Box 507
Box 507
| 09 April 2003 (USA)
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Modesto, an honest and responsible professional, is a manager of a small bank branch in Costa del Sol. His daughter died in a forest fire which he had thought to be accidental. One day he wakes up in his bank, after being locked and dragged by unknown men, and finds out in a safety-deposit box that the fire was plotted. From that day on, he sets on a personal crusade for justice.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
tomimt Things start to roll from a tragedy seven years ago. A daughter of banker Modesto Pardo (Antonio Resines) dies in a forest fire. Years later he still hasn't gotten rid of the grief, so when his bank is heisted and he's left tied up in the vault, he gets intrigued by a bunch of papers fallen out from one of the deposit boxes: they contain a map of the area his daughter died and bank notes and account numbers. He figures out, that the death of his might not have been an accident, but a result of a deliberately started fire to get the land out from no building restriction.La Caja 507 is well written thriller, that keeps you intrigued to the end. Resines does a great job with very low key portrayal of a man, who is in the beginning living in an auto drive. He doesn't over act his grief, but you notice the sadness within.IF you've seen only American crime movies, La Caja 507 is quite a different kind of a film. There's no exaggerated emotions or over blown vengeance plots via huge explosions. Modesto brings out his revenge by making the crooks attacking themselves. He never touches a gun himself, he just gives them enough rope, so that they can hang themselves.
Keith F. Hatcher More or less in the 'cine noir' category, Urbizu sets us up with a refreshing thriller, almost as if he wanted to cock a snoot at the specialists in this genre on the other side of the big puddle. Interesting, even original, story, with good interpretations by both Resines and Coronado, neither of whom have ever been favourite actors for me. However here their playing is convincing and maintains tension throughout. Very definitely a 'masculine' film, as the ladies are very much relegated to minor roles. A very beautiful, exquisite Dafne Fernández (Goya en Burdeos) disappears rather promptly, and the equally adorable Goya Toledo was given a disappointingly secondary part to play. Be that as it may, the story holds interest, brings out all that charming world of corruption and mafias on Spain's 'Casta del Sol' as well as other deviations in today's world - deliberate forest fires, wife-beating............Certainly worth a watch if you find this one on TV or on DVD; but do not expect an easy-to-swallow job, as the viewer's concentration has to play an active part - and there are not many films in this genre that manage that!If you enjoy this film you might well like '99.9' (1997) (qv).
George Parker "Box 507" (not a PO Box but a safe deposit box) is all about a husband and father, Pardo (Resines), who loses his daughter in a brush fire and seven years later serendipitously discovers the fire was not the result of an accident but rather subterfuge. Pardo sets about to seek justice and finds himself embroiled in a web of intrigues involving Mafiosos and other criminal elements. This well crafted drama gets busy and stays busy with a coolly cerebral approach which avoids extremes of emotion, sex/nudity, romance, and other visceral appetizers though there is blood letting aplenty. A worthwhile watch for anyone into Euroflix with, of course, subtitles. (B+)
ruveg An interesting thriller of Spanish atmosphere, where they are mixed the dark financial manipulations of certain economic groups with the thirst of justice - vengeance? of a normal man that is involved in it by chance. Good work of Antonio Resines who leaves their comic appearance to make a serious and austere role. Two purely casual facts and its apparent relationship among them becomes a line of investigation that takes us toward a prospective but not less interesting end. Something superficial as for the character that José Coronado plays - the "key of the action" something primitive in his decisions with good performance touches in brief appearances - Sancho Gracia - give a good inflection point to the film keeping the lines of interest until the end. I think Spanish cinema has begun to reach an improvement in its thrilling genre productions . This movie is a sample.