R | 17 December 1968 (USA)
Candy Trailers

A high school girl encounters a variety of kookie characters and humorous sexual situations while searching for the meaning of life.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
bkoganbing The chance to see a lot of celebrities in this film is reason enough to see this terrible film. I think a lot of these people signed for this film is a chance to really cut loose with some overacting and see who could ham it up the most.In this fantasy tale Ewa Aulin who never made it out of Swedish cinema to the international scene plays the title role. She plays teenage temptress who gets a whole lot of men into overdrive with their hormones. She's lovely to look at, but didn't make it in the talent department. A new Greta Garbo or Ingrid Bergman she was not about to become.No reason to outline a plot. Along the way Candy meets such folks as Richard Burton, Marlon Brando, and Walter Matthau who just let it all hang out doing their various shticks.Marlon Brando said this was the worst film he was ever in. I wouldn't argue with him.
affordablehealthinsurance This piece is obviously a rape fantasy attacking women. Rape violent is through-out this film. Exploitation and sex trafficking of under girls is the core of the plot. Drug use, religious hatred , racial hatred with the use of rape of a minor are all common threads in this film. Pornography is the most common element of this filth. How can this exploitation of women and statutory rape be legal?
davidjanuzbrown I guess I simply missed the humor in this "Supposed" spoof of the 60s and the military. (I have to say Austin Powers (Another spoof) is Jason Bourne compared to this movie). This film stands out as an all-time baddie, without a single redeeming factor about it. The worst part of this is the waste of the cast. I cannot imagine how you can possibly put Marlon Brando, Richard Burton, James Coburn, Walter Matthau, Elsa Martinelli and John Huston in a film and fail? This certainly does and it starts with a script that is so stupid I would sooner watch a marathon of Sponge Bob square pants. The main character Candy (Ewa Aulin) wanders through this film like she is basically stoned, and you could watch a porn film and find a wider degree of expressions on someone's face (Basically she makes Jenna Jameson look like Meryl Streep). Burton as a stupid poet named McPhisto (Which I guess is a takeoff on Dylan Thomas) comes out worst of all, it is by far and away the worst film he ever made, and Matthau as a General is not much better (And as a major comic actor should have known better)). I have seen films its compared to such "The Magic Christian" and "Casino Royale" (Sellers version) and they are better than this turkey. This film is without question the greatest waste of talent in motion picture history (Brando, Coburn, Matthau & Huston FOUR Oscar WINNERS (Burton nominated 7 times)), and thus belongs in my 10 All-Time worst film list (Not quite "Machete" or "Walk On The Wild Side" but pretty damn close). Essentially it warrants zero stars.
tilley-tilley-1 First saw Candy on release at the local cinema, was blown away by most of the music on the soundtrack,went and got the L.P as soon as it was available! The opening music really set the standard, found the film OK. The L.P got lost in 1975 when I got married and moved but I have just bought the new D.V.D which is really great to see again, after all the years. I think the movie is better for seeing again some truly fantastic "one liner jokes" and way out sets! I am now searching for the L.P again to go with the D.V.D. I am not holding much hope of the music being issued on a D.V.D as I understand the master recordings have not been kept.Still at least the D.V.D is a good standby until I can find an old copy of the L.P.