Buster and Billie
Buster and Billie
R | 21 August 1974 (USA)
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Dimwitted but sweet high school girl of easy virtue and the most popular boy in the school share an improbable romance.

SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
bkoganbing Buster And Billie has come down in legend as the film where Jan-Michael Vincent bore all for art and titillated more than a few women and gay men with what they saw. But past those few seconds people who saw this film in 1974 got to see a tender and sensitive story about teen love between two opposite type of people.Buster is the teen idol of the school, popular and handsome, and the child of some pious church going parents in his rural Georgia small town in the post World War II years. He's going out with teen queen Pamela Sue Martin and they're considered a golden couple in the town. Joan Goodfellow is Billie, a sweet girl of easy virtue raised by some real white trash parents. She's popular too in a different way as the boys her town get to bleed the old lizard with her help.Vincent and Goodfellow in a most improbable romance fall for each other. In the best scene in the film Vincent tells his parents that she's the way she is because all she wants is people to like her. Both grow as individuals until tragedy for a lot of the cast strikes.Buster And Billie had one element of the plot I didn't really care for. Goodfellow's parents are not churchgoers and it's implied that she's the way she is because of her lack of religious upbringing. This film was set around 1948 and made in 1974 and that still might have been something you could sell the movie-going public then. I think too much has happened in the interim that dates that portion of the film. If it is ever remade you may be sure that that part of the film's story will be toned down or even eliminated.But both Vincent and Goodfellow are a fine pair of leads and Buster And Billie has a cult status of sorts with Jan-Michael Vincent bearing all for art.
robespierre9 I was not able to get this movie out of my head days after seeing it. Buster and Billie is a powerful and poignant coming-of-age story, but also just very stark tale of how brutal and cruel people can be sometimes. This film takes place in the 50's I believe, but it's almost hard to determine the year. It's set in rural Georgia, so it has a very back-woods atmosphere about it. High-school buddies gather around to exchange girl and car stories, and the talk of the town is 'Billie' (Joan Goodfellow), a very shy, poor girl who lets this gang of upper-class boys do what they will to her. They basically come knocking at her door late at night (she lives in a run-down shack with her 2 negligent parents), take her out into the woods for gang-sex! Billie goes willingly, but with obvious sorrow. She's a lonely girl with no friends and 'this is the only way she knows how to find affection', (as Buster later tells his father). Buster (Jan-Michael Vincent) is a care-free, cocky young man who seems to have a penchant for taking odd-ball people under his wing. He drives his truck like a maniac, and annoys the heck out of the local school bus driver. His best friend is Whitey, played by a very young, awkward Robert Englund of Nightmare on Elm Street fame! Whitey apparently was a tortured 'geek' when he first arrived at school, but ever since Buster became his friend, Whitey became popular. Buster is also a 'lone ranger' among his friends – he never joined the group visits to Billie's house late at night. He remarks to Jake the bartender that two things in a man's life should be private..."Taking a s___ and getting laid." Buster is also engaged to marry Margie (Pamela Sue Martin), his high-school sweetheart. Because his girlfriend doesn't let him go 'all the way' when they park at night (she's waiting until the wedding night, of course), Buster starts to lose patience with her. At school, after a physical beat-down with the grumpy bus-driver, Buster notices Billie smiling at him. His friends steer him clear of her, saying he shouldn't be seen with her at school. Buster introduces himself to Billie at lunch-hour, and invites her on a date. She accepts, very, very shyly. She obviously has a crush on him, and the fact that he speaks to her like a human being is something totally new. So Buster takes Billie out on a date. It's still a sexual encounter, but the fact that he takes her in his own truck and treats her very gently is something she has never experienced. So as their dates continue, Buster starts to fall in love with her as well. He breaks up with Margie and takes Billie with him to church, nonetheless, in front of the whole town! It's scandal - his friends and his parents are shocked. Even the bartender Jake is offended that Buster would break up with a 'nice girl' like Margie, and start taking up with a 'bad girl' like Billie. But Buster doesn't give into all the pressure from his friends or family. He continues to see Billie, and Billie starts to show her real personality- she's a bit of a free spirit like Buster. She loves to be in the truck when Buster drives fast. They jump in the river together, naked (this is the infamous JMV full frontal scene – where he looks like an Adonis!). Fatefully, all is not meant to be so idyllic. One rainy, stormy afternoon Billie innocently encounters the car-load of Buster's so called friends. A horrifying chase and rape scene ensue, and Billie's fate is sealed. Buster finds out – he just knows something has happened –and he discovers her body in the dark, damp woods behind her house. His rage is insurmountable, and he tracks his friends down in local bar. In a frightening display of physical violence (as only JMV can display), he swiftly kills two of them, and seriously maims the others! The movie ends with Buster at Billie's grave site…sadly saying goodbye.Wow, it's some movie! Anyway, the performance by Jan Michael Vincent is great. It wouldn't call it great acting, but his gentle manner combined with his ability to threaten physical violence form a unique blend in this movie. His sheer beauty is also just staggering to see – he was truly one of the most beautiful actors to even grace the silver screen. Joan Goodfellow is heart-wrenching in this movie—too bad she didn't appear in more films! And any fan of Robert Englund will enjoy this as well – he's such a funny geek in this!!
inspectors71 I remember seeing Buster and Billie on ABC during high school and, although I could often tell when the censors were a snippin' away, I had no idea that they were circumcising the movie! B and B is a passable (read stupid, but entertaining) nostalgia flick that features young love and brutality, all decked out in vintage cars and slicked-back haircuts.But imagine my surprise when I saw it on cable or on a rental years later! I figured Billie was nekked with a sex and rape going on ("Let's go get Billie!"), but seeing full frontal dealy-bobbers (this is what passes for intelligent writing, folks!) was not what I anticipated.When I saw Boogie Nights, I thought I was having some sort of phallic Vietnam flashback.Zoicks!
ethylester If you are at all sensitive or a person who cries at movies, do not watch this unless you have prepared yourself with a box of kleenex and only the closest of friends who you know will not make fun of you. (or watch it alone.) I first watched this movie at a time when I was having "boy troubles" and the object of my desire happened to look exactly like Jan Michael Vincent, the star of this movie (yeah, he was hot). This just added to the pain.... I bawled my eyes out for about 10-15 whole minutes AFTER the movie had already ended and was turned off. I wept so loudly and couldn't control my crying eyes whatsoever. My housemates laughed at me, but it was an affectionate laugh. They had also been affected by the movie, but not to my extent. The story is SO SAD. SO SAD!!! The saddest story EVER!As much as I loved the movie, I will never watch it again, even though I taped it. It is just too sad and I don't want to go through all that bawling and crying again. This is most emotionally draining, saddest movie I have ever seen. Be prepared to cry your eyes out with this one.