest, played by Wanda Hendrix, is no Ingrid Bergman (Hendrix is a weak link all through, actually, more girl next door than the movie needs). Give this a whirl, and expect something quite a bit more than others, and the title, have suggested.
dbdumonteil Captain Carey,US Army (check the title) comes back to Italy to unmask an informer who gave his group away to the Germans .He thought that the Italian girl who helped him then was dead but she reappears ,à la "Laura" and she might be the one who....unless it's his husband (which is really too bad for he was in love with her of course)or some vile wop.Ther's a good depiction of the Italian village and their hostility to the Yankee whose activities were cause for reprisals among the population.A woman is waiting for her husband 's name to be cleared ,for his young son (played by Rusty (Russ) Tamblyn oddly cast as an Italian kid) can't accept the fact that his dad was a traitor anymore.Mitchell Leisen was in healthier shape in the precedent decade ,and "Captain Carey,US " does not compare favorably with earlier works such as "Hold back the dawn" or "to each his own" .However ,it is not as bad as the precedent user wrote .Average.Mitchell Leisen made a volte face after this ho hum effort and gave a very good thriller "No man of her own" the best version of the William Irish novel.