Bloody Reunion
Bloody Reunion
| 25 July 2006 (USA)
Bloody Reunion Trailers

Mi-ja, who has been taking care of a retired teacher, Ms. Park, invites several of her former students to her house 16 years after their graduation. Since the end of her teaching career, Park has been residing in the countryside, suffering from an illness while an ex-student, the kind and pretty Mi-ja cares for her.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Calenture The infuriating thing about this movie is that it could have been so good if they hadn't tried to be so clever with the plot. 90% of this film, we're told, didn't actually happen. So why film it? If two of the characters are actually the same character (one in disguise) then how do we - and the other characters, apparently - see both these characters at the same time?At one point a detective explains how the victims were 'initially killed'. Huh? It doesn't matter what language you use, once someone's been killed there's no second time you can kill them.Even one of the alternate titles is misleading: 'To Sir With Love.' There's no 'Sir'. The teacher's a woman!So far (despite my subject line) I've somehow avoided giving any real spoilers. The reason is, if you're prepared to sit through a better- than-average slasher movie, even prepared to accept the appalling ending which informs you that almost everything you've seen was bogus, that's fine. I love Asian cinema and some of its best has come from South Korea, but this is a total cop-out. Blood and gore thrown in apparently to please a mass market, then a 'clever' ending trying unsuccessfully to tie things up, possibly in the hope of pleasing any highbrows in the audience. It just doesn't work. I'd like to think that maybe the director was coerced into adding those nonsensical later films by studio bosses and maybe one day a much shorter director's cut will be released, with all the illogical bits taken out. If that happens the result will be a still-complex film that transcends the average slasher picture. At the moment it's just a mess.
GL84 A group of school-friends gathering at a former teacher's house to boost her spirits following a row of ill-health, but find that the weekend resurfaces a series of murderous tendencies and feelings towards her capped off by a masked maniac killing them off one by one.A pretty decent slasher effort, though this one turned out less than it could've. It's really, really easy to potentially like this one since it's got a fantastic premise that just screams old-school slasher, the setting is perfect for this and the building tension when it's revealed all of them hated the main guest started off a wild series of potential killers and the kills are just merciless and bloody, some of the most brutal in this type of film, yet there's just a lot to dislike here. From the myriad of plot-twists that seem to serve more as an example of audience-tricking rather than actually meaning anything to the story, too many loose threads and unresolved points and some scenes just not plain making sense really, really hurt this one more than they should've considering how much this had going for it. Watchable, but highly disappointing.Rated R: Extreme Graphic Violence, some language and Brief Nudity
Alexander Bondarenko Well, first of all. Bloody Reunion is must watch film for slasher fans. Second of all, don't believe in all the bad criticism here at IMDb. As you will see, bad reviews are from north Americans who are really fool and can't get a movie if it hasn't sex, the women's naked body or athletic guys doing shirtless scenes. Of course there's nothing of that here.No here we go... Bloody Reunion starts with a crime scene, that is huge spoiler for what's about to come. Then we see the 'meeting'. You know something is wrong with this, but still watch it until the end. You'll be shocked!For me this film was a slow paced at the beginning, as it goes on, the pace gets faster and you just don't get bored. Nice scary scenes, nice gore scenes, a simple plot made into a great story of revenge.Overall Bloody Reunion is beautiful masterpiece of it's genre, as usual in the amazing Asian horror, twist are here to be expected and they keep you waiting for what's gonna happen. And the ending took a couple of tears from me!.9 out of 10 The best: Ending. The worst: Too much blood.
EvilSimen Woah. Like seriously, wow. I bought this movie at Borders Books a couple weeks ago because the cover looked cool and it's been shitting on my shelf since then building up a good weeks worth of dust before I decided to put this into my DVD player tonight and by god, I wasn't expecting to be hit this hard by this film.This movie, no, masterpiece managed to hit me at every level possible. It was gripping, it was scary, it was gory, it was disgusting, it was suspenseful, it was daring. I haven't felt this amount of uncomfortable edgyness while watching a movie in a long time. It really scared me. The strange part about this? All it simply is is a slasher movie. At it's core, that's what the movie tries to be... But it manages to be so much more than simply your cut and dry slasher movie.It manages to defy slasher movie convention at every turn. Instead of a bunch of assholes who you could never care about at all, this movie is casted with characters that each manage to go through their own ups and downs throughout the film and each manage to come together to form a cohesive whole of a character. They aren't cut and dry jocks or cheerleaders like you'd find in a modern, every day slasher. No, no, no. These are people, people with problems, people with lives, people who are tortured by their own lives. I managed to be gripped with each of their stories as they were told, including that of the most despicable of them.Then the ending occurs, and really manages to surprise me. I wasn't expecting it. I thought it had already gone through it's "twist" by then, but that twist turned out to be a red herring. I'm being vague simply because, well, I don't want to spoil it for anyone else who decides to pick up this brilliant slasher masterpiece. I'd say it's the best slasher I've seen since Halloween, my personal favorite horror movie and one of my two favorite movies ever made. It's that damn good. I'm definitely adding it to my top 10 horror movie list. I recommend you all pick this up, it was one of the best damn blind buys I've ever had.