Broken Vows
Broken Vows
R | 21 March 2016 (USA)
Broken Vows Trailers

On her bachelorette-party weekend with friends in New Orleans, Tara falls for the darkly-sexy bartender Patrick. Waking in his bed the next morning, Tara instantly regrets her unfaithfulness and flies back home to her fiancé. But her secret flame becomes a full-on fire when Patrick shows up at her house and begins stalking her every move. He spirals into madness and delusion, determined to have Tara no matter what the cost.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
bryangary65 All a bit daft, but harmless enough entertainment if nothing else better to do.Would appeal more to the girls than the boys
frankieescandon-69059 Films like these are usually cliche and quite predictable. With the same concept and a similar plot. But this film does something special and it actually becomes a decent movie. The director does something that grabbed my attention for the whole movie and that's tell a story with good character development that wastes no time giving me a decent film for my movie night. The stalker guy was given a back ground story as to why his obsession and how his obsession with women escalated. And that paved the way for how this film was going to turn out. That right there made this movie a must watch. And a gripping thriller that is pretty fun. The acting in this movie fits in rather nicely with the plot of the movie. Both the first and the second half of the movie does it's job. I give this film a B+.
phoenixshotgun Interesting, love Wes Bentley in everything he is in - he's so good at being the sinister bad guy! I'm a fan of Jaimie Alexander, so those knocking her acting skills, I think it just wasn't that type of movie that required the gushy mushy love stuff, and because her fiancée had already cheated on her, she obviously felt the need to somewhat "get back" at him, even that was decided in her subconscious. I enjoyed the way they told the story and how Wes Bentley portrayed his character - Debra (Debbie?") made me giggle with the baby sitter line towards the end. The fact that this guy hung around and gave that shock in the end - wow!
sloppy_tuna IF you aren't a Wes Bentley fan there is LITERALLY no reason to watch this film. He is the ONLY redeeming quality the film has to offer. He is great in pretty much everything he's in, so other than casting him in the psycho lead, there was nothing else to redeem it; this movie was awful on every level. They either paid Wes Bentley a ridiculous amount of money to act with the rest of the clown car full of so called "actors & actresses" in this horrible pile of drek, or he owed someone a HUGE favor. The kind of favor that involves saving someone's life, or the kind of favor that involves someone keeping a horrible secret you don't want another living soul to know about. Either way, he is the single solitary reason to waste an Hour and a Half of your life you'll never get back.