| 24 October 2008 (USA)
Blessed Trailers

A successful city trader suddenly loses everything he truly cares about. Seeking comfort in isolation on a remote island, his life is turned upside down by the arrival of a little girl.

Micitype Pretty Good
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
studioAT You see James Nesbit on the front cover of the DVD, you know him from comedic fare like 'Cold Feet' so you give this film a go.Oh dear, what a bad decision. Despite only being just over 80 minutes in length this film drags. It's a clichéd story idea to begin with, but then proceeds to try to be funny/sweet/sentimental all at the same time, and fails at many of those points. I found myself disinterested with the story about midway through.It's a shame because everyone involved gives it their all, but they can't help the fact that this film isn't that great, or original. I can't recommend it to people as a good film to watch I'm afraid.
Chris Barton My wife and I stumbled across this movie purely by chance, liked the fact that James Nesbitt was the main actor and gave it a try - so glad we did.This is a refreshingly innocent and moving film which inspired us to love our children more.There's a lot of humour mixed in with a gentle tale of loss and love. Despite the fact that there's not much dialogue it isn't the least bit boring, and Nesbitt gives a winning performance.We turned this film on intending to watch half of it and go to bed, but ended up watching the whole movie until 1.25am!Do yourself a favour - if you are looking for a sweet but not cheesy story give Blessed a go.
jegpad I was swept away by this short story about a grief stricken father who renews his faith in life through a chance encounter with an orphan.The opening scenes and score whisked me away to an isolated beautiful island, the choice of escape for a rich financier destroyed by loss. His work as a lighthouse keeper provides a wonderful setting, poignantly connected to the way he lost his family.James Nesbitt is challenged by the role and delivers one of this best performances.The unexpected arrival of an ethereal young girl with magical skills and a joie de vivre brings a conflict for Nesbitt, between his peaceful solitary existence and the benefits of childish company. I found myself at times wondering whether or not this child is a figment of his imagination.Charming little film about tragedy and hope.