Bulldog Drummond's Bride
Bulldog Drummond's Bride
NR | 12 July 1939 (USA)
Bulldog Drummond's Bride Trailers

Hugh “Bulldog” Drummond is on the precipice of matrimony to his beloved Phyllis -- but a bank robbery and a daring escape is going to get in their way before they reach the altar.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Micitype Pretty Good
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
dougdoepke Lame entry in the Drummond series. Everyone, including the robbers, is after a portable radio that has the loot from a bank heist hidden away in it. Trouble is it's like the writers (3) have no idea what to do with the narrative. Instead the cast gets to run around shadowy stage sets and literally throw bombs when things slow down. Too bad, because the cast includes a number of capable performers, including Howard, Denny, Clive, et al. At the same time, the comely Angel has little more to do than stand around and look pretty. The best part is the bang-up opening that promises more than's delivered. Anyway, there's no suspense or real surprises one would expect from a detective show. Instead, it's like there's really no script, or worse, a deadline to meet. So everyone gets to run around and wing it. All in all, the flick's an unfortunate waste of money and talent. Good thing the series was usually better than this.
arfdawg-1 A bank-robbery in London prevents - again - the marriage of Bulldog Drummond with his girlfriend. But this time when the delinquents are caught it will be celebrated at last.Or will it?I'm not a huge fan of these Drummond films. They are very formulaic.Plus, their under an hour running time feels like 4 hours.In fact, this one is a bit more boring than the others I've seen.It will likely be the last
blanche-2 Phyllis and Hugh "Bulldog" Drummond again try to be married in 1939's "Bulldog Drummond's Bride," the last of this particular Bulldog Drummond series.When robbers blow up a London bank and steal 10,000 pounds, they hide the money in a radio. That radio, however, is in the apartment that Phyllis and Hugh will live in once they are married - should that event ever take place. Naturally Hugh is up to his neck in trying to solve this robbery and chasing down the radio. Phyllis waits, promising Hugh that she intends to be married to someone else the next day after their wedding should that not occur.These films had a jaunty, fun feel to them because of the cast - John Howard is a delightful, easygoing and dapper Bulldog Drummond, the lovely Heather Angel is the long-suffering Phyllis, E.E. Clive is Tenny the butler, and Reginald Denny is Algy.This particular film relies a lot on comedy and slapstick, with poor Denny getting the brunt of it. The mystery takes a back seat. However, I still found this enjoyable. I've only seen one other Bulldog Drummond, "Arrest Bulldog Drummond," and I'd like to see more. The print quality isn't particularly good, but they're still fun.
gridoon2018 Despite some controversy over the Internet, I think it's quite clear that THIS is the last Bulldog Drummond film with John Howard in the title role. How can I be sure? Because it's in THIS episode that Hugh and Phyllis FINALLY get married, which gives the film a satisfying ending (is this why Heather Angel seems to glow throughout?). This is also probably the most comedy-oriented of the Howard films, especially due to the character of the mayor / police chief of a French village who makes it his personal mission to get Hugh and his girl married at ANY cost; even the climactic chase on rooftops seems to be played more for laughs than for thrills. All in all, an OK finish to a likable, but never particularly distinguished, chapter of the Drummond series. ** out of 4.