Bruce Lee, My Brother
Bruce Lee, My Brother
| 25 November 2010 (USA)
Bruce Lee, My Brother Trailers

Bruce Lee, My Brother is an action-dramatic biopic of the eponymous martial arts legend as told by his younger brother, Robert Lee. It revolves around Bruce Lee's life as a rebellious adolescent in Hong Kong before he sets off for the USA and conquers the world at the age of 18 with only US$100 in his pocket.

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Mike Nealon I had certain expectations of this movie, but I'm glad it was nothing like I thought it would be. First, it was NOT an action packed display of consecutive fight scenes. There is some fighting, but this movie really focused on the relationships that Bruce Lee had with family and friends. It's based on the book which was written by Bruce's younger brother, Robert. That is pleasing by itself, considering that every film ever made about Bruce was just a fictional tale of his character. I can't say for sure because I did not know the man, but I would be willing to bet that this is the most accurate representation of Lee Jun Fan as a young man in Hong Kong. Now, I say that with full knowledge that this IS a movie, and there are obviously some fabrications and exaggerations mixed into it. But what I mean is, this movie does not portray Bruce as some magical fighting machine going around fighting everyone he comes into contact with. A large portion of the movie is focused on his relationships with friends and family, and that is something we have never seen, unless you count "Dragon", the movie with Jason Scott Lee (which I enjoyed, but it was not like this one). I enjoyed it much more because of that. I feel like I know a little more about where Bruce came from, and how things may have been for him as a young man. Definitely worth watching, especially if you are a fan of Bruce Lee the man, rather than Bruce Lee the movie star.
Mike Garcia I expected a lot from this film since the first time I saw the trailer,Bruce Lee is a legend, a hero to many people but this movie is different to other biopics about him...The story is based on the Robert's Lee book about his brother, for that reason here we see Bruce through the eyes of his brother instead through the eyes of a fan...Bruce lee here is Lee Jun Fan, on his teenage years, he is not a superhero, he is just an ordinary boy with the typical problems of youth...that is the great success of the movie, we know the real man instead of the legend.We also know his fiends and family, Bruce's dad is played by tony leung ka fai, probably the best of the film, his performance is powerful,honest and brilliant..I think many Bruce lee fans will feel disappoint with this human portrait of Bruce and others will love it... I am of the second a Bruce lee fan i consider this one his best biopic.
ironmonky-962-225919 This film was captured very artistically for a biography. I was very surprised to have seen this movie turn out the way it did, the artistic quality was done very well, as well as the storyline. It's definitely worth watching, and if you're a Bruce Lee fan, then you really should watch this. A lot of people don't know the life before he moved to America, and here you learn a lot about his life that you never see. This movie is not really an action film. There's not a lot of fight scenes, but the ones that are there play significant roles to the film. So I'd suggest you watch this with the mindset of watching a great story as opposed to waiting for action to happen.
jimlacy2003 Just saw this movie and loved it.Although slightly disappointed because I felt the end was a bit anticlimactic. Kind of like a movie where you think at the end cutting it off like that is a setup for a part two. But then I realize this only so much that I liked it I wanted it to continue. Maybe there will be a part two, but at any rate they could have maybe given it a few minute montage or something to kind of wrap it up better.Now I'm not really what you can call a Bruce Lee expert, but I am an actual 3rd generation student: Dan Inosanto (BL protégé), to late Ted Lucaylucay. So through Ted and my readings from Bruce's source materials, etc., I do know something of Bruce Lee.Pretty much all of the Bruce Lee biography movies you have ever seen are more "bruceploitation" then anything. Too much over the top, way inaccurate, cliché, out of context, just plain wrong. This one felt at least genuine and fairly real.Obviously some parts were pretty dramatized. I won't spoil it, but a small example from what I understand the young Bruce Lee wouldn't have done the "Whooowaaaa" howling thing until much later that he developed in his own films.And then a few more cliché things like Bruce doing a jumping flying kick. Those who know Bruce Lee know that there is a pretty slim chance that he would use a flying anything in a real fight for obvious (and documented) reasons. He did those in his movies of course because they are very flashy and visually appealing.At any rate great movie. If you are a Bruce Lee fan you won't want to miss this one. And lets hope that if Robert Lee was privy to a lot of Bruce's life in the USA, and, or just want's to make a more accurate portrayal of Bruce for a part two et al.