PG | 12 October 2003 (USA)
Boudica Trailers

The Celtic queen who shook the Roman Empire. Boudica is one of history’s first and fiercest women warriors. Sickened by ceaseless war, the king of the Iceni accepts a treaty with the Romans in exchange for his tribe’s continued independence. But oppressively high taxes impoverish the tribe and soon the Romans want something more — slaves. Refusing to submit, the Romans, led by the greedy and psychotic Emperor Nero, move to crush the Iceni and control their lands. Drawing on the strength of her warriors, mystical druidic powers, and her own pain, Boudica unites the historically fractious tribes of Briton to unleash a stunning onslaught on the Roman colonial camps. The ferocity of Boudica’s attacks will shake the foundations of the Roman empire and make her a legend.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Thulemanden An undemanding movie set in historic rural England. Many lovely scenes from the village life, good costumes and sympathetic characters.There's an air of Icelandic saga simmering over the movie all the time with unnerving background music. Women have the central stage here and the movie will talk to many both girls and boys, although it is somewhat bloody at times.A few lapses in cutting and continuation.Outstanding performance as Claudius by Jack Shepherd who nearly steals the movie in his first scene from a time before statesmanship became a bad joke.Steven Waddington plays his low-key role gallantly giving room for the ladies before chivalry became modern.They missed one obvious line delivering two heads: 'I made an early start' where the line could have been: 'I made a head start'. Well, maybe they wouldn't make the killing into a comedy.A fine movie for its budget and sure to entertain many a home audience while teaching a bit of history.
Lucy Kreimhild I loved Alex Kingston (of ER and numerous British period pieces) as the fierce, yet human Queen Boudica (also spelled Boadicea)! She was believably tough, yet believably naive in her struggles with the overwhelming forces of Rome. The whole plot boils down to a clash of two cultures: one ancient and decentralized and one a "modern" empire which butchers with ruthless efficiency. An inspiring tribute to the human spirit!
escoles ... but, that said, an interesting document of its time. (Which is to say, 2002-2003, the time of the Second Iraq War.)Romans are painted as arrogant evangelists for the Roman Way and "true" Roman religion -- as decadent in the extreme, by comparison with the virtuous (and bloodthirsty) Celts. The radical inaccuracies of this picture are instructive. For example, imperial Romans are seen as intensely focused on the illegitimacy of Celtic religion -- real Romans of Nero's time probably wouldn't have cared that much about enforcing their state religion until the subjects were in the economic loop of the Empire. Standard Roman field punishments (e.g., death by slow public crucifiction) are conveniently witheld so that central characters can live on to avenge their humiliation. Roman camps, contrary to the usual marching discipline, are left un-palisaded and conveniently open to attack by the much-feared Britons. And the Celts themselves are turned into some kind of bloodthirsty hippie-clan, where Celt-on-Celt violence is conveniently glossed over and women easily sit at the head of armies. (BTW, I'm not entirely sure these should be Celts, as they're said to be during the screenplay. But I'm sure someone can come forth in a later review to correct my apprehension...)And consider: The phrase "terrorism" is bandied about self-righteously at every turn; sober elder-statesmen with a workable plans are subverted by treachery; a devious ruler vetoes the sensible advice of rational military men in favor of a plan that results in needless bloodshed; clerics drive the action behind the scenes, exhorting their leaders to fight for the honor of their god and heritage, against the corruption of their people. All in all, it's a fairly heavy-handed metaphor for Americo-British imperialism in the Islamic world -- a cautionary fairy tale, if you will. Oh, and, by the way -- it's a really dumb movie. If the production values were a little higher, it would be a real candidate for a bad movie night.
spoodie I knew very little of Boudica prior to watching this TV movie and I'm dubious as to how many actually facts I can take from it but at least it doesn't present any blatant lies as I would have to expect from Hollywood, e.g. U-571. None-the-less I found the movie interesting and enjoyable, although I may be biased being a Brit myself. As this was not a BBC production I had some concerns but these were unfounded; while the script did not appear as factual as I would expect from the Beeb it was also missing a feeling of sterility you might experience from their productions, the added drama was refreshing and helped maintain my interest in the story.The relatively low budget seems only evident in the battle scenes which may not be able hold there own against the likes of Brave Heart, etc. but are effective and reasonably convincing. There are other elements of the movie which are not as convincing, but I will not describe them here for fear of spoilers.Alex Kingston does a good job playing the difficult role of the Warrior Queen and as a bonus; she is actually British. Claudius and Nero make brief appearances. Jack Shepherd successfully duplicates the charming interpretation of Claudius that Derek Jocobi performed in the mini-series `I, Caudius'. Although Nero is a strange, stylised performance with use of some very modern phrases which do jar somewhat.For a TV movie this is a job well done and if you're not a stickler for historical accuracy then you should enjoy viewing this drama.