PG | 18 June 1976 (USA)
Midway Trailers

This war drama depicts the U.S. and Japanese forces in the naval Battle of Midway, which became a turning point for Americans during World War II.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Cortechba Overrated
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
cameronstuartmain The movie gets the facts correct and has an excellent cast. The problem with the movie is the archival footage use. The archival footage is obviously not having good quality while the scenes filmed by the film crew have excellent quality. The movie used scenes from many other movies, but in the end, the film is good. However, there were some incorrect things that really hurt it. For example, during the Japanese torpedo attacks on Yorktown, a fighter plane and then the squadron leader are seen crash diving on the ship. The group leader, Tomonaga's plane was damaged over Midway and could not be repaired. He knew that he would die and was shot down by US fighters.
pcsimonson1651 Midway is a decent movie filled with great actors, and it follows the actual event during WW2 pretty closely. What kept this movie from being a truly great movie was all the dumb goofs, and bad actual footage of the battle. Someone needs to remake this important movie, but make sure the battle scenes are kept accurate by showing the correct airplanes, and ships of that time. Example: The 5 inch guns turrets , and a battleships main turret guns were not used to shoot down airplanes coming in for attack on a ship.
Freedom060286 The Battle of Midway was the first major victory by the US over Japan in World War II.There a great cast here: Henry Fonda (Admiral Chester W. Nimitz), Glenn Ford (Rear Admiral Raymond A. Spruance), Robert Mitchum (Vice Admiral William F. "Bull" Halsey), Toshiro Mifune (Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto), Hal Holbrook (Commander Joseph Rochefort) Robert Webber (Rear Admiral Frank Jack Fletcher) Monte Markham (Cmdr. Max Leslie) Kevin Dobson (Ensign George H. Gay) and Charlton Heston, who plays a fictional American officer. All perform masterfully.Although most of the movie is historically accurate and thoroughly enjoyable, there is an unnecessary sub-plot about a romantic relationship between the son of the fictional Heston character and a Japanese girl. The one annoyingly poor performance in the movie is by Edward Albert, the young actor who plays Heston's son.Overall however, this is probably the best war movie of the 1970s.
gilligan1965 I've loved this movie ever since my Dad brought me to see it at a theater in 1976 (when I was nine)!This movie is literally a 'who's-who' of great American and Japanese stars and super-stars, such as Charlton Heston; Henry Fonda; James Coburn; Hal Holbrook; Glenn Ford; Toshiro Mifune; Pat Morita; Robert Mitchum; Cliff Robertson; Robert Webber; Robert Wagner; James Shigeta; John Fujioka; Robert Ito...and, many more.I love this movie, and, I love how actual World War 2 footage is inserted into the film to add to the scenes. Yes, ha-ha!:D Sometimes, a certain type of plane is shown, and, in the next scene, it suddenly becomes another type of plane; but, who cares, the movie is great! The black-and-white scenes at the beginning of the movie are from "Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo" (1944) with Spencer Tracy, Van Johnson, and, Robert Mitchum (also in this movie). And...of course, a love story (a controversial love story for this period) is fitted into the movie, as in almost every other war movie ever made.A lot of people 'bash' this movie, but, I happen to love it; and, any and every library and collection of war movies isn't complete without this! :)