Camp Blood 2
Camp Blood 2
| 01 October 2000 (USA)
Camp Blood 2 Trailers

Smarmy opportunist filmmaker Worthy Milligan convinces traumatized sole survivor Tricia to work as a technical advisor on a film he's making about the horrific events that occurred at Camp Blood. The cast and crew return to the remote woodland area to shoot the picture. Of course, the murderous machete-wielding Clown also shows up to commit more brutal killings.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
slayrrr666 "Camp Blood 2" is a decent slasher, but it's far better than the first one.**SPOILERS**One year after the massacre at Camp Blood, Director Worth Milligan, (Garrett Clancy) wants to make a movie what happened, and manages to get original survivor Tricia Young, (Jennifer Ritchkoff) on board. With the cast, Adrienne Palmer, (Missy Rae Hansen) Vanessa, (Sonya Joy Sims) Lance, (Mark Overholt) and Todd, (Timothy Patrick) together, they head into the same woods as before, and Tricia constantly fears that the killer is still out there. As the cast and crew start disappearing, she claims the killer clown has returned, and when she's proved true, the rest of the film-makers have to fight off the killer.The Good News: This wasn't terrible, and it did have a few good things going for it. The first is a huge improvement over the killer's mask. This one is a more demonic looking clown mask, and it looks a lot more imposing in here. That earns it a big plus, as does the killer. Far more physically threatening, this one is far, far better and does manage to get a good scare here and there. The kills in here aren't that bad, and are quite decently done. We get a couple slit throats, a person set on fire, a machete slice to the top of a person's head, and the coolest one, using a broken beer bottle to gouge out both eyes of a victim. It's far more effective than how it sounds, and it scores as the coolest scene. The film does move at a fairly fast pace, helped along mostly with the inclusion of several flashbacks, and the woods themselves do give off a mildly threatening atmosphere. This could've been a whole lot worse.The Bad News: One of the main things that holds this one down is that the cheese that helps most films here instead hurts it. The fact that the film is cheesy here results in the fact that the gore looks terrible and is quite disastrous. Several wounds re-appear later at completely different places than where they were first struck at, it spurts out quite unrealistically, and in general it looks really terrible. The film also looks pretty bad in a couple other areas, which is another big sign of it's cheesy nature. There are many plot holes and confusing moments in here that to take time out to explain them all would be a waste, but just know that they're there and quite obvious. There's also the fact that the film contains the overly-clichéd "film-within-the-film" storyline, as it's really been done to death and can't really have anything new brought to it. It also shows off the cheesy nature even more. There's other factors which hurt this one, but those are the big ones.The Final Verdict: There's far worse films out there, but this still has a lot of problems to fix. It is better than the first one, so it has that going for it, but the only real ones who will get much out of this will be the most ardent slasher fans or the low-budget, independent film fans.Rated R: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence, Full Nudity, brief drug use and a mild clothed sex scene
unbrokenmetal Tricia (Jennifer Ritchkoff), the only survivor of the Camp Blood massacre, is locked away in a lunatic asylum, for she is still suspected to have been the murderer herself, although she blames it on "The Clown". A movie director wants to make a no-budget movie about the incident and asks to have her released under supervision to return to Camp Blood, give technical advice and tell the "true" story. However, soon after the arrival in the woods, crew members disappear and "The Clown" is spotted again... "Camp Blood 2" fortunately is more than just hacking and slashing. It is an amateur movie making fun of amateur movies, its bad directors and bad actors. Yes, it is bad! But deliberately putting that to a use, and therefore it's sometimes quite funny. Fans of "Friday the 13th" will enjoy this less than fans of Ed Wood's movies, I suppose.
Jasper P. Morgan Just when I thought it couldn't get worse - it happened when I watched Camp Blood Part 2. The story is pretty much a repetition of Part 1, and if you have watched horror slashers you can easily identify the killer after just a few minutes. This time, a film team is trying to turn the tragic and bloody events of Camp Blood Part 1 into a smashing horror movie. The director / producer visits the sole survivor of part one in the sanitarium and manages to break her loose. When they enter Camp Blood, horrendous things start happening. One by one the film crew is being killed. The cameraman is stoned the whole time, the gofer is a fat slob who bites the dust shortly after he's entered camp and the only talented actress is the female protagonist. Well, it's a very, very bad movie. The clown mask is stupid, the killing scenes are boring, and even the shower scene at the beginning is unnecessary and uninteresting. Just forget it... I rather watch a Friday 13th movie for the umpteenth time than Camp Blood Part 2 for a second time... Jasper P. Morgan
haightvanash "Camp Blood 2" is a surprisingly entertaining film. My friend and I rented it because we enjoy watching horrible movies, and this appeared to be one. While watching it though, I began to enjoy it. The plot is that the character who survived the first film is in a mental institution. She and her friends went camping at Camp Blood at her friends were killed off by someone in a clown mask. Now, a director wants her to assist him in making a film about the experience. In a very unlikely scenario, she is released and allowed to act as a technical advisor to the film.The catch is that the film is being shot on location at Camp Blood because the director believes that it will allow the actors to "feel the terror." Of course, a new clown-masked killer arrives and begins to slaughter the crew.This film has a few minor plotholes and occasional spots of bad-acting, but is executed well, has well-done death scenes, and a few INTENTIONALLY funny parts.I give "Camp Blood 2" a score of 7