| 21 August 1991 (USA)
Bloodmatch Trailers

Brick Bardo is on a mission to find out which one of the world's greatest kickboxers killed his brother. Five years ago, one of the four champs was fixing fights and set up his brother in the fight that took his life. Now Bardo must take on the gang in the ring for an all-out kickboxing fight to the finish.

Wordiezett So much average
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
FlashCallahan Out to avenge the death of his brother, Brick Bardo decides to kidnap four world-class kickboxers who may have killed his sibling and take them on, one by one, in order to uncover the truth. As Brick goes about his mission, he runs the risk of becoming as ruthless as the bad guys that he is battling.....So this film is nothing more than a bad soap opera mixed with a bloke named Brick fighting people in order to find out who killed his brother.Sounds bad? It should be, but Pyun is one of those go to directors when you just want to watch a bad film. Revel in the lifetime movie cliches, and the bad hair and clothing. Be in awe of the edit that was rife in straight to video martial arts film in the nineties, that one where it looks like one kick is actually six.And then we end up in an abandoned arena, and it's just Brick fighting the kidnapped victims one by one, and it's hilariously bad.But that isn't the best part of the film, it's the final revelation that would make the directors of Dallas blush. It's so stupid and ignorant, you can't help but laugh.It's an awful film for sure, but it's funny just to see it fall apart..
crushakadaentity I think the movie was a nice concept. I do think that real actors should have been cast, and the script could use a major rewrite. Those of you who like movies that are different, and like no others, I invite you to track this movie down and watch it. Its not spectacular, but if you have the patience, and can tolerate the movie all the way through, I believe you would have some appreciation at its aim. Casting Hope Marie Carlton probably wasn't the best solution, and the casting director should have known that after watching some of her prior films. She doesn't even pull off being an accomplished fighter. She does look really hot though!
Frank Markland Thom Mathews stars as Brick Bardo, a PO'd kickboxer looking to avenge the murder of his brother and deal out vengeance to the four fighters responsible, however he doesn't know who is the one at fault so he decides to kill them all anyway. Of course along the way lots of martial arts action ensues. Bloodmatch if anything else ranks as one of the cheapest movies made in the 1990's. Bloodmatch has four instances where it takes place outside of the fight arena. (Which itself looks as if it was slapped together one night, when Pyun realized he had an extra week to use the arena from Kickboxer 2, which it resembles) There is some good fight sequences but generally there is no interest in the characters and the acting is pretty bad. Thom Mathews gives an outrageously terrible performance but still acts circles around what has to be the worst actors i've seen since high school. Also the movie peaks early with a cool chase and torture sequence which is cool but then fades into the clichéd plot involving his brother. Also of note is that our hero kickboxer kidnaps little kids in order to force their parent to fight. That is a novelty. Also there is a twist ending which makes no sense what so ever and forced me to subtract a point from it's rating out of 10.* * out of 4-(Fair)
plantostickthat well well well.....How could this movie fail?with benny the jet, and a host of other talented kickboxers, this film was sure to be great......right...(Sarcasm kicks in here)It wasIt was truly excellentThe best part was the story, with characters who did nothing for the whole movie except kick each other. And the kicking was great too, simply because of the fight editing. An experienced editor would show one kick when the actor did one kick but this editor made the fighting 5 times better by replaying all the punches and kicks 5 times. Pure genius. This way, he has achieved his goal of completely confusing the viewer (how is that possible in a fight scene), because you dont know whether or not the punches are replayed or the real thing. So, you might as well fast forward throught the fight scenes because they are too mentally taxing (trying to figure out who hits each other). Then you can watch the story in all its glory.In my ignorance, i couldn't really follow the twisted plot, but it seems that billy's dad was killed in the desert, so now he can gather together all these kickboxers at random and get them into a ring, where he can proceed to kill all of them, even thought he knows they were innocent. This way, there is a lot of killing which makes no sense at all. This also gives the director an opportunity to throw in a sex scene. Great movie.(Sarcasm stops here)Crap movie. Why the hell did he kill all the people when he knew they were innocent? I thought he was the good guy!3rd worst movie everAfter bloodsucking freaks and bloodfight (Notice how all the crap movies start with blood)1/10