Bullets of Love
Bullets of Love
| 27 September 2001 (USA)
Bullets of Love Trailers

Sam and his team are members of a Serious Crime Unit in the District Crime Squad. The team successfully arrests an international crime organization's leaders, Night. At the Court, Ann, a prosecutor and Sam's finance, tries her best to convict Night. However, finally, Night is convicted on only one charge and sentenced to three years imprisonment. Night vows to take his revenge and destroy the couple one day. Ann and Sam take a trip to Paris and the assassin monitors them. Sam is completely crushed by the death of Ann that he starts a new life as a bar owner on Lamma. Two years later, Sam meets a Japanese tourist, You, who looks exactly like Ann, and he cannot help but fall in love with her. Meanwhile, Night has successfully appealed his case and decides to “take care” of Sam. During this time Sam happens to come across a bunch of photos and videotapes belonging to You, in which record Sam and Ann's trip to France......

TinsHeadline Touches You
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Infamousta brilliant actors, brilliant editing
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
dbborroughs (Warning: I reveal a great deal of story because the VCD box gave a great deal away) Hong Kong action film about a cop, Sam, who arrests a powerful crime lord and what happens in the wake of that event. Following the arrest Sam's girl friend prosecutes him but only gets a partial conviction. With the villain sent away for a short time, and vowing revenge, the couple heads off to Paris where an assassin awaits. The girlfriend is killed and the Sam retreats into the country where he helps to run his uncles bar. Into Sam's life comes another young woman who is the exact image of his lost love. Sam doesn't know what to do, but he finds he's attracted to her. Things become complicated when he finds she has pictures of him and his girlfriend in Paris taken before the hit… Good film gets a bit "odd" in the final third as what exactly is going on is revealed and things take the a couple of turns that were not really expected. Formulaic its not. Its films like this that keep me coming back to films from Asia since they rarely do what I think they are going to do. Definitely worth a look, especially if you want to see something that is not your typical run of the mill story.
MikeA Solid, violent thriller starring Leon Lai, who plays a cop whose wife is assassinated in retaliation for his arresting ‘Night', a dangerous mob boss. He quits and starts a quiet life on a scenic island, but when a mysterious Japanese girl who resembles his dead missus appears on the scene he finds love again. His peace is shattered when Night is released from jail and seeks revenge! Cue a bloody and tragic finale.OK, it's a touch melodramatic, and you can tell there isn't going to be a fairytale ending, but this is an enjoyable romantic thriller that looks great and is well worth watching. Lai is always good value and Asaka Seto is a beautiful and enigmatic actress. Recommended.
ZunuFilm Although it uses the same hokey elements typical of HK films, Bullets of Love cooks them up to somewhat tastier effect. Maybe it's just the advantage of a bigger budget than usual, but the music, the cinematography, even the acting seemed above average for what we normally find in Hong Kong action movies. Or it could be the Japanese actress, Asaka Seto -- although she hasn't been in a lot of films, she has a genuine screen presence and plays her role with a charm and delicacy one does not usually find in pictures of this ilk. Compare, for example, the ridiculous overacting of The Stewardess' Seina Kasugai and it becomes clear that Ms. Seto saved this picture from being a mess.Don't get me wrong. This film wasn't exactly high art, more like "high trash." The storyline was hackneyed, totally predictable, but perhaps a better description would be "classic." The ending would not have been out of place in a Shakespearean or Greek tragedy, and so, as a whole, the film receives a strong recommendation from me.PS: I haven't given it a full listen, but apparently the DVD comes with a director's commentary of some kind on the fifth audio track. Go figure.
roboncrak A classic Asian romance story where the most beautiful love relationships, just as flowers who were on the brink of blooming, can never fully open up and prosper peacefully. Even though I saw the plot twist coming from miles away, I couldn't bring myself to believe it; this movie is very intense and the emotion maelstrom continuously raging throughout the film finally explodes in the end into one of the most powerful moments since books I've read from Hugo. I might still be under the movie's spell, but I really did find the main characters extremely well developed and I really felt for each of them; I recommend this movie to fans of 'true' romantic love stories with some punches and a few gun shots. Movies like these prove to me that the best movies often don't come out of Hollywood.