Break of Hearts
Break of Hearts
NR | 31 May 1935 (USA)
Break of Hearts Trailers

Constance, a poor but aspiring composer, meets the great conductor, Franz, through their old music teacher. They fall in love, despite Constance knowing about Franz's weakness for pretty women.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Edgar Allan Pooh . . . and a "high-end hooker" (which turns out to be five spots on the alphabet for the second-to-last letter). About an hour into this 80-minute BREAK OF HEARTS musical expose, drunken hot-shot orchestra conductor "Franz" offers all the guys in his "Cosmopolitan Symphony" a crack at knowing his wife "Constance" in the "Biblical Sense." Since the opening credits proclaim that BREAK OF HEARTS is the 801st U.S. film to receive the Merciful Papal Award of Approval (or MPAA #801), we can assume that Connie's hourly rental rate is one of the tidbits of information cut out of its final edit. Of course, Connie is also sloshed when she rattles on about her freebie forays into the World of Adultery for Franz's benefit, an indication that sex and booze go together like "love and marriage" in the Eyes of Rome. Unfortunately, viewers never learn which sin is mortal and which is merely venal: Ending Prohibition, or Fooling Around. Perhaps this Catechismic Ambiguity is what's keeping the AFI from burning BREAK OF HEARTS onto one of its Gold DVDs for distribution to the rest of our Galaxy.
songinmy_heart Alright, so it is clichéd, sappy, and, compared to today's standards, overacted and self-important...but so is Love. Two lost souls find their other half, and foolishly loose all. Max Steiner's theme given to Constance as her "song of love" is gorgeous. Hepburn is youthful enthusiasm and radiance, and manages a pretty strong portrayal of weakness for such a strong lady. Boyer can speak centuries of emotion with those incredible eyes. For anyone who feels deeply about music, this movie isn't so far-fetched--and it's great with popcorn! (This from a lover of depression era costuming--try to ignore the clown-collars they put poor Kate in after she is married--she looked better poor!) So it's a 1930's chick-flick. Relax and step back to a time when love was worth sacrificing everything for.
ndisabat I honestly went into this movie thinking it would be god awful like the critics said. I guess I'm prejudice when it comes to Katharine Hepburn.You might say that the way Waterloo Bridge photographed Vivien Leigh is similar to how Hepburn is photographed in Break of Hearts.Her face and her eyes are aglow in nearly every scene. I don't think she was over acting at all like some have said.Boyer does a decent job as the famous composer Franz Roberti.It really isn't a variation of "A Star is Born" like one reviewer has said.Sure the plot's basically mush, but I still enjoyed seeing Hepburn at the height of her youth.It's a good film for Hepburn fans at least.
raskimono At first I wasn't going to bother myself to review this movie which I found very inconsequential. In fact I watched the movie with one eye while concentrating on other things. I am only reviewing it because there is only one other review for the movie. That is a shame because these are two of the most respected actors of their era. The plot as it is nothing unusual. Playboy conductor meets aspiring conductor - they come together - playboy still has wandering eye to which conductress hits the road. Someone they reconcile. Scenes are buffoonish, not dramatic enough nor comedic enough - a rightfully forgotten movie. This needs to be ten lines, why i don't know, some movies aren't worth it so