Brides of Blood
Brides of Blood
NR | 29 May 1968 (USA)
Brides of Blood Trailers

Americans investigating the results of nuclear radiation discover a man-eating monster on a remote island.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
lastliberal Island atmosphere with tropical music and friendly natives. An idyllic setting for a group of adventurers to find some peace. A doctor (Kent Taylor) and his horny wife (Beverly Powers) and a peace Corps volunteer (John Ashley) journey to this Philippine island to help and do research.Unfortunately, things have changed and danger lurks. Has radiation from atomic tests in the 40s drifted to the island causing mutations? The fact that trees can attack like Harry Potter's whomping willow is some indication that things are not normal.The natives have returned to previous customs by sacrificing naked virgins to be satisfied by someone or something; it certainly was some hideous creature! They stay with a strange man (Mario Montenegro), who has a staff of little people in his home. He also appears some 20 years younger than he actually is.When it is time for the chief's granddaughter (Eva Darren) to be sacrificed, Jim (Ashley) swings into action to save her.Later, Carla (Powers) is really desperately looking to get laid and follows Estaban (Montenegro). She meets the Tiki-headed monster instead. He will certainly ravish her, but not in the way she wants.Of course, the finally defeat the monster by finding the cajones that had put aside.
lovecraft231 When a Peace Corp Worker (former teen heartthrob John Ashley-good at fighting and getting the chicks, bad at acting), a doctor (Kent Taylor) and his lascivious wife (Beverley Powers) go to Blood Island, they find a bevy of problems-man eating trees that bleed, large (and very fake) insects, and of course, a creature that rapes and tears apart women.The first entry in the "Blood Island" movies, "Brides of Blood" is a blast of campy exploitation fun, with the right amount of sleaze and trash to help it go down. Sure, the acting is largely non-existent (with the exception of Taylor), the effects unbelievable, and the creature itself looks like H.R. Puffnstuff's satanic, mentally retarded brother. Yet, that's part of what makes it fun really. You aren't watching this expecting a good movie. You are expecting some enjoyable exploitation cheese, and that's what you get.The thing I really like about the movie (and the series) is it's ability to take 50's B-Movie plot lines (here involving that notorious culprit radiation) with 60's and 70's exploitation seamlessly. While hardly a gore-fest (you aren't going to confuse this with a H.G. Lewis movie), the moments that do occur will satisfy, as does the gratuitous female nudity and catchy score."Brides of Blood" won't win any awards, but then again, it doesn't strive to. It was followed by "Mad Doctor of Blood Island" (The best entry in th series), "Beast of Blood" (the weakest entry), and the so bad it's hilarious "Brain of Blood."
bjordan396 When I was little (the 70's), I used to love watching old horror films. Those were the days. They were on Friday nights and Saturday afternoons (in Chicago anyway). I remembered the "Blood Island" movies vaguely. I ordered this DVD and I am a satisfied customer.Three Americans travel to Blood Island. Upon arrival, they see that things aren't right. The villagers don't seem happy and there is a reason why.The movie arouses suspicion and sets an eerie atmosphere. I like John Ashley and he and Mario Montenegro give good performances. The DVD has a lot of fun trailers and extras. This is a unique and well done horror film. Check it out.
goodvibe-1 Well about 2 years or so ago, I decided to use the world-wide web to try and trace an obscure film I only vaguely recall from the late night creature feature circuit around 1974 or '75. A blessed soul I found online recommended that the description sounded to him like "Mad Doctor of Blood Island", and the rest just fell into place. I was amused and quite frankly surprised that these rare low-budget films actually have at least a small following, and I thoroughly enjoy reading the comments! Ah...I can remember the local drive-in around 1968 or so, but I can almost imagine myself with that little family hiding in the backseat. Quite honestly, when I caught (Brides of Blood??) on late night it quite literally made my skin crawl, especially with those eerie reverberation like sounds emanating from deep within the jungle. Since I can remember, I have always loved jungle adventure/jungle horror films, so if anyone would like to respond and chat, I'm always open to new friends, especially if we could get up a drive-in chat! All hail the Mental Hygiene League!! If you are one of these from the Richmond/Danville area, PLEASE respond! We have mutual friends up here in the Shenandoah Valley!Any recommendations for lost/and or obscure jungle horror please respond...
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