Blood Runs Cold
Blood Runs Cold
R | 03 October 2011 (USA)
Blood Runs Cold Trailers

An ax-wielding maniac turns a quiet retreat into a grisly nightmare for a woman and her friends.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
loomis78-815-989034 Winona (Oldenburg) is a successful musician who needs a break from the fast life. She returns to her home town and her agent rents a quiet house in the snow in the middle of nowhere for her to relax in. She goes to the local bar and runs into her old boyfriend Richard (Saxe) and along with another couple go back to her rented house. When they get there they party, have sex and eventually realize they are not alone. What can best be described as a cannibalistic slasher in a frozen snow suit is walking around with an ax stalking and eventually hacking up the cast. Despite being shot and stabbed (in which air, not blood comes out) our silent killer continues until it's just Winona left. With a classic slasher film set up, this modern slasher film still manages to miss the mark. Okay the killer is creepy, but what exactly is it, or he? In one scene he's eating part of his victim, so is he a cannibal? Is he a supernatural being? Is he alive or some sort of reanimated dead? These are questions the audience has when we first see the killer. The problem is, you still have all these questions when the end credits are rolling. This movie never really explains anything. There is even a bloody scene that starts the movie that makes no sense and ties in nowhere to the story. The rest of the characters are underdeveloped and despite a good set up, this film doesn't have a clue how to generate a slasher scare or suspense.
maxime-chesneau Yes the movie was pretty bad, but I'd give it a 5 stars vote only by respect for the director. Indeed once I had finished the movie this afternoon, I went on the Facebook page of the film and just told that it was bad ( the acting, the lack of suspense, the thin scenario... ) but the DIRECTOR himself answered and we kinda had a talk about this. I told him how I was surprised the main character happens to have a phone (with service, that's new in this kind of film) BUT she never never never has the idea of calling the cops! No, she keeps trying to contact her already dead boyfriend... And this boyfriend actually saw the killer before anything happened but didn't react at all. And an other character realizes someone has been messing with the car they used to get where they are, but no, whatever, he just keeps going on with his (short) life as if everything was normal. Well the director actually told me that 1- Of course it's difficult to make a perfect movie with such low budget and 2- If he had a chance to, he would have modified about 50% of the script before shooting it so... The movies deserves 2 stars but the honesty of Sonny Laguna and the good death effects and his will to do good deserves more like a 7 so... Let's hope his next flick "Mither" is gonna be better produced.
phantasmda If this film had have been done on a budget of $10m I would have gladly given it a solid 6 or 7 out of 10 but for the $5000 it took to make, it deserves a full 10 out of 10 plus. How on earth do you produce a film as good as this for so little cash? There's plenty of scares, some decent gore, an absolutely brilliant looking killer, seriously, they don't come much creepier than this one and the gore effects are top notch. It doesn't look cheap either, the camera work is fairly competent and looks far in excess of its meagre budget. The only quibble I'd have is with acting, which isn't the best if I'm honest but hey, for $5000 this is superb. I'd like to see what this director can do with a real budget. It was far better than some of the big budget dross that Hollywood churns out these days.
videa552 What can I say the people that made this movie are an up and coming talent to say the least. I'm an avid slasher movie fan but still I went into this one with the lowest of expectations, What can I say, when i saw that the budget for this was a measly $5,000 I thought I would be turning it off after the first 5 minutes. But this movie had me gripped after the first 10.The story is quite basic, Winona goes back to her home town to get away from her stressful life as an artist, there she meets up with an ex boyfriend and his friends who she invites to spend the night at the creepy house her manager has rented for her out in the woods. From the the blood starts to fly.For the budget visually it's a gem, how they managed to make it look so great with that little money is a skill in itself. Great cinematography for the genre complimented by some nice filming locations. For fans of the genre there is plenty of gore and some great looking effects, some really stood out as better and more realistic than in bigger budgeted fare. There is a decapitation at one point which is particularly impressive. The acting is another plus all the characters have personality and are portrayed well Although some kind of back story for the slasher would have been welcome. I only have two minor gripes with this movie, first of all the American accents were quite false with tints of Swedish shining through now and again. Also where is this supposed to be set? The second problem I had was the lack of any surprise element at the end, it was a little abrupt to just finish the movie in the way they did, I even flicked through the credits hoping to find something but alas there was nothing. Putting these minor problems aside I had a great time with this one, I was genuinely scared at a few times which is a big recommendation coming from this seasoned horror fanatic. Don't listen to the negative reviews that this is getting here I nearly did and would have missed a impressive entry into one of my favorite genres.To the makers of this movie, I take my hat off to you.