Calendar Girl Murders
Calendar Girl Murders
NR | 08 April 1984 (USA)
Calendar Girl Murders Trailers

During the launch party of a nude calendar, one of the models is thrown to her death by a black gloved killer. When the killer begins to strike again, going in the order of the calendar itself, a hard nosed cop realizes that he needs to solve the mystery, or risk all of the models ending up in the morgue!

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
bensonmum2 One by one, the models featured in a calendar are being murdered. Lieutenant Dan Stoner (Tom Skerritt) is put in charge of the investigation. He immediately strikes up a friendship with former model Cassie Bascomb (Sharon Stone), who seems to have a stalker. Is the stalker the killer? Or, is it someone more closely associated with the calendar?Even by 80s television standards, Calendar Girl Murders is pretty weak. As was customary at this time, the filmmakers would have you believe the movie is more scandalous than it is with models from a nudie calendar as a backdrop. But honestly, these buttoned-up women have more in common with the Amish than calendar models. A lot of the movie plays out like a standard 70s/80s cop show. I could easily see this as an episode of Charlie's Angels or Vegas. And what could have been a good ending is ruined. There should have been tension and suspense in the final scenes. Instead, it feels rushed. In short, Calendar Girl Murders is just lame. The only real positive I can come up with is some of the acting. Considering how young she was, I thought Stone did a nice job. And Skerritt gives the professional performance you would expect and manages to rise above his lackluster surroundings. Finally, I look at Calendar Girl Murders as a wasted opportunity. The makings of a decent film are buried here somewhere. Beautiful women, an unknown killer, red herrings, the calendar backdrop, and a twist at the end – sounds like the makings of a giallo to me. In the right hands and without the constraints of TV, I could see Calendar Girl Murders being an entertaining film.
Woodyanders Millionaire playboy Richard Trainor (well played by Robert Culp) publishes a racy calendar that inadvertently acts as a sick map for a serial killer who starts butchering all the lovely models who posed for said calendar in chronological order. It's up to weary, but shrewd and dedicated detective Lt. Dan Stoner (the always excellent Tom Skerritt) to nab the wacko. Director William A. Graham, working from a compact script by Scott Swanton and Gregory S. Dinallo, neatly evokes the glitzy world of the models, generates several effective moments of real tension, and keeps the engrossing story moving along at a steady pace. The sound acting from a capable cast rates as another definite asset, with especially praiseworthy work from a pre-stardom Sharon Stone as the perky Cassie Bascomb, Barbara Bosson as Dan's loyal wife Nancy, Robert Beltran as amiable cop Mooney, Pat Corley as Dan's huffy superior Tony, Robert Morse as smarmy emcee Nat Corley, Alan Thicke as charming photographer Alan Conti, and Michael C. Gwynne as creepy stalker Stark. Rip Taylor has a funny cameo as himself while the ever-gorgeous Claudia Christian pops up briefly as one of the victims. Such oh-so-80's trappings as break dancing and strenuous slow motion provide a certain gaudy'n'groovy period appeal. Both Robert Steadman's polished cinematography and Brad Fiedel's funky throbbing score are up to par. A nifty little teleflick.
c5rta This movie was on lifetime movie networks and is a clever, kinky tale of murders at a fashion shoot. check it out for sharon stone's early perfomance as a model being stalked by a psycho killer who is also offing her friends. Tom Skerrit plays the detective on the hunt for the killer before he gets to Stone. A clever whodunit, not too bad for a tv movie.
helpless_dancer The police investigate the murder of a couple of models who work for the same agency. The killer is bumping off the girls according to the name of the month they go by, so the cops stake out the next girl in line. There are some good suspects, but no one they can pin the deaths on until they get just the break they need. Nothing special in this one; sort of a low budget film.