Cannibal Mercenary
Cannibal Mercenary
| 01 January 1983 (USA)
Cannibal Mercenary Trailers

A retired soldier is deeply disturbed by his past experiences in Vietnam, but goes out in the jungle one more time to save his sick daughter. He gathers his old gang of misfits, including a sex-maniac and a wife-killer. They slay their way through Vietcong, innocent villagers and traitors - anybody who stands between them and getting the job done.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Scarecrow-88 Long, brutal, everything-goes action adventure with awful dubbing and some pretty painful dialogue, yet loaded with stunning amounts of shocking violence, edited by a madman, rough around the edges, with awkward orchestral music(..and yet ANOTHER movie "borrowing" Goblin's score to DAWN OF THE DEAD!)choppily added here and there. This film's pace is the very definition of breakneck, and the mission is epitome of bleak for our heroes, Thai soldiers,who must brave every giant obstacle imaginable trying to make it through the jungle occupied by the Viet Cong, to find a woman with a designated target for them to assassinate(..a drug lord whose men are cannibals with machine guns and a taste for absolute carnage). Our heroic leader accepts an assignment from his former commanding officer to infiltrate an enemy in exchange for money that can help his sick daughter get the operation she needs. He, and his brave men(..who are all a bit unorthodox and hard to manage at times, their leader needing to crack the whip to keep them in line when they threaten the assignment at hand), will have to withstand more than many would be able to in order to complete the mission.Bodies are torn apart by bullets, several are beheaded, a stake is hammered into a skull while the victim is buried from the neck down(..this after the poor guy had to suffer firecrackers exploding between his legs!), a castration, a little girl is gunned down in front of her mother, cannibals eat brains right from the open skull of a murdered soldier, eyes are gouged out, an ax is slammed right into a shoulder, and a victim is extended in the air by a noose around his neck(..his head shot multiple times). Blood often gushes from wounds and while bound by rope, soldiers' faces are urinated on! One of our heroes soldiers scales a tree, brings down a snake, and toys with it for entertainment. One female spy's identity is uncovered and she's subsequently executed on the spot without mercy. Our hero attempts to rescue a fallen soldier, hoisting him on his shoulders, running through hostile territory as enemy forces unleash a flurry of gunfire, only for him to get riddled with bullets. The director emphasizes the horrors of war, shooting the mortified faces of the Thai soldiers who witness unspeakable acts of cruelty by their opposition. Practically an entire village is slain when the Thai soldiers attempt to save the little girl who is killed in an unflinching manner. And, the climax is incredibly depressing.I had never even heard of this movie(..the version sent to me was titled JUNGLE KILLERS, but from what I understand this is the true cut of the movie, itself not of the greatest quality)before it was sent to me by a real cool dude, and I thought it was surprisingly entertaining. Strong performance from the lead actor, he contributes both emotionally and physically to the role. There are some explosions of martial arts sequences which look quite demanding to those who engage in fights(..a standout sequence has the Thai soldiers attempting to battle a large assortment of baddies who outnumber them).
EVOL666 After the hype that I had heard about CANNIBAL MERCENARY - I have to honestly say that it was a pretty big let-down. I went into this film hoping it would be some sort of PREMUTOS-style gore-fest mixed with some CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST-ish elements. Well - it wasn't...An ex-soldier is recruited for one last mission. Reluctantly our hero agrees as his daughter suffers from a rare and extreme case of polio, and needs the big pay-day that he's been guaranteed to pay for her treatment. The group of soldiers descend into the jungle on an assignment to contact some lady named Jumpa (I think...) who has further information on their target. Along the way, the group encounters booby-traps, spies, hostile villagers and the Viet Cong...oh yeah...and cannibals.There ARE some decent gore scenes in CANNIBAL MERCENARY, but most of them are quick and don't happen until the end of the film. In fact - not much of anything happens until close to an hour in. Of note are a few throat-slashings, a decapitation, some stabbings, and a whole slew of gun-play and hand-to-hand combat action - none of which are really that notable. The only scenes that are worth any real mention are a (non-graphic) castration, another scene where a guy is buried neck-deep then a spike is driven into his skull and his brains are eaten, and one particularly nasty scene where the soldiers come across a maggot-riddled corpse and one of the team scrapes a handful of the rotted flesh and maggots and eats it - yum. Unfortunately, the cannibal elements are sadly under-rated, as they don't even come into the film until the last few minutes. Honestly, I found this one to be a bore overall, and caught myself nodding off several times. Not the worst thing out there, and a few decent scenes make it "better than average" - but I can really only recommend this one to rabid cannibal film fans or exploit completists...6/10
HumanoidOfFlesh A special forces Sergeant named Wilson is sent into the Viet Nam jungle to find and hunt down an army of bloodthirsty cannibals headed by a demented war criminal."Cannibal Mercenary" is one hell of a brutal and gory flick.The acting is quite convincing and the film offers plenty of war images including numerous shoot-outs and explosions.The actor who plays a broken anti-hero Wilson is especially good.The camera work is awesome and the gore is absolutely brutal.For example there are decapitations,throat slashings,castrations and lots of ultra-violent torture on display.The scene where one man is buried up to his neck and his unprotected head is cracked open with hammer and chisel has to be seen to be believed.Overall,"Cannibal Mercenary" is a very nasty Thai exploitation flick that should especially satisfy fans of Italian cannibal flicks.If you are not easily offended,give this gruesome shocker a look.8 out of 10.
Eegah Guy Was APOCALYPSE NOW or THE DEER HUNTER a big hit in Thailand? Add some really bad English dubbing and lots of kung-fu movie sound effects and you've got this adventure-horror hybrid. It's a horrors-of-war exploitation film that takes the violence inherent in warfare to absurd extremes. Besides the usual bullet hits and sharp-spiked jungle booby traps you get limb chopping, decapitation, penis stabbing, eye gouging and a spike to the head followed by brain eating (hence the title). One hungry guy even eats the maggots off of a decomposing corpse! Blood flows and spurts to such ridiculous lengths that it's hard not to laugh at the cartoonish brutality on view here. The video box says: SO REALISTIC -- THIS FILM MAKES "PLATOON" LOOK LIKE A FAMILY OUTING! I can't argue with hype like that!