The Lost Future
The Lost Future
| 13 November 2010 (USA)
The Lost Future Trailers

A group of post-apocalyptic survivors, struggle to survive in a world where jungles and forests and primeval wetlands and deserts have obliterated civilization. They staunchly face genetically mutating beasts and mysterious diseases in an attempt to re-establish the human race as masters of Earth.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
dx_baby Actually I was surprised that Legolas wasn't in this, he shows up in every Hobbit movie. At least Peter Jackson wasn't involved or this would have been 8 hours long. The acting is great for a SyFy movie. Just too many clichés to give it more than five out of ten. The animal fur clothes but perfect teeth and skin, the slo mo dying father, village elders who won't listen to new ideas, and lots of Orcs.
mikelang42 Here is a tip top made for TV Sci-Fi movie. The script is clever, the film belies it's budget looking fab with the South African locations and all the cast shine.The creature effects are excellent and the action gallops along with some style.I would of really liked to have seen this on a big cinema screen rather than my TV,big as it is, with the bloody adverts every 10 muns butting in.Another problem with watching films on TV here in the UK is the TV channel logo top right all the way through a film. Someone explain why? I know which station i am on. Anyway can't fault this film so it gets top marks from me mainly due to 60 years of not seeing this plot used before in the Sci-fi genre.Well worth your time or rent it without fear of the cost.
TheLittleSongbird I cannot believe how surprisingly good The Lost Future was. I mean there have been some surprisingly tolerable SyFy movies, but even they have too many mediocre moments to be above very good status. In my honest opinion, a vast majority of SyFy's output isn't worth bothering with.The Lost Future was surprisingly good, and for me too good a movie to be airing on the SyFy Channel. Perhaps the ending could have been a little more, that said, The Lost Future is handsomely photographed and the few special effects there are done with care. The music fits with the movie very well, the script while having the odd cheesy moment is mostly entertaining and the story has a great concept that is told and explored better than you would expect, in fact this story actually feels as though it was written by somebody who cared about it, you find that with very few SyFy productions.The direction is better than average too, the action is choreographed with skill and is compelling as is the acting, with the always solid Sean Bean giving one of the better performances of any movie aired on the SyFy Channel. Overall, this was surprisingly good and miles above anything SyFy has done. 8/10 Bethany Cox
ivanovaat Wow, the reviews on this movie are all over the place. Is it garbage? Is it an overlooked gem? Well, a little of both.If you've ever been househunting, you've run into houses that had "good bones" - good solid construction, nice layout, good plumbing, electrical, etc..... but these homes often have ugly carpeting, out-of-date wallpaper, and a kitchen and bath that need a MAJOR redo. That's this movie.Overall, the movie has an interesting premise, a lot of fun action, characters that you care about and gorgeous scenery. Good bones. Unfortunately, the movie also suffers from silly mistakes and sloppy writing that needlessly diminish it. The scene, for example, where the characters come across leeches for, apparently the first time in their lives (though they are in a body of water IN the village), then in the next scene they refer to these creatures casually as "leeches". What? A second ago they were horrified and baffled at the sight of them! Or the fact that when attacked, they all cry out, "To the Cave!" and all run to what is apparently their Emergency Back-Up Cave (complete with an emergency "door" that seals them in).... yet strangely, the cave has no food nor water stored in it, and they are soon worried about this - understandably.These minor, but frustratingly inane situations occur with sad frequency - but my hubby and I kept with the film because... it does have good bones, just ugly carpeting.Really ugly carpeting.Just watch the film imagining hardwood floors, granite countertops and stainless steel appliances. LOL!:)