Three Colors: Blue
Three Colors: Blue
R | 05 December 1993 (USA)
Three Colors: Blue Trailers

The wife of a famous composer survives a car accident that kills her husband and daughter. Now alone, she shakes off her old identity and explores her newfound freedom but finds that she is unbreakably bound to other humans, including her husband’s mistress, whose existence she never suspected.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
alireza-akhlaghi84 Awesome and lovely blue movie is one of the three feature films of Kishlovsky's famous and well-known director of Poland. As you can see, the trio of white and red were synonymous and complementary, but with separate stories that can be linked together. With the sudden death of husband and child, life has found its diffrent way. One kind of confusion is to find the way that July (the first character of story) is somehow calm, though superficial. Finding this path at the start of the journey is in the form of a test and error, so that in the first place a story is an unconditionally close but divergent condition, and it is in the next departure. The new way was so unclear that when July left the house forever, he dragged his hands to the wall, indicating a sort of punishment for escaping and not confronting the truth of the matter. The path of the story goes as if the Miserables are not over; the suicide attempt, the confrontation of the mouses, the challenge of ejection the infamous woman, and the confrontation with Alzheimer's mother, completes the black puzzle. However a fearless and conservative character perform the story of a passive and radical approach. The fight against the baby mouses is somewhat radical to perform that the audience has not forgotten that at the beginning of the film, the first character of the story also saw her child's death. Leaving the cat at home to fight the mouses and also tear off the music notes of the Alliance of Europe seems to be a clear indication of a kind of unconscious revenge as long as the story changed. The confrontation with the mistress of the missing husband along with the child leads to the movie spin. As far as we can see, Kishlovsky's triple blue at the end continues the music. In this movie, we see that the elements, although simple, are well displayed. The blue necklace, the cross necklace, the flute player are frequent indications of the film, which is even attractive for repetitions. Music in the film sometimes appears as an Aggressor, but Effective in the story line.
ayhansalamci Blue, sky and sea are icons and they have a relaxing effect on human psychology. When we open our window every day or step on the street, the sky above us like an infinite dome is blue. We often see blue tones in the film. These colors that Julie confronts show her the transition to a peaceful life. In general I can say that I watched a great drama film. The use of musical stage and color is very successful. My favorite movie in the trilogy.
BatTea Though interestingly filmed, in that Kieslowski way, this film is disappointingly predictable and shallow in its layering, and in the exposition, such as it is, of its supposed theme of "liberty." And how are we to imagine that the composer of such superficial and badly composed music was famous? A failed attempt to imitate some sombre late 19th- or early 20th-century style? But it is much too banal for that, and perhaps some sort of monumental-sounding minimalist approach was intended. A film in which a composer and his (?) music figures prominently must make a better attempt to provide a convincing score. Binoche's portrayal of emotional deadness was not convincing, either. "The Decalogue" is a much greater work.
ekintuncok That movie was my closest moment to feel the pain of a loss. It made me think of my possible moves if I lost one of my relatives and had to move on without them. At this point, Juliette Binoche was obviously perfect as she was really good playing her role. Also I have to point out that I spent plenty of time on the internet trying to find some good and valuable scenes from the movie because I really don't want to forget them and how I feel during these scenes! When it comes to Kieslowski and his different view for ordinary things, I can see the reason why I'm not a director or not even close to be a director. In the movie, Kieslowski has integrated art, music and death, any of which is extraordinary. However, it is also not easy to consider all of them together with a flawless relation!